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Assuming I have a unidbgrid with five columns attached to a data set. How do I disable the editing on columns 1, 2 and 3 when the value of the fifth column is 1 but they are editable if the value in the fifth column is anything else?

And, in which event would this be best suited?






You can use, DataSource->onDataChange event,

for example:

procedure TMainForm.DataSource1DataChange(Sender: TObject; Field: TField);
  if (Sender as TDataSource).DataSet.Fields[3].AsInteger = 1 then
    (Sender as TDataSource).DataSet.Fields[3].ReadOnly := True
    (Sender as TDataSource).DataSet.Fields[3].ReadOnly := False

Best regards.

  • 1 year later...

Is it possible to set one cell to ReadOnly = True/False?


for example,

Row 1 -> if the 1st column's value is Y, then the 2nd column is "ReadOnly = True" (cannot edit)

Row 2 -> the 1st column's value is N, then the 2nd column is "ReadOnly = False" (can edit)


Thanks for your reply.



ColA is CheckBox

             ColA  |  ColB
Row1    True     Success     (Row1 - ColA ReadOnly Is False)
Row2    False     Fail           (Row2 - ColA ReadOnly Is True)
Row3    False    Fail            (Row3 - ColA ReadOnly Is True)
Row4    False    Success    (Row4 - ColA ReadOnly Is False)

It means user can only edit the ColA of Row1 & Row4.



function beforeedit(editor, context, eOpts)
    var me=context;
    if ((me.column.dataIndex == "0") && (me.record.data[1] != "Success")) {
        return false;


I use the above code, but Row 2 & Row 3 (ColA) still can be edited. Anything is wrong?

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