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Posts posted by robinhodemorais

  1. On 1/5/2020 at 6:06 AM, M.Ammar said:


    I am using uniGui For almost 2 years , and I agree that it was the best thing that happened to Delphi in as long as I remember, 

    I think Mr. Farshad and the FMSoft Team is doing a good job , there is always a room for improvement and it can be faster but so far so good.

    I have finished my first project and it is very stable and working fine for 3 hotels so far no complains whatsoever.

    everyone is missing some feature and waiting for it to be released for example I was waiting for :

    1- the Scheduler Quasar (2.0.0)

    2- the UniDBgrid able to type without mouse click or press Enter

    I hope you all the best and may next year be better roadmap for FMSoft



    I totally use your words and I also wait for the Qasar schedule, set up one in html to answer for now.
    Long live Unigui.

    • Like 1
  2. Thanks Farshad for your return on d.bernaert's post, I was expecting feedback about rodmap 2019, because besides linux the new schedule is being a big necessity and this was making me worried.
    I believe that today if I left unigui I would not go deeper into TMS Web Core because it is a little baby in the universe of unigui, I believe that more stable solutions is to go to php, html, js and etc, honestly I am pleased with my results with the unigui + html + js + jquery + websocket to meet some needs that I couldn't with unigui but that together became more powerful than I could imagine ...
    We know how much you must be working on unigui and thank you for your attention.
    Long live Unigui ....
    Note: We need a light of how it is to run on Linux ... hugs

    • Like 1
  3. Ok, I will try to exemplify with a spreadsheet
    What I need is somehow dynamically calculating the% of each information according to its total and the total according to the other grouping, for example;

    The percentage of each purchasing group is calculated on the sum total of the purchasing groups, the percentage of the total purchasing group is calculated on the section total and the percentage of the section is calculated on the department total and the total of the department is calculated on the grand total, so I need it to be dynamic ...




  4. Hello, I am setting up an analysis with PivotGrid, but I have extremely important data that I need to show in detail according to each grouping.
    For example .... following the pivotgrid2 demo I want to create a% column where the none, nuse and tse grouping calculates the percentage over the total value and when I open the none grouping that details the values by rank I need to calculate the percentage of each rank over the total of none

    the first image is based on pivotgrid2, the second image is exactly my need, i will have other columns than the similar calculations ....

    how do I do ?

    Another important point, I can't narrow down the font.



  5. 5 hours ago, akr said:

    What database do u use? I do this with database events.




    Oops, I am doing several tests to find a simple and quick solution for my need ....
    I'm using or posting and starting testing using the event ... but I came across a problem here ....

    Believe it is because you re-monitor the HTML to display the URLFrame ... because after capturing the return of the Alerter event I run a query again, scroll through a query, monto or html, add in urlframe, but in browser is not currently, already includes some logs to check if a query is correct and incorrect, but the URL is not updating ... Then, I realized that I was a Mexican browser, resized type, it is reloaded or html, already made urlframe1.refresh; to update, but not update ....


    What can it be ?

  6. Good afternoon, is there any unigui feature to sync the same screen when accessed on one or more computers at the same time?
    I have a care queue screen that lists incoming patients ... the same screen defaults to dentists, when a patient arrives the reception marks that the patient has arrived, at that time I need to update the information for the dentist.

  7. 1 hour ago, Sherzod said:

    For example, can you try?

    procedure TMainForm.UniFormReady(Sender: TObject);
        'Ext.defer(function() {'+
        '    var _el='+ UniURLFrame1.JSName +'.iframe.contentDocument.getElementsByClassName("schedule-body--helper");'+
        '    if (_el && _el[0]) {_el[0].scrollBy(0, 500)}'+
        '}, 200);'


    It worked perfectly, thank you very much for your attention.

    • Like 2
  8. 25 minutes ago, Sherzod said:

    Exactly at what moment?

    I would have to find some way to check the current time and position logic, for example in HTMLFrame I had done this way because I used the HTMLFrame Scroll, but with URLFrame I had better results with it, including using the schedule scrool, so not missing the names of dentists


          _hrAtual := FormatDateTime('hh:mm',now);
          if (_hrAtual > '10:00') and (_hrAtual < '11:00') then
            UniSession.AddJS(UniHTMLFrame1.JSName+'.getTargetEl().scrollBy(0,200, false);')
          else if (_hrAtual > '11:00') and (_hrAtual < '12:00') then
            UniSession.AddJS(UniHTMLFrame1.JSName+'.getTargetEl().scrollBy(0,350, false);')
          else if (_hrAtual > '12:00') and (_hrAtual < '13:00') then
            UniSession.AddJS(UniHTMLFrame1.JSName+'.getTargetEl().scrollBy(0,450, false);')
          else if (_hrAtual > '13:00') and (_hrAtual < '14:00') then
            UniSession.AddJS(UniHTMLFrame1.JSName+'.getTargetEl().scrollBy(0,550, false);')
          else if (_hrAtual > '14:00') and (_hrAtual < '15:00') then
            UniSession.AddJS(UniHTMLFrame1.JSName+'.getTargetEl().scrollBy(0,650, false);')
          else if (_hrAtual > '15:00') and (_hrAtual < '16:00') then
            UniSession.AddJS(UniHTMLFrame1.JSName+'.getTargetEl().scrollBy(0,800, false);')
          else if (_hrAtual > '16:00') and (_hrAtual < '17:00') then
            UniSession.AddJS(UniHTMLFrame1.JSName+'.getTargetEl().scrollBy(0,950, false);')
          else if (_hrAtual > '17:00') and (_hrAtual < '18:00') then
            UniSession.AddJS(UniHTMLFrame1.JSName+'.getTargetEl().scrollBy(0,1100, false);')
          else if (_hrAtual > '18:00') and (_hrAtual < '19:00') then
            UniSession.AddJS(UniHTMLFrame1.JSName+'.getTargetEl().scrollBy(0,1200, false);')
          else if (_hrAtual > '19:00') and (_hrAtual < '20:00') then
            UniSession.AddJS(UniHTMLFrame1.JSName+'.getTargetEl().scrollBy(0,1350, false);')
          else if (_hrAtual > '20:00') then
            UniSession.AddJS(UniHTMLFrame1.JSName+'.getTargetEl().scrollBy(0,1500, false);');


  9. 1 hour ago, Sherzod said:

    Please explain in more detail.

    I set up a calendar in html, follows the code


    In this schedule I have a class with sroll and an id

    <div id = "RobinhoTest" class = "schedule-body - helper">

    So what I wanted to do is take this scroll and change its position, because then I will do a logic to check the time and thus the scroll to a certain time to focus the user.

    For example in image 1 is how it opens the schedule, let's suppose now it is 14hs, I would like to set the scroll to position the time as in image 2




  10. Oops thanks for the return, I was really in need of this solution or sooner, but I got here otherwise too ...

    <div class = "schedule-cell" onclick = "top.ajaxRequest (top.frmAgeCadAgenda.UniURLFrame1, 'new_09: 00_13', [])"> <span class = "invisible"> # 09_00_13 </span>


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