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Posts posted by zemorango

  1. On 11/16/2018 at 9:52 AM, delagoutte said:

    yes, i think it is a protection/restriction problem.

    i had this problem, for this, i implemented a communication "protocol" between unigui application and iframe based on postmessage.

    i use this sample : https://gist.github.com/pbojinov/8965299

    it is simple to adapt in unigu but if you want i could retreive the sample that i made.

    Hi delagoutte, fantastic, could you please give me the sample that you made?

  2. 1 hour ago, delagoutte said:

    if you use your webbrowser inpesctor, your grid have the good Id ?

    Hi Delagoutte,


    yes I se the good Id,


    My code is this



    The Result of the grid in Unigui  URLFrame is this,  so it works great.



    In the webbrowser inspector I see the ID "grid"


    So maybe this is a restriction of the URLFrame,  I could use the HTMLFrame but its not working correctly because some there is some incompatibilities with the jquery version used by the jqrid, I works in the first load, but if a make a new query then I get errors,  so I need to use UrlFrames.





  3. 13 minutes ago, jahlxx said:

    well, finally I've done with some stringgrids.


    I don't know if it is the est way to do it, but right now ins enough for me.

    thanks for all, and hope that in the future, calendarpanel will have year view.

    looks like the image:



    Very nice result :) ,  can you please share a small project with  your aproach?

  4. Hi Guys

    I'm using a urlframe to load data to an jqwidgets jqgrid. I'm using jqgrid because it have more filters options.

    the id of the jqgrid is "grid"

    Now I want to change values in the grid using unisession.addJs,    I'm trying to change the values of a cell,  like this ;

    unisession.AddJS('$("#grid").jqxGrid(''setcellvalue'', myrow , ''mycolumn'', ''mynewvalue'');' );

    and I get this error    :  Invalid Selector - #grid! Please, check whether the used ID or CSS Class name is correct.

    Any idears or work arrounds?

  5. 2 hours ago, Roger said:

    wow, I just logged in! this is awesome work... it responsive! responsive theme, right? thanks for sharing

    Hi Roger, thanks for you kind words,

    it is not full responsive, I made some modules using uniUrlFrames, using a html5 template, the javascript and html5 is done in runtime with Delphi at server  using the theme css and widgets.  In desktop those modules like the dashboard is full responsible , but in mobile is not working fully responsive as expected, need to ask Farsjad if there is a work arround.






  6. 5 minutes ago, Wicket said:

    Very nice Zemorango! - how did you change the theme to all use grey? What did you need to change?

    Hi Wicket,

    To have the gray style I have to replace color in the main Css files, just copy the orignal neptune files and then replace the color codes.

    here is the files, if you want to use them  ext-theme-neptunegray.rarI  it work for the version of extjs,  I didn't try the 6.5 version só I don't know if it will work in that version.


  7. 28 minutes ago, wprins said:

    Thanks for sharing.  Am I right in assuming these are these Firemonkey applications?  And what about the internals?  Did you use datasnap or something else for the middle/back end?  What about client architecture?  Did you use FireDAC components or TClientDatasets or something else entirely?

    (Back in XE5 days I evaluated Delphi's Android support and suffice it to say it was IMHO dire at the time, basically broken and didn't work well enough for me to risk using in production.  It looks though like things have come along very well and that I should revisit this.)

    Hi, Wprins,  Yes i'm using Firemonkey, It has evolved a lot since XE5, It's more stable, fast and reliable.

      For backend I use a rest architecture, webservices created using Php. I don't use clientdataset or fireDac  or whatever data access components, just Rest staleless  webservices. So its a multitier architecture.

    What is necessary to keep in mind is that mobile is not the same as desktop, we must find ways to keep the app fast and avoid to use too mush components in a single form, also the use of  frames to insert forms in a main parent form is a must,  have severals forms open in memory can just exauts the mobile device resources.


    Anyway we can also build great mobile apps using Unigui, I have made quite some mobile app with unigui, of course not native, running via browser but with good results.


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  8. On 3/22/2017 at 3:26 PM, Hayri ASLAN said:



    For ALL UniDBGrids


    Add this to customCSS

    .x-grid-row-selected .x-grid-cell-inner {
      font-weight: bold;

    For spesific UniDBGrid use this code:


    OnCreate event of Form

      Grid.JSInterface.JSCallGlobal('Ext.util.CSS.createStyleSheet', ['#'+Grid.JSName+'_id .x-grid-row-selected .x-grid-cell-inner {  font-weight: bold;  background-color:blue;  color: white;}', Grid.JSName+'_css' ]);

    OnDestroy event of Form

    Grid.JSInterface.JSCallGlobal('Ext.util.CSS.removeStyleSheet', [ Grid.JSName+'_css' ]);

    Great Work Hayri, It works like  Magic,   thanks :biggrin:

  9. I still Love Unigui, all my big projects for the web are done using unigui, I will still using unigui and will renew my subsciption of unigui, but I will also doing some work with tms web core for mobile because is easy to create responsive designs.


    I only wish Unigui ans tms webcore could by used on Lazarus, because using and paying for delphi ( that costs from 1700 euros to 5000 euros ) and don't give us tecnologies for the web out of the box is no funny at all.Thank's God we have  Unigui and  now also Tms web core... So I prefer to pay for unigui and other tools than give it all to embarcadero with no tools for start working for the web. Even Intraweb ( that is also good) is not made by emba and isn't included in the profissional version of Delphi.


    So my point is please target Lazarus, and we (programmers and fans) will have more founds to support great programers like Farshad and others, because their the ones that are the visionaries, embarcadero vision is wrong deplhi is nothing without great tools. Web and mobile are the dominant platforms for us programmers to get paid and have success now and in the future.

  10. There are  main diferences between  Unigui and Tms Web Core.


    1 - Unigui is statefull, tms web core is stateless.

    2 - Unigui works only in windows, tms core runs everywhere.

    3 - For the moment unigui is dificult to implement Responsive layout,  with tms web core is easy.

    4-  Regarding acess to database unigui is full rad ( faster to develop), tms web core can by rad or what ever you like to do with.

    5- with tms web core you can use phone gap our cordova to compile your javascript/html files to native apps, (ios,android,windows phone, windows, mac, ect...), I'm not talking about making a webbrowser wrapper, I mean really compile the apps and also using access to hardware throught coordova plugins, like NFC for example.


    Just to clarify, there is not need to to have XData, you can use it but theres no need to, you can use php, python asp.net , mormot(I've done some teste with mormot), or what ever tecnologia you want.

    there is no need to buy nothing else than to tms web core for 295. So in fact is mush cheaper then unigui.



    On the other hand, the learning curve is bigger, it's faster to develop with unigui, must faster.


    Don't  get me wrong I love Unigui, I've made quite some great projects with Unigui, but Tms web core it's also a great product.





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