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Posts posted by tappatappa

  1. Thanks zilav for the input, but this would work if I had a css custom file, I guess. Right now I need a way to paste a css string at run time. For now my workaround seems to work, by the way.

    UnicodeString custom_css;
    if(UniMainModule()->Theme == UnicodeString(L"neptune"))
        custom_css = L"neptune_css";
        custom_css = L"default_css";
    //removing carriage returns...
    TReplaceFlags flags = TReplaceFlags() << rfReplaceAll;
    custom_css = StringReplace(custom_css, L"\r\n", L" ", flags);
    UniSession->AddJS(UnicodeString("var my_customstyle = Ext.util.CSS.createStyleSheet('")+custom_css+L"','my_customstyle');");
  2. I have defined a few div classes in ServerModule::CustomCSS. When I change (at run time!) the Theme of my application (this can be done in MainModule) I'd wish to switch my Custom CSS, and here is the problem: the CSS is in ServerModule, is global.


    How do you achieve that?



  3. uniGUI uses Ext.js. As far as I know, ExtJS is vulnerable to all sorts of injection and XSS attacks, unless the programmer is very careful. See:





    Ext.js doesn't do any HTML escaping by default, not just in the table row...




    That said, uniGUI does a better job at protecting the server from those attacks, at least some vulnerabilities have been fixed throughout the years




    But some issues are still open...





    depending on what kind of software you are developing there are probably workarounds (browse the forums and you will find plenty).
    Happy bugging/debugging!

  4. As for the form title I am pretty lost: I was unable to change the behaviour of the JS Window object and since TUniForm::GetCaption is NOT virtual I can't find a clean way to change its behaviour, either.

    class PASCALIMPLEMENTATION TUniBaseForm : public TUniBaseIntermForm
    	System::UnicodeString __fastcall GetCaption(void);
    	virtual void __fastcall SetCaption(System::UnicodeString Value);

    my form

    class TMyForm : public TUniForm
    UnicodeString _unescaped_caption;
    	UnicodeString __fastcall GetCaption(void);//NO!
    	virtual void __fastcall SetCaption(UnicodeString Value);//OK since it is virtual
    public:        // User declarations
        __fastcall TMyForm(TComponent* Owner);
    // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    __fastcall TMyForm::TMyForm(TComponent * Owner) : TUniForm(Owner), _unescaped_caption(Caption)
    // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    UnicodeString __fastcall TMyForm::GetCaption(void)
        return _unescaped_caption; //this is never called!
    // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    void __fastcall TMyForm::SetCaption(UnicodeString Value)
        _unescaped_caption = Value;

    As a result if I execute this

    TMyForm* AForm = MyForm();
    AForm->Caption = AForm->Caption;

    The caption gets escaped twice!

  5. I had a look at ext-unigui-min.js

    maybe something like this?

    function reconfigure(sender, store, columns, oldStore, the, eOpts)
            col.renderer = function(k,a,d,i,m,l,j){  
                return _rndcll_(Ext.util.Format.htmlEncode(k), a,d,i,m,l,j)  
  6. Unfortunately this introduces a problem. OnDrawColumnCell doesn't work anymore.


    In the project above

    void __fastcall TMainForm::GridSrcDrawColumnCell(TObject *Sender, int ACol, int ARow, TUniDBGridColumn *Column, TUniCellAttribs *Attribs)
        Attribs->Color = clRed;

    This is supposed to turn all the cells background red. It works only if you disable the reconfigure ExtEvent, I need both to work simultaneously,

  7. sure.

    I adapted a small project i had. It is only dependent on VirtualTable by Devart ODAC, which is a free component. I am pretty confident it also works with other in-memory datasets

    just launch the application and look at the first row. It is supposed to contain the text "aaaa<p>a</p>" instead is rendered as








    of course you can enter any HTML you want: links, maybe even JS code!

  8. Hello everybody,


    If a grid cell has too much text, it shows an ellipsis (...) at the end. If this is the case, is it possible to show a tooltip when the cursor is positioned over the cell, in order to display the full data?


    Bonus: how do you control what is shown in the cell? For instance, how do I show this-> ######## instead of a portion of the actual text?



  9. Can you please test same setup with XE8 and see if it works?


    Unfortunately I can't, I skipped XE7 and XE8. Those Embarcadero guys are waaay to fast with their releases.

    On the bright side: I may have found a setup that works in C++ Builder 10. Let me investigate it deeper and I will post my findings. Thanks for the support (as always)

    • Upvote 1
  10. Here is some results


    On Windows10-RadStudio10-uniGUI


    New>uniGUI for C++ Builder> ISAPI

    Turn off all linking (RTL, DelphiRTL, Run time packages)

    Build (Release)

    resulting dll size 5397 KB


    deployed on Windows 7 (IIS7) > HTTP 500.0 0x8007007f


    New>uniGUI for Delphi> ISAPI

    Turn off all linking (DelphiRTL, Run time packages)

    Build (Release)

    resulting dll size 3907 KB


    deployed on Windows 7 (IIS7) > works


    what is happening? O_O

  11. The previous post was not correct.
    In RadStudio 10 Project manager the project is called <my project>.cpl, but actually it releases a .dll file.
    Loaded in IIS 7, when I try to access localhost I get an error
    HTTP 500.0
    Modulo    IsapiModule
    Notifica    ExecuteRequestHandler
    Gestore    ISAPI-dll
    Codice errore    0x8007007f
    Using my previous setup (Windows 7/ Rad Studio XE6/uniGUI the same project worked.
    Before you ask: I need to upgrade my development environment, but I can't force to upgrade all the servers to IIS 10.

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