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Hi Farshad


Embarcadero have introduced a deal called the delphi XE starter (£142 - new £106 - upgrade)

I'm seriously considering getting this, but I wanted to make sure that UniGui would work ok with it.

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Hi Farshad


Embarcadero have introduced a deal called the delphi XE starter (£142 - new £106 - upgrade)

I'm seriously considering getting this, but I wanted to make sure that UniGui would work ok with it.


I haven't tried installing uniGUI on Starter. I think it should be no different than standard XE.


Has anyone tried installing uniGUI on Delphi starter?


Hi farshad


With a fresh install of Delphi XE Starter (Update 1) I am getting :


[DCC Fatal Error] uniGUI15Ex.dpk(32): E2202 Required package 'tee' not found


when I try to build all.


I have seen similar problems in other posts on the forum, but this does not seem the same.

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Hi farshad


With a fresh install of Delphi XE Starter (Update 1) I am getting :


[DCC Fatal Error] uniGUI15Ex.dpk(32): E2202 Required package 'tee' not found


when I try to build all.


I have seen similar problems in other posts on the forum, but this does not seem the same.


It seems that XE Starter does not include the Chart components.


Is this the only problem with XE Starter? Can you install other uniGUI components in uniGUI15dcl.dpk?


It seems that XE Starter does not include the Chart components.


Is this the only problem with XE Starter? Can you install other uniGUI components in uniGUI15dcl.dpk?


Yes, I'm running throught the demos and having a play , it all seems to be fine, I will post anything I find here.


Great. I will make a separate package for UniChart components.



Hi Farshad


the TeeChart components seem to cause a few problems.

I was wondering if it would be possible to use the TAChart codebase from Lazarus instead..

It might help to resolve a lot of these problems.


Nothing to do with Unigui, but it looks like the language changes in XE have completely broken ZeosLib, which means I cant compile issuetracker :(


just thought I'd share my frustration.

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Nothing to do with Unigui, but it looks like the language changes in XE have completely broken ZeosLib, which means I cant compile issuetracker :(


just thought I'd share my frustration.


Doesn't Zeoslib has a XE version?


Doesn't Zeoslib has a XE version?



I thought so, (The Delphi14 package)

but after spending a while fighting with Pansichar() casting and {$IFDEF DELPHI_12UP} wierdness, I got no-where.


The only DB connectivity they have left in the starter edition is BDE and Interbase.. Not much good connecting to sqlite, and I swore I'd never build another application on BDE...




Hi Farshad


I'm trying to do a fresh install of delphi XE starter and Unigui on my XP home machine and I'm getting :


[DCC Fatal Error] uniTools15.dpk(39): F1026 File not found: 'uniStrUtils.dcu'


when compiling unitools


I'm woried that I have installed an older version on the other machine now. :(

  • Administrators

Hi Farshad


I'm trying to do a fresh install of delphi XE starter and Unigui on my XP home machine and I'm getting :


[DCC Fatal Error] uniTools15.dpk(39): F1026 File not found: 'uniStrUtils.dcu'


when compiling unitools


I'm woried that I have installed an older version on the other machine now. :(


Please check your Delphi Library path:









Above paths should be there.


Please check your Delphi Library path:









Above paths should be there.


Ok, the paths were missing for some reason..

I re-installed and now its fine.. The same thing happened with my BDS2006 install



Thanks Farshad

  • Administrators

Ok, the paths were missing for some reason..

I re-installed and now its fine.. The same thing happened with my BDS2006 install



Thanks Farshad


Maybe there are issues related to installing uniGUI after a fresh installation of Delphi. One known issue is that you need to run Delphi at least once before you install uniGUI.


I got tired of trying to get Oracle connectivity working with ZEOSLIB so I bought Unidac from DevArt(£80).


So now I'll be using UniGui with UniDAC .. this may get a little confusing :D


I thought so, (The Delphi14 package)

but after spending a while fighting with Pansichar() casting and {$IFDEF DELPHI_12UP} wierdness, I got no-where.


The only DB connectivity they have left in the starter edition is BDE and Interbase.. Not much good connecting to sqlite, and I swore I'd never build another application on BDE...




I don't use Started Edition but ZeosLib yes. You need to download the lastest version of svn source.


I'm using ZeosLib on XE with Firebird 2.5 with only two problems.


1) The TZSequence encloses with double quotes the names of the generators but is a simple change on the source files to make it work.


2) Sometimes when TZConnection.Disconnect is called, hangs. Workarround, simply don't make the call. I'm still have no time to trace this problem.


Best Regards

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Hi Farshad


the TeeChart components seem to cause a few problems.

I was wondering if it would be possible to use the TAChart codebase from Lazarus instead..

It might help to resolve a lot of these problems.


I will investigate this. Thx.


Hi Farshad


Just a quick heads-up, The delphi XE starter edition has no TClientDataset, so the megademo will not compile.


Not a major problem for me , but thought I would let you know.

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