herculanojs Posted June 29, 2016 Posted June 29, 2016 I have a problem when I try to destroy a TUniTabSheet that wire added to a UniPageControl1. The scenario is the following: In UniTabSheet will be added to a frame. In this frame I have a preparation method for the same, which is not satisfactory if the UniTabSheet should be destroyed. What happens is that when this method fails preparation, UniTabSheet not being destroyed in any way. I've tried numerous methods and nothing. What is wrong? And for some reason it can not Diser, any message that is triggered in the frame of the preparation method, is not shown. procedure TMainForm.CriaFrame; var FrC : TUniFrameClass; Fr : TUniFrame; tb:TUniTabSheet; begin FrC := TUniFrameClass(FindClass(Classframe)); if frc <> nil then begin tb := TUniTabSheet.Create(Self); tb.Closable := True; tb.PageControl := UniPageControl1; tb.Caption := 'teste'; tb.Tag := CriaFrameRec.Tag; Fr := FrC.Create(tb); if fr <> nil then begin Fr.Align := alClient; Fr.Parent := tb; if datamodel.link.Util.ExecutaMetodo(fr,'prepara') then begin tb.Caption := CriaFrameRec.Grupo.Titulo; tb.TabVisible := True; UniPageControl1.ActivePage := tb; end else begin FreeAndNil(fr); //tb.close; //tb.TabVisible := False; //tb.Visible := false; for count := UniPageControl1.PageCount-1 downto 0 do begin if UniPageControl1.Pages[count].Tag = CriaFrameRec.Tag then begin UniPageControl1.Pages[count].FreeOnRelease; //UniPageControl1.Pages[count].Close; //UniPageControl1.Pages[count].Destroy; Break; end; end; UniPageControl1.Refresh; count := UniPageControl1.PageCount; //tb.close; {fr.Free; tb.Free; tb := nil;} end; end; end; --------------------------------------------------------------------- frame: function TframeVendaFastFoodMC.Prepara: boolean; begin result := false; MessageDlg('teste.',mtWarning,mbOKCancel); end; class function TUtil.ExecutaMetodo(const Instance: Tobject; MethodName: string): Boolean; type TInicializa = function :Boolean of object; var Routine: TMethod; Inicializa :TInicializa; begin Try Result := false; if (Instance <> nil) and (MethodName <> '') then begin Routine.Data := Pointer(Instance); Routine.Code := Instance.MethodAddress(MethodName); if Routine.Code <> nil then begin Inicializa := TInicializa(Routine); Result := Inicializa; end;// else end; except raise; end; end; Quote
herculanojs Posted June 29, 2016 Author Posted June 29, 2016 I have discovered the cause of the problems. This is already reported in another post regarding the combobox component. This component has a bug that needs to be corrected urgently. "C is not a constructor" If we add this component in frame, form, etc. and you try to destroy this object is the ajax error "c is not a constructor." http://forums.unigui.com/index.php?/topic/6804-c-is-not-a-constructor-tunicombobox-help-urgent-please/ Quote
herculanojs Posted June 29, 2016 Author Posted June 29, 2016 What is wrong with this Tunicombox component that is used in a frame, and it is destroyed causes this error? I need a solution for this. Quote
Sherzod Posted June 29, 2016 Posted June 29, 2016 Hi, We will analyze this issue.. Best regards. Quote
Sherzod Posted June 29, 2016 Posted June 29, 2016 Hi, If I understand correctly youIf you want destroing a Frame right after creating it, as Farshad said, is not a valid practice in uniGUI Please decide before creating the frame Quote
herculanojs Posted June 29, 2016 Author Posted June 29, 2016 Any solution to tell this? I tried to destroy the combo component form before the destroy, but still occurs ajax exception "C is not a constructor." In the server I scored to suppress ajax error, but for some reason with this option, the messages should be shown the process, they are also suppressed. The error occurs if you add a combobox in a frame, and this frame is destroyed. An alternative would be to create the I frame, even if the process is not valid, then control and for taime so that it is closed without detruir. However this is not ideal Quote
herculanojs Posted June 29, 2016 Author Posted June 29, 2016 In the frame there is data that needs to be loaded and validated. If that fails the continuity must be aborted. You can not check this before. Therefore, the frame preparation method. However only noticed problems with Tunicombox component, which for some reason it seems that something is still running even after the destruction of the frame. Quote
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