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i have a unidbgrid linked to a datasource that displayed a list of filename.

Actually if i'm using the event onDblClick and i have this code :

procedure TUniForm.GridDCEDblClick(Sender: TObject);
var urlFile : string;

    urlfile := UniMainModule.GetUrlFileServer+'/?'+UniMainModule.getParameterCurrentFile;
    UniSession.AddJS('window.open('''+urlfile +''',''_blank'');');

urlfile is a url that is on another webserver than unigui webserver.

SO when i double click on cell that must launch a file download.


WIth this methode i'm blocked by webbrowser because it think it is a popup. If i unblock popup security the file download is launched.

It's working but i think there must be a better solution without unblock popup security.


how would you do? hope I was clear enough





issue :

i had a TUniURLFrame with property visible := false



ir replace

UniSession.AddJS('window.open('''+urlfile +''',''_blank'');');


UniURLFrame1.URL:= urlfile ;


Create a new calculated field, put link to the file there in OnCalcFields

DataSet.FieldByName('download').AsString := '<a href="' + UniMainModule.GetUrlFileServer+'/?'+UniMainModule.getParameterCurrentFile + '">Download</a>'

User will see an ordinary link in this cell which he can click.

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