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Posts posted by Mossy

  1. The issue was only lasted 40 minutes and all are OK now. Some of these apps were running for more than a year. The issue is all apps on different servers and different applications " we 3 different apps on Unigui" stopped exactly at the same time and started working at the same time. It appears to me they were checking something like if they had no licence or something similar. The message was "This site can’t be reached". 

    We did nothing on all these servers except one that we restarted the server which had no effect. However all they started working at the same time.

    We have servers from different suppliers like Contebo, fasthost, goddady. 

  2. Hi

    I am using build  Around 01:20 UK time, all Unigui apps stopped working. We have several app running on different servers and all stopped working. I tried to run the development and local host and it was the same. However at 02:04 all apps started working.

    Mean while I send an email to support and posted this message.

    I believe it is very important to find out what was the cause. Since apps running on the cloud servers and local computers none was working.

    Does Unigui refer to any online library or services?


  3. Hi

    The unigui applications are coming up with the server is not sending any data.

    I tried even local host is not working even on the development computers.

    Something is wrong on your side.

    Please help this is very urgent.


  4. Hi

    How can the options for dbgrid be changes at run time. The following is not effective.

    dbDBGrid1.Options := dbDBGrid1.Options + [dgRowLines];


  5. Thank you for reply, I have tried but is not working.

    I am using version

    UnimEdit1.FieldLabelFont.Color:= clRed;
    UnimEdit1.JSInterface.JSCall('labelElement.applyStyles', [UnimEdit1.FieldLabelFont.ToStyleString(True)]);

    tried this as well


    UnimEdit1.FieldLabelFont.Color:= clRed;


    UnimEdit1.JSInterface.JSCall('labelElement.applyStyles', [UnimEdit1.FieldLabelFont.ToString(True)]);


  6. Good morning

    How to change the FieldLabelFont Color at run time. Depending the theme selected the labels colour is not visible and would like to change it at runtime depending what theme is selected. Assigning the value at runtime gets ignored.

  7. Hi

    I would like to change the grid background to black regardless of the rows that has data or is empty. I can make the rows that data to have black background but not the areas that are empty.


  8. Hi

    How to make the Unidbgrid background black.

    I have tried the followings but they don't work. they have no effect at all.

    Grid.JSInterface.JSCallGlobal('Ext.util.CSS.createStyleSheet', ['#'+Grid.JSName+'_id .x-grid-row-selected .x-grid-cell-inner {  font-weight: bold;  background-color:blue;  color: white;}', Grid.JSName+'_css' ]);
    .custom-grid .x-grid-group-hd {
      background-color: black;
  9. Hi

    I have tried using the following to auto open the dropdown list when the user press any key. This works till a back space entered to remove any character. The dropdown stay closed till the dropdown arrow is pressed and opened manually. Then it start working again. How can we overcome this within the code please?

    (Sender as TUniComboBox).JSInterface.JSCallDefer('expand', [], 100);


  10. Hi

    I get the following error at times. This is a simple Unidbgrid on a frame. Closing the tab and reopening it works!!!

    The error happens often. I am using version

    If suppressing the error in the server module the error not shown but the grid is blank and no data is fetched.



    OC7C is not defined

    O647.start(O648);O648.taskRunTime=O648.taskStartTime;delete OC7C_Cols;OC7C.refreshColumnCache=true;OC7C.discardColumns(); OC9E=new Ext.grid.column.Column({ogrid:OC7C,sortable:false,dataIndex:"0",renderer:_rndcll_,rdonly:true,text:"AccountNo",width:300,attr:"{fts:'font-size:16px'}",unEditable:true,editor:{xtype:"textfield",fieldStyle:"font-size:16px;color:#000000"}});OC9E.nm="OC9E";OC9E.editor.uform=OC7C.uform;OC9E.editor.focusDisabled=true;OC9E.editor.isCellEditor=true; OCA6=new Ext.grid.column.Column({ogrid:OC7C,sortable:false,dataIndex:"1",renderer:_rndcll_,rdonly:true,text:"CarType",width:300,attr:"{fts:'font-size:16px'}",unEditable:true,editor:{xtype:"textfield",fieldStyle:"font-size:16px;color:#000000"}});OCA6.nm="OCA6";OCA6.editor.uform=OC7C.uform;OCA6.editor.focusDisabled=true;OCA6.editor.isCellEditor=true; OCAE=new Ext.grid.column.Column({ogrid:OC7C,sortable:false,dataIndex:"2",renderer:_rndcll_,rdonly:true,text:"Mileage",align:"right",cf:"#.#######",ct:"float",width:120,attr:"{fts:'font-size:16px'}",unEditable:true,editor:{xtype:"numberfield",decimalPrecision:10,hideTrigger:true,fieldStyle:"font-size:16px;color:#000000"}});OCAE.nm="OCAE";OCAE.editor.uform=OC7C.uform;OCAE.editor.focusDisabled=true;OCAE.editor.isCellEditor=true; OCB6=new Ext.grid.column.Column({ogrid:OC7C,sortable:false,dataIndex:"3",renderer:_rndcll_,rdonly:true,text:"Fare",align:"right",cf:"#.#######",ct:"float",width:120,attr:"{fts:'font-size:16px'}",unEditable:true,editor:{xtype:"numberfield",decimalPrecision:10,hideTrigger:true,fieldStyle:"font-size:16px;color:#000000"}});OCB6.nm="OCB6";OCB6.editor.uform=OC7C.uform;OCB6.editor.focusDisabled=true;OCB6.editor.isCellEditor=true; OCBE=new Ext.grid.column.Column({ogrid:OC7C,sortable:false,dataIndex:"4",renderer:_rndcll_,rdonly:true,text:"Drops",align:"right",cf:"#.#######",ct:"float",width:60,attr:"{fts:'font-size:16px'}",unEditable:true,editor:{xtype:"numberfield",decimalPrecision:10,hideTrigger:true,fieldStyle:"font-size:16px;color:#000000"}});OCBE.nm="OCBE";OCBE.editor.uform=OC7C.uform;OCBE.editor.focusDisabled=true;OCBE.editor.isCellEditor=true; OCC6=new Ext.grid.column.Column({ogrid:OC7C,sortable:false,dataIndex:"5",renderer:_rndcll_,rdonly:true,text:"DropsDrv",align:"right",cf:"#.#######",ct:"float",width:60,attr:"{fts:'font-size:16px'}",unEditable:true,editor:{xtype:"numberfield",decimalPrecision:10,hideTrigger:true,fieldStyle:"font-size:16px;color:#000000"}});OCC6.nm="OCC6";OCC6.editor.uform=OC7C.uform;OCC6.editor.focusDisabled=true;OCC6.editor.isCellEditor=true; OCCE=new Ext.grid.column.Column({ogrid:OC7C,sortable:false,dataIndex:"6",renderer:_rndcll_,rdonly:true,text:"Tariff",align:"right",ct:"number",width:180,attr:"{fts:'font-size:16px'}",unEditable:true,editor:{xtype:"numberfield",decimalPrecision:0,hideTrigger:true,fieldStyle:"font-size:16px;color:#000000"}});OCCE.nm="OCCE";OCCE.editor.uform=OC7C.uform;OCCE.editor.focusDisabled=true;OCCE.editor.isCellEditor=true;var OC7C_Cols=[OC9E,OCA6,OCAE,OCB6,OCBE,OCC6,OCCE];OC7C.reconfigure(null,OC7C_Cols);OC7C.uniConfigColumns();OCAE.setElProp({"text-align":"left"},null,0,null,null,"titleEl");OCB6.setElProp({"text-align":"left"},null,0,null,null,"titleEl");OCBE.setElProp({"text-align":"left"},null,0,null,null,"titleEl");OCC6.setElProp({"text-align":"left"},null,0,null,null,"titleEl");OCCE.setElProp({"text-align":"left"},null,0,null,null,"titleEl");OC80.loadPage(1,{params:{start:0,limit:50,options:1}});

  11. We display some information and also we have to process some information from different tables and offer suggestions. This works well in Delphi app that we have. But we are trying to move to Unigui. We use keyup in Delphi.

  12. Hi Sherzod

    The difficulty is one needs many records and processing to see it happen.

    The problem is they try to look for a record fast and they press for example arrow down and let go after scrolling through many records. The issue is the event keydown is fired many times and for each record the application is doing the processing which after a while it looks as it stuck and it takes few seconds for the application to catch up.

    As far as I can see if we can have the keyup event, then only we will have one event at the end.

  13. Hi Sherzod

    I have tried that but before but there is no delay introduced. Can I send on keyup event? so we can detect when the key is released


  14. Hi

    Using UnidbGrid how is possible to chieve similar behaviour as TUniEdit property of "CheckChangeDelay".

    I am doing some processing on keypress and when users scrolling fast there is a large delay. Or is it possible to have on "keyup" event, so the processing start only when the no more key is pressed.

    Thank you.

  15. I would like in a TuniEdit box when for example 4 characters typed to send an ajax request to the server and return a response, the response need to be shown to the user so they can select one of the choices.

  16. What I like to do is to allow the user type few characters and then for example when they typed 4 characters or more do a database search. Currently users type fast and the edit box is left behind since they are typing faster than the screen gets updated.

  17. Thank you SHERZOD

    I am using the same method, are the keystrokes not handled in server side using this method. I found at times there is a delay between pressing a key and key appearing on screen. Is there a way of handling the keyboard activity on the client side and only if an action required to send request to server.

  18. I have Unigui app and the users complain that the keystrokes are slow at times.

    I am not using client side code. Is this the reason and how can I handle key press on client side and send ajax request to server if certain keys are pressed?


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