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I need the unidbgrid to show every character (including < , >, &). Instead I see that those characters are interpreted as HTML. I have the same issue with form titles.


This is also a security issue!


I need the unidbgrid to show every character (including < , >, &). Instead I see that those characters are interpreted as HTML. I have the same issue with form titles.


This is also a security issue!




I'm sorry, can you clarify your issue ?!

When that happens? Can you make a small test case for your issue?

I can not reproduce it..


Best regards.



I adapted a small project i had. It is only dependent on VirtualTable by Devart ODAC, which is a free component. I am pretty confident it also works with other in-memory datasets

just launch the application and look at the first row. It is supposed to contain the text "aaaa<p>a</p>" instead is rendered as








of course you can enter any HTML you want: links, maybe even JS code!


I need a way to configure a grid in order to display HTML (or any special character) and not interpret it. Same thing for form titles. Other DB components are safe (uniDBEdit and labels, for instance)

I will upload another project by Monday.


For now can you try this approach? :


for example for uniDBGrid:

function reconfigure(sender, store, columns, oldStore, oldColumns, eOpts)
    // 1- your colIndx
    columns[1].renderer = function(val){
         return Ext.util.Format.htmlEncode(val)


function reconfigure(sender, store, columns, oldStore, oldColumns, eOpts)
        col.renderer = function(val){
            return Ext.util.Format.htmlEncode(val)

Unfortunately this introduces a problem. OnDrawColumnCell doesn't work anymore.


In the project above

void __fastcall TMainForm::GridSrcDrawColumnCell(TObject *Sender, int ACol, int ARow, TUniDBGridColumn *Column, TUniCellAttribs *Attribs)

    Attribs->Color = clRed;

This is supposed to turn all the cells background red. It works only if you disable the reconfigure ExtEvent, I need both to work simultaneously,


I had a look at ext-unigui-min.js

maybe something like this?

function reconfigure(sender, store, columns, oldStore, the, eOpts)
        col.renderer = function(k,a,d,i,m,l,j){  
            return _rndcll_(Ext.util.Format.htmlEncode(k), a,d,i,m,l,j)  

Should this whole topic be moved under "Active Reports"? By the way, the workaround above seems to work. I would appreciate if, in future version of the library, grids had a flag "escape HTML" (true by default).


As for the form title I am pretty lost: I was unable to change the behaviour of the JS Window object and since TUniForm::GetCaption is NOT virtual I can't find a clean way to change its behaviour, either.

class PASCALIMPLEMENTATION TUniBaseForm : public TUniBaseIntermForm
	System::UnicodeString __fastcall GetCaption(void);
	virtual void __fastcall SetCaption(System::UnicodeString Value);

my form

class TMyForm : public TUniForm
UnicodeString _unescaped_caption;

	UnicodeString __fastcall GetCaption(void);//NO!
	virtual void __fastcall SetCaption(UnicodeString Value);//OK since it is virtual
public:        // User declarations
    __fastcall TMyForm(TComponent* Owner);

// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
__fastcall TMyForm::TMyForm(TComponent * Owner) : TUniForm(Owner), _unescaped_caption(Caption)

// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
UnicodeString __fastcall TMyForm::GetCaption(void)
    return _unescaped_caption; //this is never called!

// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void __fastcall TMyForm::SetCaption(UnicodeString Value)
    _unescaped_caption = Value;

As a result if I execute this

TMyForm* AForm = MyForm();
AForm->Caption = AForm->Caption;

The caption gets escaped twice!

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