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Message from: "Francisco FJTROOPER"


Hello, I use MyDac components to access MySql, Should I set to true

autocoinicialize? What's the use of autocoinitialize?

Thxs very much








Message from: "ldb"


You will normally use "autocoinicialize" to access the database via ADO

or to use OLE / ActiveX objects .

I thinks for mySQL is not needed





Il 14/04/2011 07:17, Francisco FJTROOPER ha scritto:

> Hello, I use MyDac components to access MySql, Should I set to true

> autocoinicialize? What's the use of autocoinitialize?

> Thxs very much







Message from: "Farshad Mohajeri"


"Francisco FJTROOPER" wrote in message


> Hello, I use MyDac components to access MySql, Should I set to true

> autocoinicialize? What's the use of autocoinitialize?


CoInitialize must be called for threads with COM objects. MySQL isn't COM

based so you shouldnt need it.





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