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Everything posted by elGringo

  1. That's clear and you absolutely right. I would use clouds if my task would allow it because it is simple reliable and convenient. But my program will be installed on Windows Servers and file storage should be close to DB engine. So i am in process and thank you very much for the answers, Oliver!!!
  2. or no need to create FTP Server, just use UniGUI instead? In neighbor topic http://forums.unigui.com/index.php?/topic/7131-unigui-as-ftp-server-possible/ Zilav showed me an example but i doubt about following things -how it will work with big files like 2GB -encoded multipart data stream - for the moment I didn't work with it. Is it Stable, Reliable ? Encoding and Decoding doesn't create any Distortion?
  3. Clear! Will test it anyway And FTP? For the moment i use Indy FTP Server in Separate EXE I'm writing VCL program that will -Send POST Request to Start FTP Server on Server Machine if not Started (using HTTP Protocol) -Send Files in threads -Get Approval that files on the ServerMachine
  4. Does UniServer contains HTTPServer and on which port ? 80?
  5. Oliver - thank you for advice! I will check it today.
  6. Yes, a also found this. But thank you very much Zilav!!!
  7. Test is over. Result is following 1. UniApplication.Parameters.Values['param1'] works only when update page with params in URL like http://localhost:8077/?button=BB&edit=AA For my task that is not Ok. 2. I was need to send some comand from external app. For that I used HTTP protocol and idHTTP, idHTTPServer components on UniGUI Port for idHTTPServer I changed for 82 - don't know why but on 80 Port idHTTP couldn't bind sockets. And i'm not sure but maybe it is better to put idHTTPServer in ServerModule and not to Main... - will test it later Sending comand is like Params:=TStringList.Create; Params.Add('MyComand=DoSomethingNow'); HtmlResult:=IdHTTP.Post('http://localhost:82/',Params); FreeAndNil(Params); Receiving comand is like procedure TMainForm.IdHTTPServerCommandGet(AContext: TIdContext; ARequestInfo: TIdHTTPRequestInfo; AResponseInfo: TIdHTTPResponseInfo); begin if ARequestInfo.Params.Values['MyComand']='DoSomethingNow' then ShowMessage('ComandReceived'); end;
  8. Thank you ! does it also work for POST requests, in demos this code works for GET Requests UniButton1.Caption:=UniApplication.Parameters.Values['Button']; UniEdit1.Text:=UniApplication.Parameters.Values['Edit']; I will test it anyway
  9. For ex. like in PHP echo "Param1 = ",$_POST["param1"]; echo "Param2 = ",$_POST["param2"]; is there is something the same in UniGUI?
  10. I know about Ajax in UniGUI but I want to send usual POST message from another app - but don't know how to receive and handle it on the UniServer? All examples in Demos about Ajax. Does anyone experienced in that question?
  11. Ok. I tested ErrorCode:=shellAPI.ShellExecute(Handle, 'open', PWideChar('c:\Windows\System32\notepad.exe'), nil, nil, SW_SHOWNORMAL); this opens notepad on ServerSide - on my Azure Machine So, using this approach - I can start FTP Server on my Azure and any other EXE But how to start or stop remotely UniGUI.EXE Itself?
  12. I can understand how to start stop UniServer when EXE - just close ot Execute it - but when it is ISAPI ? How? I found Enabled Property in ServerModule - but it is not clear how to use it from External vcl app for example? Best Regards
  13. Don't you know if I do like so procedure TMainForm.UniButton1Click(Sender: TObject); begin ShellExecute(Handle, 'open', 'c:\Windows\notepad.exe', nil, nil, SW_SHOWNORMAL); end; Do I start it on local client machine or on Server Machine? I will test it on my Azure today
  14. Maybe UniGUI Server can check and start FTP Server? They will be on the same machine
  15. Yes, i also came to that decision. Sheme is following to upload file from vcl app (Ftp Client) to ServerMachine -Check FTPServer Is Started, in not than start FTPServer as EXE on ServerMachine -send file from FTPClient -receive approval that file is uploaded ..next steps than next question - how remotely start EXE file on Server Machine from for example FTPClient?
  16. My task quite simple - to put file (for example 123.jpg or 123.mp3 or 123.mp4) near UniServer from my vcl app and to get link - for example http://localhost:8077/123.jpg and to use it in vcl. It is clear for me that with ftp i will put it I need link in vcl app, so in that case http.post no needed? Also you say interesting thing - i'm trying to understand In attachment - picture from http://www.unigui.com/explore/technology-overview ISAPI Handler create MainModule which is creating DataModules and so on. So if to put IdFTPServer on MainModule for example - will it be multiplied to number of sessions? I ask because just want something embedded (some ftp server embedded or http server embedded) in my program to not to install hundered of additional programs.
  17. And can this task decided with TidFTPServer and TidFTP?
  18. Farshad - it it Ok now. You have uniGUI2019Group.groupproj and uniGUI_D10_Seattle_StdGroup.groupproj I tried 1st variant but faced the mistake above (yes i tried to build all but on UniGUI23VCL.bpl - it was a mistake). As for uniGUI_D10_Seattle_StdGroup.groupproj it is All Ok.
  19. I follow installation instructions and having such a mistake on build [dcc32 Fatal Error] uniGUI23VCL.dpk(34): E2202 Required package 'uSynEdit_R2019' not found Delphi Seattle installing D2019 My actions?
  20. TAmazonS3? Genious! I will test both variants on UniGUI Server and on my Azure cloud and will post my results here in a few days.
  21. Zilav - thank you very much !!! I will post here my results anyway. And about clouds - i will test it too. Have a nice day there.
  22. Zilav - thank you very much for the answer!!! I will try to do that for myself - but could your give a small example - an idea how to do that - if i will choose the 1 variant. One thing in that I write program that will be deployed on different VPS Windows Servers, so it must not depend on Amazon only. Also, I have Azure account - maybe there's complete lib for that task too... - but it also means dependence on Azure only... So I'm in process...
  23. Hello, all !!! I'm writing mixed App VCL client + UniGUI Server. So, is that possible to use UniGUI as FTP Server? To plug from VCL and upload and get links to VCL app ? Thanks in advance!!!
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