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You´re very lucky that they really don´t beleave in the Internet.

At least it seems they have canceled that "ASP.NET MVC by Embarcadero" named Relax.

If you don´t know how to do something,better let  somebody else do,

and ASP.NET MVC is an error by itself,does not need a pale copy.

They should start bundle UNIGUI,altough it didnt seem to have helped INTRAWEB very much

in the last 15 years.



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The only single feature in this Roadmap which is related to uniGUI is Linux support. Other than that I see nothing interesting.


As Marcello said, they have no interest in a web strategy. They're fully dedicated to desktop VCL & FMX applications, but certainly desktop is not where UI technologies are evolving.


For me it is a shame that the compiler work different in different plataforms.

O all the criticism received by Object pascal,specially for those that like "Magic" languages like Python,

the only one that really bothers me is having to destroy  things by hand,when they go out of scope,

and worsely just on Windows.



By the way Zig Zig,I also have received an axe in the head this weak.

UNIGUI X INTRAWEB is becoming something Like Palmeiras x Corinthians

or Fenerbahce x Galatasaray.

I prefer to still talk only for the Tech side.

I won´t bite the hand that have feed me once,during years Intraweb was the best we had.


This week I have become the worst secret agent ever. :D  :D

See this:





Yes, I saw the [ridiculous] die-hard answers from A. Machado to your questions (which where very clear, fair, polite, objective and neutral IMHO).  Obviously, this guy doesn't know uniGUI, and doesn't want to know uniGUI... 

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I don't see any gain in starting a flame war between two products. From users' point of view, it is always good to have multiple choices.  For Delphi and web it seems that there are only very few choices.

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