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Posts posted by memoferprof

  1. Hello everybody


    I am here trying to solve a problem with UniRadioGroup, I have a to select one option on UniRadioGroup later I have to clear this UniRadioGroup, but I Cant clear it, this is my example on this image:


    I think that I can clean my UniRadioGroup with:

    RadioEspacio.ItemIndex := -1;

    But this dont work it.

    Please help me, how can clear my RadioEspacio (1) like UniRadioGroup "Lugar de Publicacion" (2)


    other memeber of this forum say it:

     uniguibbs : you can see the dynamic demo . the keypoint is insertcontrol and removecontrol.


    and saw the dynamic demo, but this dont have anything about to clear UniRadioGroup.


    thank you!




  2. Workaround:

    I use this code

        UniMainModule.MyQuerytempo.SQL.Add('select date_format(m.fecha, ''%Y/%c/%d'') fecha, count(*) cuantos from mensaje m, usuarios u where m.id_usuarioe = u.id_usuario and m.recibido = 1 and m.id_usuarior = :precibe and m.id_usuarioe = :penvia group by date_format(m.fecha, ''%Y/%c/%d'')');
        UniMainModule.MyQuerytempo.ParamByName('precibe').AsInteger := receptor;
        UniMainModule.MyQuerytempo.ParamByName('penvia').AsInteger := emisor;
        //UniTreeView1.Items.Clear;                  // en lugar de usar el CLEAR,
        while UniTreeView1.Items.Count > 0 do begin  // se usara este ciclo procedimiento que nos limpiara
         UniTreeView1.Items[0].Free;                 // desde el primero hasta el ultimo
        end;                                         // siempre borrando el primero, hasta que no exista nada
        while not UniMainModule.MyQuerytempo.Eof do
        UniMainModule.MyQuerytempo.SQL.Add('select date_format(m.fecha, ''%Y/%c/%d'') fecha,u.id_usuario, u.usuario recibe,m.id_mensaje, m.mensaje'+' from mensaje m, usuarios u where m.id_usuarioe = u.id_usuario and m.recibido = 1 and m.id_usuarior = :precibe and m.id_usuarioe = :penvia order by m.id_mensaje');
        UniMainModule.MyQuerytempo.ParamByName('precibe').AsInteger := receptor;
        UniMainModule.MyQuerytempo.ParamByName('penvia').AsInteger := emisor;
        while not UniMainModule.MyQuerytempo.Eof do
          for i := 0 to UniTreeView1.Items.Count do
             if UniTreeView1.Items[i].Text = unimainmodule.MyQuerytempo.FieldByName('fecha').AsString then
  3. yes good example!


    how can autogenerate subnode on node parents, like this example but with a

    select date_format(m.fecha, '%Y/%c/%d') fecha,u.id_usuario, u.usuario recibe,m.id_mensaje, m.mensaje from mensaje m, usuarios u where m.id_usuarioe = u.id_usuario and m.recibido = 1 and m.id_usuarior = 3 and m.id_usuarioe = 5 order by m.id_mensaje

    using field mensaje for all dates with the same date.

    like this image:treewiew01.jpg



  4. Muchas gracias lema por tu excelente vídeo!!

    a los de UNIGUI les falto explicar lo de instalar el archivo FMSOFT_UNIGUI_EXTJS_0.93.0.996_SETUP.exe

    y lo de configurar el ISAPI and CGI restrictions.


    Thank you so much lema by your excelent video!!

    The support UNIGUI dont explain that I need install the file fmsoft_unigui_extjs_0.93.0.996_setup.exe

    and config the ISAPI and CGI restrictions.


    Just a question, what about the sub folder file on folder webapps?

  5. Hello patmap


    Can you help me?

    what is RTL,  I am reading information about this, I understand it is Rigth To Left it is like to see a mirror, can you show me an example? 

    anything like a picture.

    Thank you so much.

  6. Hola desde Ciudad de Mésxico, aca ya tengo una aplicación muy buena, ahora solo me falta subirla a un servidor LINUX modo consola y ya jeje creo que no son compatibles los .DLL ni los .EXE  con LINUX, pero no pierdo la esperznza que lo pueda hacer. :lol:

  7. Gracias fjtrooper por darme una luz de esperanza para poder usar mis aplicaciones uniGUI en servidor LINUX, aunque esto sea como .EXE, pero veo que se puede, ahora... aprovechando el foro, existira alguien que pueda ayudarme con una guia o manual para poder hacer pantallas virutales en Linux Server (modo consula). Ojala alguien pudiera orientarme para lograr esta gran asaña, ya que tengo mi sistema funcionando en mi computadora que es WINDOWS 7 y con apache para windows. Pero... como se habran dado cuenta, donde debe funcionar la aplicación es en un servidor LINUX modo consola, pero me ha sido misión imposible y he tenido problemas con la gente que me solicito esta aplicacion, que requieren que este funcionando en LINUX. Ojala y pueda alguie ayudarme, se lo agradecere con todo mi agradecimiento, con todo mi corazon.


  8. Can you show me, please, what is the content of Query1.SQL
    this on your example


    procedure TMainForm.ImageFileCompleted(Sender: TObject; AStream: TFileStream);
    with Query1 do



    I am trying to Insert one Image on my MySQL the field is type BLOB, but I dont know how can do it,

    please help me.

    HOw you use the Query1?

  9. Hello Oscar, congrats your application looks very well, I have a question for you what tool use for generate the report in the picture 14?

    best regards.


    Si Oscar como fue que generaste el reporte en PDF, si nos puedes recomerdar algun componente, te lo agraeceremos infinitamente.

    muchas gracias.

  10. Hi all .. this is my first application made ​​using UniGUI. In fact it's my CV (Curriculum Vitae) presented as an application

    on the Web.


    I'm just out of work and thought this is a good way to let me know. After thinking and thinking UniGUI finally was chosen to develop this small application.


    The application is in spanish but surely you can appreciate the general idea (I'm asking, among other things, as effectively internationalize an application of this type)


    Still have to polish details and error, thanks for understanding!


    Runs on: www.alasoft.com.ar/cv.dll


    I'm really impressed .. the reality is that the essential part of this application I did in two or three days .. UniGUI is fantastic.


    I can not really mention what I think .. namely


    1. UniGUI looks like a job .. enormous, titanic would say .. obviously do not know, but it's at least how I feel when using this product.

    2. Delphi is a Ferrari. The king of RAD, period.


    The application's I did this:


    1. Locally running under Apache

    2. Externally published as ISAPI under IIS running on a shared host, without any kind of problems

    3. If data, the MySQL connection via UniDAC is transparent (I have very tested and without any kind of problems)

    4. Use the full power of Delphi XE to set the 'model' and the control logic.


    The problems I had were:


    1. UniGUI think is the same as a graphical application. It's not, but not so different .. actually very little. Gotta watch the programming of the call-backs

    2. By uploading the application to host .. initially could not find the resources ('loading' blue screen), but once set correctly, particularly ExtRoot = ext-xyz \ .. everything went perfectly well.

    3. There are minor issues that really have no relevance in my opinion. Particularly in the last minute stop using TClientDataSet as table in memory, and calling midas.dll


    My only fear with UniGUI today is:


    1. Scalability .. This put me a little nervous, but I understand that actually supports up to 100 concurrent users without major poblem. Nothing else seems to be critical .. ExtJS 4 .. debugging .. more functionality .. maybe .. HTTPS and management credentials, if you think this is very important.


    Finally, as I'm sure all of us here .. I mean simply: THANK YOU MR.FARJAD




    Hola Roberto,

    como van tus trabajos con uniGUI?

    en mi caso estoy empezando a desarrollar con esto y me gustaria tener todo tipo de comentarios de la gente que ya tiene experiencia.



  11. I have made two changes:


    1. The uploading and uploaded files are displayed in the blue area itself.


    2. Now everything is in one Frame, so it can be easy included on own forms in other projects.


    To use it in other projects you can:

    - copy UfraMultiUpload.pas and UfraMultiUpload.dfm to your project

    - add UfraMultiUpload.pas to your project

    - choose "Standard -> Frames" in component palette and insert "fraMultiUpload" on your own form

    - done







    how can get the example?

    when I try to download the example this get me that error:

    Oops! Something went wrong!


                We could not find the attachment you were attempting to view


    Thank you for help me!

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