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When I direct set a value to a uninumberedit, the onchange event don't raise.


If I tipe a velue, yes, but if I change its valur from code (ie.: x := 3), the event doesn't raise.


I forgot something?




I'm trying.


I put:


function dirtychange(sender, isDirty, eOpts)
   unilabel2.caption := 'Hello';


but reise an error.


can you put a sample please?



  • 5 months later...

I think that the changevalue event raises just before the value changes.


This behaviour, I think is not correct.




Sorry, what do you mean? Can you explain how it should be ?!


Best regards.


I'm experiencing some extrange behaviour with this,


Attached is a sample project.


In the sample,works ok, but if you remove the UniNumberEdit1Change procedure, doesn't work as expected.








Thanks for the test case, need to analyze...


But, of course, you can use one event hadler for two events for now:

procedure TMainForm.UniNumberEdit1Change(Sender: TObject);
  Edit1.text := 'value ' + uninumberedit1.text;

OnChange          -> UniNumberEdit1Change,

OnChangeValue -> UniNumberEdit1Change

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I'm experiencing some extrange behaviour with this,


Attached is a sample project.


In the sample,works ok, but if you remove the UniNumberEdit1Change procedure, doesn't work as expected.




If you remove UniNumberEdit1Change the events will not be sent to the server each time user presses a key. Changes will be available only when an event is generated on the client.


You don't need to use OnChangeEvent. Just put something like a OK button or APPLY button to get values from Form when user has finished editing.





The only way to do this works as I need is put the necessary code in the onchangevalue of the component, and in the onchange event, put something. A blank commented line is enough.


With this (extrange for me), works ok, and the onchangevalue event works.




For example, in a form, I type the customerId.


If the curtomerid changes, I have to query from the database the payment terms, default address, etc.


In vcl apps, I do this operation in the onchange event.


Here, with unigui, I do the the same, but with onchengevalue.

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