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I'm having problems with component positioning. What is shown in design time is not being respected at runtime.


The involved "containers" are like this:


MainForm -> ContainerPanel -> Frame -> Panel -> Visual components


UniEdits and UniCombos located in the Panel respects the position defined at design time, but UniGroupBox and UniCheckBox appears at wrong position in runtime.


Btw, how do I post a image here? The image button asks for an URL. Isn't there a way to post directly to the forum?


Berlin 10.1 and UniGUI





Well, I think that now I understood what is going on.


I'm using the Fieldlabel property of the DBEdits and DBCombos to display the label at top. Since the labels are not shown at designtime, I guess in runtime all the edits are moved a few pixels below (to accommodate the label above them). So, other components not using the Fieldlabel property looks like "misaligned".


So, is this expected? Is it a good practive to use the Fieldlabel properties?



  • 6 months later...


As soon as I started using FieldLabel I noticed this inconsistency between design and runtime. This is pretty evident if set FieldAlign = alTop: nothing changes at design time, while at run time the Edit is moved several pixels down.




Temporary workaround:

function afterrender(sender, eOpts)
    if (sender.labelEl && sender.labelAlign == "top") {
        var _t=sender.labelEl.el.getY();

Best regards.

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