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Message from: "Farshad Mohajeri"


Hi all,


I'm currently trying to prepare a simple roadmap. Before finalizing it, I

want to ask you valuable developers a simple question. Your answer will make

it easier for me to prepare a more realistic roadmap.


The question is simple:


- What are the top 10 features you'd like to see in version 1.0.0 of uniGUI?


Your list may contain more than 10 items. Please prepare your list with the

most important feature ranked as #1 and the least important ranked as #10.



Farshad Mohajeri






Message from: "Dennis Ortiz"


1. Ability to create my own controls

2. SSL in standalone server

3. UNIDBDBDateTime

4. UNIDBEdit with selection Button

5. UNIDBEdit with mask

6. Support for more image formats in UNIDBImage




> I'm currently trying to prepare a simple roadmap. Before finalizing it, I

> want to ask you valuable developers a simple question. Your answer will make

> it easier for me to prepare a more realistic roadmap.


> The question is simple:


> - What are the top 10 features you'd like to see in version 1.0.0 of uniGUI?


> Your list may contain more than 10 items. Please prepare your list with the

> most important feature ranked as #1 and the least important ranked as #10.





Message from: "Leandro Ávila"


some items...


1. DBGrid with features of type

a) allow changing the background color and text of each line in time


B) allow use images in columns

c) allow bands to create the titles

d) allow filters and sorting excel style

e) allow grouping, something in the style cxgrid


2. uniDBNumericEdit / uniNumericEdit


3. uniMainMenu Full-featured (enable/disable items, visible/invisible items)



4. uniDBOutLookPanel like OutLook (another menu style)


5. uniListCheckBox / uniComboCheckBox


6. uniDBCtrlGrid


7. uniImageComboBox / uniDBImageComboBox


8. uniPopupmenu


9. uniBorder / uniShape


10. uniCheckTree / uniDBCheckTree / uniDBTree


the truth is that as the user "Dennis Ortiz," said ...

need to be able to create our own components

need to be able to help expand the "uniFramework," for it to be really great

.... This in no way takes away the "FMSoft" the law of copyright ;-)


I'm thinking of developing a commercial application using your full

framework, and would like to share with the group.


need your commitment and your assessment, and find it interesting that you

would like to create a site area of user contributions

and maybe even distributed in the demos folder of the main package ;-)


thanks, and once again, congratulations on the excellent work


Leandro Ávila



"Farshad Mohajeri" wrote in message


> Hi all,


> I'm currently trying to prepare a simple roadmap. Before finalizing it, I

> want to ask you valuable developers a simple question. Your answer will

> make it easier for me to prepare a more realistic roadmap.


> The question is simple:


> - What are the top 10 features you'd like to see in version 1.0.0 of

> uniGUI?


> Your list may contain more than 10 items. Please prepare your list with

> the most important feature ranked as #1 and the least important ranked as

> #10.


> Thanks

> Farshad Mohajeri







Message from: "Dennis Ortiz"




> 7. uniImageComboBox / uniDBImageComboBox


That would be great


> 8. uniPopupmenu


I think this feature conflicts with the Right click menu of the browsers





Message from: "C_thelegend"


1) scrollbox

2) powerful dbgrid

3) popup mode for windows

4) dbDateTime

5) master/detail dbGrid (it's hard to do, i know)

6) touch control (like keyboard)

7) touch gesture







Message from: "Farshad Mohajeri"



> 5) master/detail dbGrid (it's hard to do, i know)


We already support master/detail in two separate grids. In this case, I

think you want one Grid with detail rows embedded in master rows. Am I







Message from: "Imagina"


"Farshad Mohajeri" wrote in



1. Specializated editors in Grid/DBGrid: at least combobox, checkbox,

date, dblookup in dbgrid

2. DBLookupComboBox control

3. PopupMenu in controls

4. TScrollBox control

5. Title column click event and cell painting event in grid/dbgrid

6. TShape control

7. TBevel control

8. TRichEdit/TDBRichEdit controls

9. Methods on server side to get client connections and his state (live,

dead, etc) and ability to kill live/dead connections

10. Source code


Have you stimated the final price? With/without souce?




> Hi all,


> I'm currently trying to prepare a simple roadmap. Before finalizing

> it, I want to ask you valuable developers a simple question. Your

> answer will make it easier for me to prepare a more realistic roadmap.


> The question is simple:


> - What are the top 10 features you'd like to see in version 1.0.0 of

> uniGUI?


> Your list may contain more than 10 items. Please prepare your list

> with the most important feature ranked as #1 and the least important

> ranked as #10.


> Thanks

> Farshad Mohajeri







Message from: "Dennis Ortiz"


El 11/26/2010 5:52 PM, Dennis Ortiz escribió:

> 1. Ability to create my own controls

> 2. SSL in standalone server

> 3. UNIDBDBDateTime

> 4. UNIDBEdit with selection Button

> 5. UNIDBEdit with mask

> 6. Support for more image formats in UNIDBImage

7. Javascript Client Side Support





Message from: "C_thelegend"


Il 27/11/2010 11.18, Farshad Mohajeri ha scritto:

> "C_thelegend"

>> 5) master/detail dbGrid (it's hard to do, i know)


> We already support master/detail in two separate grids. In this case, I

> think you want one Grid with detail rows embedded in master rows. Am I

> right?



exactly, like cxgrid of devexpress.




Message from: "Marko Kastelic"


1.) UniJavaScript support, execution in browser - to fill communication gap

between UniControls and other parts of web page.

2.) JavaScript support (in UniURLFrame),


var document:IhtmlDocument2;



document:=UniURLFrame1.Document as IhtmlDocument2;

if document.parentWindow <>nil then

frame_win:= document.parentWindow as IhtmlWindow2;

if frame_win<>nil then


frame_win.execScript('alert("hello world")','JavaScript');



// it works in win app, but not in browser


3.) UniGoogleMaps (with reference to Gmaps object)

4.) UniOpenLayers



Best regards,

Marko Kastelic


"Farshad Mohajeri" je napisal v sporoèilo

news:ap2TDHbjLHA.2080@anaxagvs227 ...

> Hi all,


> I'm currently trying to prepare a simple roadmap. Before finalizing it, I

> want to ask you valuable developers a simple question. Your answer will

> make it easier for me to prepare a more realistic roadmap.


> The question is simple:


> - What are the top 10 features you'd like to see in version 1.0.0 of

> uniGUI?


> Your list may contain more than 10 items. Please prepare your list with

> the most important feature ranked as #1 and the least important ranked as

> #10.


> Thanks

> Farshad Mohajeri







Message from: "Junjun"


1. TUniDBLookupComboBox

3. TuniDBCtrlGrid, so we could looping dbcontrol without create on the fly

2. Editors in DBGrid (dbcombobox, dbcheckbox, dbdate, dblookup), enable

sorting onclick title event

3. PopupMenu in controls

4. TUniScrollBox

5. TUniDBRichEdit

6. TUniDbDateTime

7. TdbCheckBox

8. OnClick event on TUniLabel

9. OutLook/Accordion Menu

10. More feature that come with extJS








Message from: "Harry Rogers"


Farshad Mohajeri wrote:


> Hi all,


> I'm currently trying to prepare a simple roadmap. Before finalizing

> it, I want to ask you valuable developers a simple question. Your

> answer will make it easier for me to prepare a more realistic roadmap.


> The question is simple:


> - What are the top 10 features you'd like to see in version 1.0.0 of

> uniGUI?


> Your list may contain more than 10 items. Please prepare your list

> with the most important feature ranked as #1 and the least important

> ranked as #10.


> Thanks

> Farshad Mohajeri


Hi Farshad


1. SSL in standalone

2. uniDBNumericEdit / uniNumericEdit

3. UniShape

4. UniScrollbox

5. Access to the browsers printers


All the best







Message from: "ldb"


I agree with Leandro list.


We need also a list of all property / event published at web side and

compressed http response to get better performance on slow adsl connection.


Is possibile to add, on server side, a log with all event raised from

client to optimize web application?




Il 27/11/2010 02:33, Leandro Ávila ha scritto:

> some items...


> 1. DBGrid with features of type

> a) allow changing the background color and text of each line in time

> execution

> B) allow use images in columns

> c) allow bands to create the titles

> d) allow filters and sorting excel style

> e) allow grouping, something in the style cxgrid


> 2. uniDBNumericEdit / uniNumericEdit


> 3. uniMainMenu Full-featured (enable/disable items, visible/invisible items)

> etc


> 4. uniDBOutLookPanel like OutLook (another menu style)


> 5. uniListCheckBox / uniComboCheckBox


> 6. uniDBCtrlGrid


> 7. uniImageComboBox / uniDBImageComboBox


> 8. uniPopupmenu


> 9. uniBorder / uniShape


> 10. uniCheckTree / uniDBCheckTree / uniDBTree


> the truth is that as the user "Dennis Ortiz," said ...

> need to be able to create our own components

> need to be able to help expand the "uniFramework," for it to be really great

> ... This in no way takes away the "FMSoft" the law of copyright ;-)


> I'm thinking of developing a commercial application using your full

> framework, and would like to share with the group.


> need your commitment and your assessment, and find it interesting that you

> would like to create a site area of user contributions

> and maybe even distributed in the demos folder of the main package ;-)


> thanks, and once again, congratulations on the excellent work


> Leandro Ávila



> "Farshad Mohajeri" wrote in message

> news:ap2TDHbjLHA.2080@anaxagvs227...

>> Hi all,


>> I'm currently trying to prepare a simple roadmap. Before finalizing it, I

>> want to ask you valuable developers a simple question. Your answer will

>> make it easier for me to prepare a more realistic roadmap.


>> The question is simple:


>> - What are the top 10 features you'd like to see in version 1.0.0 of

>> uniGUI?


>> Your list may contain more than 10 items. Please prepare your list with

>> the most important feature ranked as #1 and the least important ranked as

>> #10.


>> Thanks

>> Farshad Mohajeri








Message from: "Andrew Tierney"


1) Clientside scripting - ie. Support for adhock javascript/jquery would

solve 99% of the missing features I need. To get the most from the

clientside scripting, I need to be able to force the ID or set the CLASS

of the controls on a page, that way I can $('#mycontrol').click....


2) DBLookupComboBox and DBLookupListBox (supporting ownerdraw/checkbox)


3) DBDateTimePicker


4) DBEdit - Mask/Regular Expression with optional Button


5) FCKEditor ?? or


6) Accordian Control


7) Calendar



8) SSL in standalone mode.


9) Ability to create own controls


10)DBGrid Enhancements - Filtering/Grouping/Sorting/Heirachy/etc etc

Grid Column support for ANY editor type - ie. DateTime/Combo/Owner






Message from: "test"


1. Accordion Control

2. Grid with in place editors (e.g. combobox)

3. Layouts other than absolute (or client side HTML to create DIVs)

4. Grid sorting and grouping


On 26/11/2010 21:36, Farshad Mohajeri wrote:

> Hi all,


> I'm currently trying to prepare a simple roadmap. Before finalizing it, I

> want to ask you valuable developers a simple question. Your answer will make

> it easier for me to prepare a more realistic roadmap.


> The question is simple:


> - What are the top 10 features you'd like to see in version 1.0.0 of uniGUI?


> Your list may contain more than 10 items. Please prepare your list with the

> most important feature ranked as #1 and the least important ranked as #10.


> Thanks

> Farshad Mohajeri







Message from: "eric"


Hi Farshad


Since Unigui is based on the Ext Js library from Sencha , is there a way to link too to the Html5 CSS3/SASS tech from Sencha

and then we will be able to create design front for Iphone or Android ?


best regards







Message from: "Farshad Mohajeri"


"eric" wrote in message


> Hi Farshad


> Since Unigui is based on the Ext Js library from Sencha , is there a way

> to link too to the Html5 CSS3/SASS tech from Sencha

> and then we will be able to create design front for Iphone or Android ?



Hi Eric,


Html5 based controls is in todo list. For iPhone there is Sencha touch which

we think we can cover as well.






Message from: "Junior/RO"


Farshad Mohajeri escreveu:


> Your list may contain more than 10 items. Please prepare your list with the most important feature ranked as #1 and the least important ranked as #10.


May I sugest a form of calculate the "bussiness weight" of this features? This is a good way when I try to prioritize features.


When I was using ScrumWorks, I have learned their way to prioritize items. Maybe this be useful:








By the way, I thinking of use uniGui to create a web version of a ScrumWorks clone. I already have made one, using TVirtualTreeView + DBISAM.


UniGui is already mature to make a GUI like these I have attached?




Que é essa vida se, com tanto a fazer, não temos tempo para parar e ver?




Message from: "Dennis Ortiz"


El 11/27/2010 11:36 AM, Dennis Ortiz escribió:

> El 11/26/2010 5:52 PM, Dennis Ortiz escribió:

>> 1. Ability to create my own controls

>> 2. SSL in standalone server

>> 3. UNIDBDBDateTime

>> 4. UNIDBEdit with selection Button

>> 5. UNIDBEdit with mask

>> 6. Support for more image formats in UNIDBImage

> 7. Javascript Client Side Support


8. In reality is my #1 modified


I want to register 2 component as a new One (no new functionality in

either of them). for example TUniDBEdit + TUnispeedbutton =

TMyUniDBEditButton. ( and then create TMyUniDBEditButton at run time )
















Message from: "Andy Zubov"


1) extremely need TComboBox with 2 lists - Items and KeyItems (id & values)

in db apps i never using db controls, always use popup window for edit


and this control can simulate lookup for me

2) dbgrid with TitleColums event for sorting, filtering, etc.....

3) broadcast system message to all connected users (server restart and


4) On server side need more info about users session



ÓÌÅÄÕÀÝÅÅ: news:ap2TDHbjLHA.2080@anaxagvs227...

> Hi all,


> I'm currently trying to prepare a simple roadmap. Before finalizing it, I

> want to ask you valuable developers a simple question. Your answer will

> make it easier for me to prepare a more realistic roadmap.


> The question is simple:


> - What are the top 10 features you'd like to see in version 1.0.0 of

> uniGUI?


> Your list may contain more than 10 items. Please prepare your list with

> the most important feature ranked as #1 and the least important ranked as

> #10.


> Thanks

> Farshad Mohajeri







Message from: "Alessandro"


1 Mobile device support (Android, iOS, PocketPC(old WinCE))

2 Filtering, sorting and custom editing DBGrid (like DevExpress grid)

3 Number Edit (JvValidateEdit or cxCurrencyEdit) and increase standard


4 Reports engine support generate PDF (Like FastReport)

5 Custom StandAloneServer Form with other form (config, admin login,

session management)

6 Multiple main form or multiple url form

7 Plug-in engine (DLL or BPL)

8 Http URL command for custom response stream o text/xml/json/html or

support for RPC/REST XML/JSON/text utf-8 format

9 Support for use 24/7 web application

10 RTF editor support (HTML to RTF or similar)

(11 ExtJS 4 support)



Alessandro Savoiardo




Message from: "Dennis Ortiz"


El 12/4/2010 11:18 AM, Dennis Ortiz escribió:

> El 11/27/2010 11:36 AM, Dennis Ortiz escribió:

>> El 11/26/2010 5:52 PM, Dennis Ortiz escribió:

>>> 1. Ability to create my own controls

>>> 2. SSL in standalone server

>>> 3. UNIDBDBDateTime

>>> 4. UNIDBEdit with selection Button

>>> 5. UNIDBEdit with mask

>>> 6. Support for more image formats in UNIDBImage

>> 7. Javascript Client Side Support


> 8. In reality is my #1 modified


> I want to register 2 component as a new One (no new functionality in

> either of them). for example TUniDBEdit + TUnispeedbutton =

> TMyUniDBEditButton. ( and then create TMyUniDBEditButton at run time )


9. ONSessionTimeout. In think this belong in UniMainModule. I need these

to show the login or main form after inactivity invoke the event.




Message from: "Dennis Ortiz"


HI Alessandro escribió:


> 4 Reports engine support generate PDF (Like FastReport)


Currently i use fastreport with UniGUI and work great. After the report

is prepared i export to PDF and present it using uniURLFrame.




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