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Posts posted by hoomanra

  1. Hi.


    I am using UniGUI version



    I am designing an interface with a TuniDBgrid using ADO (DBGO)


    In this interface, I will have a couple of fields (like usercode, bankID, etc). These lookup fields, are all integer fields and have a corresponding table with details (e.g. a user table having fields like Usercode, UserName, etc ; and a bank Table having fields like BankID, BankName, etc).


    I used a couple of TUniDBlookupCombobox in my interface to lookup those fields and find the list fields that I specify (like Username and Bank Name)  to show the user. This all works when I am editing the record. As soon as I post the data, all the listfields are gone and only the key fields are shown!! 


    Can someone please explain how I can sort out this issue?


    Thanks heaps.





  2. Hi.


    Could anyone tell me how to expand or collapse a Tunipanel by code?


    I tried using extjs code like:

    Mainform.unipanel1.collapse (true) or Mainform.unipanel1.toggleCollapse (true) on different events of the panel when the weblication starts. It works. But it breaks the normal behavior of the panel. The panel wont respond to collapse/expand action when the user clicks on the collapse/expand botton on the top right of the panel.


    Any help appreciated.



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