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Posts posted by nickosl50

  1. We use datasnap in our project as  REST server(Datasnap) + WEB (uniGui) Also REST server(Datasnap)+Mobile Application.

    main project (HOSPITAL INFORMATION SYSTEM) is desktop application  based on Client / server (Delphi/Oracle) over 20 years.

    We add new project that web+mobile based on DATASNAP.

    we are satisfied about performance,it is also robust and scaleable.

    You can check on demo server in multi language (

    Also check mobile application that connect same server( on demo.

    You can download mobile application on google play and apple app store that search meddata HIS.


    Could you please give me some information about the max concurrent number of users in your system.


    Thank you very much

  2. We use datasnap in our project as  REST server(Datasnap) + WEB (uniGui) Also REST server(Datasnap)+Mobile Application.

    main project (HOSPITAL INFORMATION SYSTEM) is desktop application  based on Client / server (Delphi/Oracle) over 20 years.

    We add new project that web+mobile based on DATASNAP.

    we are satisfied about performance,it is also robust and scaleable.

    You can check on demo server in multi language (

    Also check mobile application that connect same server( on demo.

    You can download mobile application on google play and apple app store that search meddata HIS.

     Is it possible to check out the application in order to see what actually can be done with unigui. If so would you provide me with a valid username - password since the ones proposed by the system  seem to be wrong. I get the message dialog  "UserName/Password is incorrect.



    Thank you very much

    Nick Lazidis

  3. Is it possible if you have 3 panels horizontally next to each other , when you resize the browser,  if the third panel doesn't  show , to be able to appear below , and if so how if it is possible to give an examle of how you can do this.


    Thank you very much

    Nick Lazidis

  4. I think that the most important think that you must understand in developing webapp using unigui (extjs) is the 'layouts', here a basic screen shots to give you an overview how to start with.


    If I want that my mainform looks like this:


    project from here: http://3msoft.net/mhmd/layouts_1.rar




    I don't think that this is impossible or hard to achieve such design, if you look closely you could divide the dashboard to:





    Keep in mind this:

    if the parent layout is 'vbox' then for the children set width: '100%'
    if the parent layout is 'hbox' then for the children set height: '100%'
    flex: means the percent of width/height (depending in parent layout, if parent layout is 'vbox' then flex means height else means width
    flex=1 it will take the entire width/height unless there is another child with flex value <> 0 
    flex=1 for more than one child means all children will have the same percentage of width/height
    flex=1 for two, means first one will take 50% and second will take 50%
    flex=1 for three, means first,second, 3d will take 33% of with/height
    flex=0 the width/height will be the same as in design view 





















    Thank you very much for your excellent post.


    I wonder if I had 3  uniedit components  layed horizontally next to each  other inside  a panel how could I arrange them in terms of layout config in order to appear vertically when the width of the browser gets smaller.



    Thank you very much.


    Nick Lazidis

  5. Hi,


    I try to put the following code  


    MessageDlg( 'Cannot Delete record' , mtWarning, [mbOK]);


    in a Application DataModule but code does not build and I get the error 'Undeclared identifier MessageDlg'


    If I place the same code in a TUniFrame there is no such error 



    I would be grateful if someone can give me a clue of what I done wrong.



    Thank you very much

    Nick Lazidis

  6. Hi,

     I would like to ask if we can change month names in  TUniDBDateTimePicker according to our locale and how we can do it.


    I tried to change the names in  PFmtSettings.LongMonthNames[]  but in did not work out.

    Also I would like to ask if the PFmtSettings.NormalizedLocaleName changes the locale for the whole framework and if so what wil be the locale string for Greek.



    Thank you very much

    Nick Lazidis

  7. Hi,


    1) I would like to ask if there is a specific event that blocks the user from changing tabsheets in a page control based when a certain condition occurs (programmatically block or allow  the transition between pages).

    2) Also how can I block the destroy of a frame when a certain condition occurs (programmatically block or allow the destroy).


    Thank you very much


    Nick Lazidis

  8. I downloaded a trial version of unigui and i used a TuniDbLookupComboBox in a form. I would like to ask if I can confgure the properties of the component so that user can write in it causing autosearch in  LIstSource based on user input.


    Also is it possible to display more that one field in the Listsource Lookup list?



    Thank you very much

    Nick Lazidis

  9. Hello,


    I download the trial version FMSoft_uniGUI_Complete_Professional_1.0.0.1399_Trial , to test Unigui framework and started a new project having the same interface as  MainDemo UniGui project (mdemo.exe)  but I found out that no TUniTabSheet and TFrameMain component exist in the Component palette. The strange thing is that the  maindemo UniGui project is compiled with no error but my test project cannot since the above components don't exist in the component palette.  I use  Delphi XE6 IDE.


    Can you give some help if possible?


    Thank you very much



  10. I cannot find a property in TUniDbGrid that will allow filtering columns in the grid. I looked at the main demo and I can understand that a Hidden panel component is used , but that does not seem to be connected to the HiddenPanel property of the TUniDBGrid and also I don't understand how the various  edits in hidden panel are related to the columns of the Grid.


    I wonder if someone could help in any way?



    Thank you very much


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