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Hello friends
But a theme for your help.
Is there any way to return the result of a function falling within the scope of the message callback?
Olá amigos
Mais um tema para vossa ajuda.
Há alguma forma de retornar para o result de uma function estando dentro do escopo do callback message?
function teste: boolean;
         result: = false;
         MessageDlg ('My question?' MtConfirmation, mbYesNo,
             procedure (Sender: TComponent; Res: Integer)
               Res case of
                           // Run code
                          is there any chance of returning to the function?



If I understand your need, you can try something like this (I didn't test it but it should work):



function teste: boolean;
         result: = false;
         UniSession.myModalResult:=mrNone;//myModalResult is a public property that you must define in UniSession.
         MessageDlg ('My question?' MtConfirmation, mbYesNo,
             procedure (Sender: TComponent; Res: Integer)
               Res case of
                           // Run code
                          is there any chance of returning to the function? // yes, by using a session property
          While UniSession.MyModalResult=mrNone do
            //do nothing
         //The following code will not be executed until MessageDlg get a modal result
        // ie : if UniSession.MyModalResult=mrOK then ...




But IMHO, it is not a good practice.


At least put something like Sleep(100) in while loop. But it is indeed a bad practice.

I recommend to put the code you want to execute after a dialog in a separate function/method and call it within callback, that way you'll still get access to all the properties of a parent form/frame without cluttering the callback code itself.


Yes already use the callback for that. However there are situations where you make an inquiry and performs something. Then there is another question to something else, that linked to the previous process. Callback for each situation nested within other is not the best practice.


Unlike Javascript we don't have promises on server side, so "callback hell" is the only option for now unless UniGUI will add a similar feature or you want to fiddle with js on client side yourself.

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