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Everything posted by elGringo

  1. Hello everyone. Does anybody knows how to fix the following problem. -When i select one of the items on ListBox - it selects all of them in listBox (see Picture Attached) ? In Demo ListBox - everything is Ok with that P.S. Property MultiSelect in false Best Regards,
  2. Thank you Oliver, just have done it. I just wasn't sure if i will need or not javascript - that's why i asked more experienced member in UniGui
  3. Joining. And i could help with translation to Russian if needed. Best Regards, Stanislav
  4. So i think a lot of developers need such component as CKEditor+elFinder but created for UniGui. You just put it on the form - adjusting some settings... and coding the logic of the project. What we have for the moment? Ready simple HTML editor... (it cannot upload pictures and cannot surf the server) http://prime.fmsoft.net/demo/htmled.dll Some code that learns simple HTML editor to upload the picture... (see code by Delphi Developer in thread below) http://forums.unigui.com/index.php?/topic/5856-ckeditorelfinder-in-unigui-possible/?p=30072 And no instrument to build server trees for the moment... So my suggection in future versions of UniGui - to develop such component that will show / edit HTML upload Pictures showing structure of folders on the server
  5. Ok! I understand and realize that's complicated and big task. But i asked because for the moment i feel myself better in Delphi code rather than in javascript and wanted to evaluate difficulty of task for myself - for example - if there is a lot of javacript - it will be difficult for me and conversely. Anyway, thank you for the answer. Also i'm going to create such theam ( thread ) in "Feature requests" on that forum
  6. Delphi Developer, according to your experience, continuing the theme - is it possible to create something like elFinder in UniGui using only Delphi code (see picture attached)? I mean - tool that will show which folders on the server we have, choose one of them, and after choosing create link to uploaded file (picture) right to the folder chosen on server). So if shortly i want to upgrade your example with the possibility of choosing diectory on the server, but i'm not sure if it's possible in UniGui by using only Delphi code or not. Best Regards,
  7. Tested in Chrome. Works Fine! So if i understand correct to work with UniGui javascript knowledge is also needed?
  8. Of, course, as convenient to you! You really helped me with the topic. See you later!
  9. As promised writing here result - test almost successful! Why almost - it uploads pics only from the second try. So if i upload pic 1 time happens nothing, if second time and the same - it works - if different pic - happens nothing. What could it be?
  10. Guys! I have read it just now!!! Thank you very much for the help and those words above!!! For the moment trying to create application with UniGui. Demos are really helpful and what is good forum is alive and someone is also helps - that really great! For example right now I asked the question about picture uploading to the server and writing it as <img...> and Delphi Developer helped me, by writing the code. But what is really unsufficient - is some guide like "First steps in UniGui", someone on that forum suggested to create something like that on Wiki, but that is in the process for the moment as i understand. Video lessons and so on... also could help, More structured information - more clients of uniGui. Faster development of that shiny project!
  11. Delphi Developer, is function beforeInit in your example is written in javascript or some C-kind language? If so where should it be in UniGui Project? Also to avoid lot's of questions - could you be so kind and attach your example project here? Regards, Stanislav
  12. Delphi Developer! Excellent! I will try your code and will post if succeded or not here. Thank your for the code anyway!!!
  13. Delphi Developer! Thank you very much for the screen!!! So I see it's possible from UniGui. I'm going to repeat it - could you give me simple example of code of how did you do that? I mean that button - ImageUpload? Best Regards!
  14. Hello everyone here! I'm going to create web application that should keep records in database as (X)HTML format with pictures. In each record will be HTML text + <img src="some link to the image on the server"> The question is how to organize it, using UNIGUI that seems to be best framework for the Web on the Delphi Language. In demos I've seen HTMLEditor (http://prime.fmsoft.net/demo/htmled.dll) but it doesn't have function of uploading files (pictures). I tried to take a look at CKEditor+elFinder - so it's good variant to integrate it in some HTML page - but how to integrate it in UNIGUI and use after? Besides CKEditor script need Apache as i understood, so UniGui should be started under Apache for Windows? So many difficulties for the moment. Does anyone know simple decision for the task (uploading files to the server and getting link to paste it like <img...>)? Best Regards, Stanislav
  15. Ok, i didn't know basic things like open in new tab, reload and so on, for beginners like me i 'll put the message all i was doing - just looking in google //Go another page procedure TMainForm.UniButton1Click(Sender: TObject); begin UniSession.AddJS('location.href=''http://google.com'); end; //Go another page in new tab procedure TMainForm.UniButton2Click(Sender: TObject); begin UniSession.AddJS(' window.open(''http://google.com')'); end; //Reload page procedure TMainForm.UniButton3Click(Sender: TObject); begin UniSession.AddJS('location.reload(true)'); end; As far as i understand the process we can put 2 or more dll's on IIS and surf them this way, but as far as i understand application in uni gui terminating when we go to another page like this UniSession.AddJS('location.href=''http://google.com'); Continue learning and experimenting...
  16. i found that link on the forum http://forums.unigui.com/index.php?/topic/1101-how-to-open-another-url/ Farshad told in posts on that link "We will have TUniURLButton for this" So, is done in 0.99? Couldn't find
  17. Dear all. I'm a beginner in Delphi UniGui programming. I was coding on Delphi for win32 before. Looking for advice. Using trial 0.99 version i could start demos typing http://localhost:8077/ on my Google Chrome I also could create my standalone applications too, but it seems to me i don't know basics about web programming for the moment. For example i don't know how to -open new tabs in browser using unigui with applications inside -Back/Forward buttons in the browser? If push them application terminating? I have feeling that it is need to learn basics about web, languages like PHP / Java script to understand, such basics. So i'm looking for advice in which direction to develop my knowledge about crating web applications using Unigui? -learn web languages and then back to unigui? -learn demos of unigui? -maybe read some special books? -other? If such basics could be in Help of UniGui for those ones who only begin programming on the web it would be great!
  18. Dear Farshad. First of all I want to thank you for such wonderful product. I'm interested in that. The question i want to ask is following. Is that possible to organize such control like this (on the icture below) in your framework? That is control from Yii framework (on the picture below). In your examples I've seen one HTML editor but there were not too much possibilities. For example icture uploading and so on.
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