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Hello Farshad Mohajeri,

I wonder when they will actually be released this version, 0.85, I am very interested in it in order to develop a module of my system for web, and apparently in the comments, it is very good, congratulations on that.

The question is when will we be able to master to download the version 0.85?

  • Administrators

Hello Farshad Mohajeri,

I wonder when they will actually be released this version, 0.85, I am very interested in it in order to develop a module of my system for web, and apparently in the comments, it is very good, congratulations on that.

The question is when will we be able to master to download the version 0.85?


Well, it is almost done. There are some small tweaks that I'm still working on.


My plan is to release it no later than 15th May.


Well, it is almost done. There are some small tweaks that I'm still working on.


My plan is to release it no later than 15th May.


We are anxious to know the new version Farshad.


Thanks for info.


Well, it is almost done. There are some small tweaks that I'm still working on.


My plan is to release it no later than 15th May.



Same here.. ;)


I look forward for the new version 0.85

  • Administrators

Well, there are not much new stuff in 0.85.0 except the new core itself which may remain unnoticed it you don't look deeply at it.


Here is the latest change log:


- 0000981: TUniTreeView.Selected:=Node doesn't select Node

- 0000713: Merge new framework Core

- 0000952: UniListBox: ItemIndex set bug

- 0000958: TUniForm.BringToFront

- 0000963: IE8 Compatibility mode for IE9

- 0000960: Component reference late binding problem

- 0000978: UniBitBtn: Change Glyph at runtime

- 0000871: UnixxxComboBox: OnCloseUp event

- 0000975: TUniForm: Delete unimplemented props from TUniForm DFM

- 0000977: DBLookUp Controls KeyValue bug

- 0000551: HTTP Compression

- 0000959: Bug when TUniFrame is set as Parent

- 0000957: Dynamically created UniTabSheet doesn't render contents properly

- 0000961: UniGroupBox: Alignment issue when inside another UniGroupBox:

- 0000964: TUniDBGrid: Loading dataset triggers multiple AfterScroll events

- 0000967: UniDBMemo: Can't display TWideMemoField data

- 0000935: ClientInfo is not set when mode is mfPage

- 0000936: UniDBGrid: resetting dgTitles has no effect

- 0000938: TUniGUISession.Terminated property added

- 0000939: TUniPageControl: Scroll when Tabs overflow

  • Upvote 1

Hi Farshad,


I'm waiting for some improvements already expected as:


- OnClick Event for UniLabel (#803 and #804)

- TUniListView Component (#854)

- Implementation of TUniExtCalendarPanel

- Label with Poupup

- and others as #857, #881.


Thanks for excellent work ..


Cristiano Testai

  • Administrators

Well, it is almost done. There are some small tweaks that I'm still working on.


My plan is to release it no later than 15th May.


Release date for 0.85.0 revised to 16th-17th May 2011.

Sorry for the delay.


Release date for 0.85.0 revised to 16th-17th May 2011.

Sorry for the delay.


Hi Farshad, I think the wait is well worth for all your hardwork.


Thank you

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