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Posts posted by Kurt

  1. Hello,

    How to listen to browser focus? for example the user goes to other window and go back to the browser, i want to call ajax event


  2. On 3/2/2024 at 12:39 AM, Muhammad Idris said:

    How to run it in Unigui?

    install pdftk in your environment

    and you can use this code:

    procedure MergeAndEncryptPDFs(const AInputFiles: string; const AOutputFile: string; const AUserPassword: string);
      CommandLine: string;
      StartupInfo: TStartupInfo;
      ProcessInfo: TProcessInformation;
      CommandLine := 'pdftk ' + AInputFiles + ' cat output ' + AOutputFile + ' user_pw ' + AUserPassword;
      FillChar(StartupInfo, SizeOf(StartupInfo), 0);
      StartupInfo.cb := SizeOf(StartupInfo);
      if CreateProcess(nil, PChar(CommandLine), nil, nil, False, 0, nil, nil, StartupInfo, ProcessInfo) then
        WaitForSingleObject(ProcessInfo.hProcess, INFINITE);
    		raise Exception.Create('not created');

    to call it:


    procedure TMainForm.UniButton1Click(Sender: TObject);
    	OutPdf: string;
    	OutPdf :=  UniServerModule.NewCacheFile('pdf', fileName);
    	MergeAndEncryptPDFs('example1.pdf,example2.pdf', OutPdf, '');

    you can modify the code to omit the password protection for your pdf.

    hope it helps


  3. Hi,


    Correct me if im wrong, if i have a websocket enabled in my app and im using a hyper server, the number of websocket is also the same with the number of nodes in my hyperserver? if so does it mean if im in different node, i wont be able to receive the websocket message from other node?

    thank you

    • Like 1
  4. 16 hours ago, Sherzod said:

    How do you edit the grid?

    i click a button, then the current row moves to the next row then i want to highlight the row that changed.



    16 hours ago, Sherzod said:

    Where did you get this code?

    i read the documntation of ext js

  5. hi,


    sorry for not clear explanation. i want to utilize the paged options of unidbgrid. for example in my query:

    SELECT * FROM products LIMIT :limit,25

    so when i clicked the Next Page of the UniDBGrid, i want to re-execute my query using the new start parameter and apply it to :limit paramter.


  6. Hi,

    how to override the UniDBGrid.WebOptions.Paged behavior? 

    for example if i clicked the next page of the grid, i want to execute my query and pass the limit and offset coming from the grid?

    thank you..

  7. Hi,

    I want to be able to use a function from a javascript file. this is my js file "Win32/Debug/files/js/app.js"

    i want to reuse the myBeforeInit function in different UniGUIComponents. for example:

    UniImage1, UniImage2 and UniImage3 uses the myBeforeInit function

  8. 7 minutes ago, Kurt said:


    how will i handle the database event of this? my scenario is:

    1. i have a column that is a sequence/series
    2. i want to reorder the sequence of the field


    seq, product_name
    1, PRODUCT A
    2, PRODUCT B
    3, PRODUCT C

    when i move the product B under the PRODUCT C i want the record to be:

    seq, product_name
    1, PRODUCT A
    2, PRODUCT C
    3, PRODUCT B

    any idea how to implement it?

    nevermind... i just checked the source code of sample. its already there... thanks.....

  9. Hi,

    how will i handle the database event of this? my scenario is:

    1. i have a column that is a sequence/series
    2. i want to reorder the sequence of the field


    seq, product_name
    1, PRODUCT A
    2, PRODUCT B
    3, PRODUCT C

    when i move the product B under the PRODUCT C i want the record to be:

    seq, product_name
    1, PRODUCT A
    2, PRODUCT C
    3, PRODUCT B

    any idea how to implement it?

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