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Posts posted by jemmyhatta

  1. Hi,

    There're several questions I need to ask:

    1. How to show a popupmenu in TUniCalenderPanel only with a single right-click?

    2. Every date parts in Calendar Panel can be filled with one or even many events.

    The question is: How to count how many events in one date?

    Example: If there is no event yet on the date then when the date is clicked a pop up menu showed and the Caption of AddEvent is "enabled=True". And when the count reached some events, Caption of AddEvent on the pop up is "enabled=False".

    3. When add event in each date, the clock (time) of that event always appears. Can I hide that? How?

    Thanks for the helping.

    Best Regards.

  2. Hi Farshad,


    I have a need to buy UniGUI (subscription) for next year. Some questions:

    1. Is version 1.0.0 already available to be ordered?

    2. How much for the complete version? And how about the Pro version?



    Best Regards,


    Jemmy Hatta

  3. Hi,


    I have report from user of the program I created. When the user clicked the button, sometime there's a box appear like the image I inserted below.




    Why the error appeared? Is it related with the internet connection, or something else? What I have to do to fix that? Thank you.




  4. Hi,


    Thanks for the given link. I've try that but works only on the panel. The component from the panel like datetime and combobox are hidden by the panel itself when the drop down list is selected. After searching this forum for a while, I found something useful that solve all I need. Below is the link:



  5. Hi,


    There're more I want to ask related to the topic, please help me again. The result of export using TfrxBIFFExport component is already okay, thanks. But, the result (when I try to export) in GROUP HEADER parts and/or in other parts that using "object draw" (such as line or square, etc) not giving desirable result (not exported). What property I have to add to the TfrxBIFFExport component? Any additional coding or some tricks maybe? Any help would be very appreciated, thanks.

  6. Hi,

    Below is the code of my little program, part of the bigger one. Sorry if I have to ask, this matter really made me confused for long.

    Please check the "JamKunjungan" field. supposedly, the field is automatically filled by the real time (from the computer's clock). Or, at least, user can input that field manualy and they can save it seamlessly. But, it really funny, the "JamKunjungan" field, UniDateTimePicker, can changed randomly and not running as what I want.

    What I want:
    -) When the form is active for the first time, the field is automatically filled by the real time, not selected from the list.
    -) When the user input the time manually, click enter, and saving the records by click the button, the "JamKunjungan" field is sent to 

        database as is, whatever inputted by the user, and not selected from the list.
    -) The program works in this idea in mind: user changed whatever they want to change, finished, and then they update the database.

    What I found:
    +) When I try to change the tme manually, and then press enter, or using keyboard to change the cell selected, the "JamKunjungan"

        field is changed (filled by one of the list, rewritten whatever I typed before).

    +) When I use MOUSE to click elsewhere after I changed the "JamKunjungan" field manually, whatever I typed is saved as is and not

        change by one from the list.

    Why? Is it how the UniDateTimePicker works? I have to use mouse, and keyboard not supported? Is it a limitation? or bug? or my code have any flaw maybe? Please enlightened me, Thanks.

    You can try to run that program first. Click any "jamKunjungan" field, enter some time, press enter, and so on. You can try to changed another row too, and checked the anomaly there. I'm really confused what and where is my mistake there. Please help me, thanks.



  7. Hi,


    Anyone can help me? 

    Inside my form, there're unidbgrid and unipanel. By default when runtime, the unipanel is in a condition where "visible = false".  And when I changed "visible = true", the unipanel appeared in front of unidbgrid. But, part of that unipanel is masked by the "title row" from the unidbgrid (see attachment). How to fix that case? Please inform me my mistake. Thanks in advance for any help.


  8. Hi,


    I've already tried your method, and the result is not perfect yet (some is working, but some is not (yet)).


    1. Using "ClientDataset" with biolife.cds database --> Success


    2. Using "ADOTABLE" with MS.ACCESS database --> Success


    3. Using either "ADOTABLE" nor "FIREDAC" with MSSQLSERVER database --> not working and there're errors like these :


    _rsov_(O5A,0);O62.getView().select(O62.store.findRecord('0',U001)); O62.getView().focusRow(13);O66.loadPage(2,{params:{start:25,limit:25,options:1}});  




    I've attached the source code:


    For Table on MSSQLSERVER just made them with the script below :



    CREATE TABLE [dbo].[MHCustomer](
        [Kode] [varchar](10) NOT NULL,
        [Nama] [varchar](100) NULL,
        [Kelompok] [varchar](2) NULL,
        [KodeCOA] [varchar](50) NULL,
        [userId] [varchar](25) NULL,
        [TglInput] [datetime] NULL,
        [Kode] ASC
    ) ON [PRIMARY]




    Best Regards,



  9. How to make DBGRID can scroll up or down automatically to approach the searched data as the usual dbgrid in desktop version?

    I mean when the  data is being searched using findkey / locate / findnearest, the "pointer" on dbgrid can really focus on the searched data record and the scrollbar can up an down automatically following the result.


    Best Regards.




  10. Hello,


    For me, it's very important to have the thousand separators like "mask edit" or "display format" in component edit/ number edit / stringgrid.


    Also, the ability of DBGRID component that can scroll (up or down, automatically,) to approach the searched data as the usual dbgrid in desktop version. I mean when the data is being searched using findkey or locate / findnearest, the "pointer" on dbgrid can really focus on the searched data record, and the scrollbar can up and down automatically following the result.


    Best Regards,

  11. I want to share my experience related to this matter.


    Something odd but true, insignificant but annoying.


    Please check the pictures below:


    Picture 1 (Listing Code Ok.png):

    This is part of the coding in the event "OnExit".


    If the program executed, the steps becoming like this:


    Picture 2 (Step1.jpg):

    The module to view the data where people could see and choose the relevant data for editing and/or deleted. After got the necessary data, I double click the data which is located on that grid.


    Picture 3 (Step2.jpg):

    The selected data will move to the module which function is to edit or delete. then, click the button "hapus" ("delete"), then all selected data will appear to each columns according to the data before delete. Cursor set focus is on the "NoBukti" column and then if we do some "OnExit" from the "NoBukti" column the "messagedlg" will be appeared.

    Picture 4 (Step3.png):
    The dialog is appeared, and set focus on button messagedlg. Success.

    Picture 5 (Listing Code Trouble.jpg)
    I add up some code on that part.

    Picture 6 (Step 3 Trouble.png)

    After adding some codes there, I re-run the applications again like the sequences before, but the result  I've got is the dialog is not set focus on button messagedlg.

    The codes I've added up more or less have same function, just move the data to the designated columns. Is it bugs or what? Please update me, let me know where to fix and how to do that. Thank you.


    Best Regards

    NB: While waiting for your kind reply, I'll still searching the solution for this problem myself.








  12. Hi,


    If I understand correctly, one of the ways

      (If you do not create a "Message" programmatically on JS) ...

    * Ext.MessageBox internal button array:
    * [0] 'OK'
    * [1] 'Yes'
    * [2] 'No'
    * [3] 'Cancel'


    procedure TMainForm.UniFormCreate(Sender: TObject);
      UniSession.AddJS('Ext.override(Ext.MessageBox, {defaultButton: 3});');

    2. Can also be changed in runtime:

    procedure TMainForm.UniButton8Click(Sender: TObject);
      UniSession.AddJS('Ext.override(Ext.MessageBox, {defaultButton: 2});');
      MessageDlg('mbYesNoCancel', mtConfirmation, mbYesNoCancel, DCallBack4);

    Try ..


    Best regards.




    Thanks for telling me the way. It works!


    Another question then, how it works if not in the mainform? Can you tell me how to do that too? Let say in UniForm1. I already tried to call unisession from other form but it can't be called even when i already added "use unit" into  that uniform1. Anything i missed, or there's some trick for that case?


    Thanks in advanced, best regards.

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