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Posts posted by misc

  1. I have to reopen this thread due to a question concerning general understanding:


    If I click on the uniDBGrid Header in the browser, and deselect a column, a "columnhide" event is correctly fired.


    However, in my server side AjaxEvent, the corresponding column is still marked as visible (Columns.Items[ix].Visible = true). Is this correct? Are the client sided property changes not propagated to the server grid columns?

  2. Help, my first trial at ExtEvents is failing completely - what am I doing wrong??
    Im trying to route a simple celllick client event of my uniDBGrid to my OnAjaxEvent function, and when I load the grid in the browser I get an Ajax error message as seen in the screenshot.


    uniDBGrid ExtEvents:
    function cellclick(sender, td, cellIndex, record, tr, rowIndex, e, eOpts)
      ajaxRequest(sender, "cellclick", []);
    procedure TMainForm.uniMasterAjaxEvent(Sender: TComponent; EventName: string; Params: TStrings);
      MessageDlg(params.Text, mtInformation, [])
  3. Thank you. I tried it:

    procedure TMainForm.uniGridCellClick(Column: TUniDBGridColumn);
      if Column.Field.DataType in [ftDate, ftTime, ftDateTime] then
          Format(TUniDBGrid(Column.Grid).JSName + '.columnManager.columns[%d].setEditor(' + uniDateTimePicker1.JSName + ');', [Column.Index]));


    However, what I got was a short blink of a button on the right side of the cell, and then this error message:




    So, where should I create and assign editors at runtime? My users create their own SQL at runtime, so I cannot design a grid with fixed editor controls. Should I create a control for each column at runtime and assign it with the UniSession.AddJS Method BEFORE loading the grid? uniGridCellClick is obviously not the right place. But why not - can someone explain?


    PS: As I am new to uniGUI, I guess I still don't quite get some of the concepts, and I also don't find this kind of stuff in any help file. I know a beta is an early stage to expect this information.

  4. All my grid edit controls exist only once in a TUniHidenPanel. My Grid has a DataSource which is only known at runtime, so my columns are created at runtime as well. I then try to assign my editors like this:


    procedure TMainForm.uniGridCellClick(Column: TUniDBGridColumn);
      if Column.Field.DataType in [ftDate, ftTime, ftDateTime] then
        Column.Editor:= uniDateTimePicker1

      else if Column.Field.DataType in [ftBoolean] then begin
          Column.Editor:= uniCheckBox1

      else if Column.Field.DataType in [ftMemo, ftWideMemo, ftFmtMemo] then
        Column.Editor:= uniMemo1;


    Problem: The editors don't appear in my Grid, even when I doubleclick to enter editing.


    Can grid editors be dynamically assigned, or do all columns with assigned fields and individual editors have to exist at design time?


  5. My Setup:


      uniGUI 0.94

      ISAPI mode (DLL)

      ADOQuery -> local access mdb database -> connected remote mysql tables (it works great!!!)


    Problem: When I run a project in Firefox (localhost:8081/myapp.dll), and close myapp ("Web session terminated"), the "w3wp.exe" IIS Worker Process remains running in the task list, and I have to kill it in order to compile/build my Delphi application again.


    PS: I've done all necessary AppPool settings, and my app runs fine. It actually connects to a remote mysql database through ADO and connected tables in Access, which I never thought would work. Congratulation to Farchad for this great toolkit. Hope it goes commercial soon.


  6. We're a company located in Germany, and we need someone with uniGUI experience who will help us port our Delphi Desktop Photobook designer to a web application using uniGUI, fabric.js and a fast database.


    The project will extend at least over 3 months. We have lots of existing business logic code, some of which can be reused. However, to insure scalability and speed, the application will have to be redesigned from scratch.


    Is anyone interested in joining the project? if you are, please tell me a lttle about your uniGUI and Delphi experience, and give me a skype adress where we can connect.


    Thank you all, and thanks to Farshad for making this idea possible.


    @ One question to Farshad: Since I am a developer myself, I know you hate the "when" questions. But maybe you can give me a small hint on your licensing & launch roadmap.


  7. I’m looking for an experienced Delphi XE3 / XE4 developer who can write me a demo app with the framework Fabric.js


    The demo should include something like this:



    The idea is to create a Delphi browser application with uniGUI, and to integrate Fabric.js into this application in order to have a simple DTP editor. If this demo works, then there will be a larger job assigned to whoever wants to continue with it.


    At the moment I have no idea if this idea would work, because I have no experience with uniGUI. Maybe there's even a simpler solution, though I have not seen any good drag & drop and canvas editing in uniGUI. The question is, can another framework be integrated in uniGUI? If the answer is a simple NO, then please just explain here.


    Otherwise please send me an offer for this demo per PM to info@1stein.de


    Thank you.


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