mhmda Posted July 30, 2016 Posted July 30, 2016 I want to enable multi select in in UniCalendar: I added this: function picker.beforeInit(sender, config) { config.cls='room_clndr';//class for background color config.DisabledDates=[];//array to hold disabled days } function, date, eOpts) { sender.DisabledDates.push(date); sender.setDisabledDates(sender.DisabledDates); } Everything works great except this: if user want to cancel one date from those highlighted (disabled) dates by clicking on it using the mouse, but it disabled because it has -disabled- class, How can I enable the mouse event on those disabled dates, when user click on disabled date I remove it from the array and call: sender.setDisabledDates(sender.DisabledDates); Any idea? Quote
mhmda Posted July 30, 2016 Author Posted July 30, 2016 After fighting long day I found a solution override 'handleDateClick': function picker.beforeInit(sender, config) { config.cls='room_clndr'; config.DisabledDates=[]; config.disabledDaysText='חסום'; config.handleDateClick = function(e, t){ var me = this, handler = me.handler; e.stopEvent(); if(!me.disabled && t.dateValue){ me.doCancelFocus = me.focusOnSelect === false; me.setValue(new Date(t.dateValue)); delete me.doCancelFocus; me.fireEvent('select', me, me.value); if (handler) { || me, me, me.value); } me.onSelect(); } } } And: function, date, eOpts) { if(jQuery.inArray( Ext.Date.format(date, 'd/m/Y'), sender.DisabledDates )>=0) { sender.DisabledDates.splice( $.inArray(Ext.Date.format(date, 'd/m/Y'), sender.DisabledDates), 1 ); if(sender.DisabledDates.length>0) { sender.setDisabledDates(sender.DisabledDates); } else { sender.setDisabledDates([null]); } } else { sender.DisabledDates.push(Ext.Date.format(date, 'd/m/Y')); sender.setDisabledDates(sender.DisabledDates); } } CSS: .room_clndr .x-datepicker-disabled .x-datepicker-date { background-color:#fe5757 !important; color: #fff !important; } WORKS PERFECT !!!! Quote
molla2005b Posted August 1, 2016 Posted August 1, 2016 Thanks dear great work mohammad I hope you always good luck Quote
md9projetos Posted August 28, 2016 Posted August 28, 2016 I hope it comes a day where We can do Everything writing Just Delphi. FMSoft is doing an oustanding Job,if comparing to DevExpress or Telerik where you write more Javscript than C#. But I really love when I do everything using only Delphi. Quote
mhmda Posted August 28, 2016 Author Posted August 28, 2016 But I really love when I do everything using only Delphi. Well I would love that too, but doing things in client side (at least for me) has two advantages: 1. Knowing better how extjs works. 2. Less connections to the Server (saving bandwidth and delay) Also validating things that could be done in client side I do in client side for example: /* regex for email validation */ var ereg = /^\w+([-+.']\w+)*@\w+([-.]\w+)*\.\w+([-.]\w+)*$/; if(!ereg.test(frmSignUP.edtEmail.getValue())) { Ext.Msg.alert('Invalid email address'); } If I do that in delphi I would send all data to server and do validation there: //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ function IsValidEmail(const Value: string): Boolean; function CheckAllowed(const s: string): Boolean; var i: Integer; begin Result:= false; for i:= 1 to Length(s) do if not (s[i] in ['a'..'z', 'A'..'Z', '0'..'9', '_', '-', '.']) then Exit; Result:= true; end; var i: Integer; NamePart, ServerPart: string; begin Result:= False; i:=Pos('@', Value); if i=0 then Exit; NamePart:=Copy(Value, 1, i-1); ServerPart:=Copy(Value, i+1, Length(Value)); if (Length(NamePart)=0) or ((Length(ServerPart)<5)) then Exit; i:=Pos('.', ServerPart); if (i=0) or (i>(Length(serverPart)-2)) then Exit; Result:= CheckAllowed(NamePart) and CheckAllowed(ServerPart); end; if not IsValidEmail(edtEmail.Text) then begin ShowMessage('Invalid email address'); end Using client side is more efficient, faster and less code. Quote
zilav Posted August 28, 2016 Posted August 28, 2016 Using client side is more efficient, faster and less code. But insecure for critical data, client side validations can be easily removed by anyone. I still recommend to validate on server too in addition to client side just in case. Quote
mhmda Posted August 28, 2016 Author Posted August 28, 2016 It's not so easy as you think, give it try and see.... 1 Quote
zilav Posted August 28, 2016 Posted August 28, 2016 It's not so easy as you think, give it try and see.... It is not about difficulty, but rather possibility. Client side validation is possible to remove especially on modern browsers with bulit-in dev tools and debuggers, that's enough for it to be insecure. Quote
md9projetos Posted August 28, 2016 Posted August 28, 2016 Yes,Client side will allways be some miliseconds faster ,but I think harder to debug and keep. Imagine someone else have to keep the code. For instance( a very silly example) ,if you change teh caption of a label using Extjs Code you´ll see that in the screen ,but it wont be the value in the server,imagine someone using it in a if statement? Of course its not a DLL with 500 users in,but the samples that are in Ankara(using only Delphi code), are very responsive. EXTJS 6 will bes even faster,and 6.2 or 7 will be a complete turn around. Also Unigui itself can be optimized,everything can. Your and others Extjs code are pretty helpfull,and for today they´re the only one thing that can be done. Also If I have to keep the DLL in a internel dedicated server,have more Dlls,its a price that I think pretty reasanoble for the kind of software I produced,tailored not multi-tenant ERP. But I really think the goal should be Doing everything using only Delphi code,specially because the main audience of uniGUI are Delphi programmers willing to reuse their Delphi code,most of them thinking of using a parser/importer,something that probably won´t be possible based in EXTJS code. An this Delphi code you provide would be a function that could be reused many time trought the system. Quote
ice Posted September 11, 2018 Posted September 11, 2018 Hi mhmda, does work datepicker multiselect with extjs 6.5 Quote
mhmda Posted September 11, 2018 Author Posted September 11, 2018 I didn't test it with Extsj 6.5 Quote
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