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I use quickreport in my desktop / clienty - server applications.


can I use QR with an web app developed with unigui?


any other reporting tool?




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I use QR in all my apps, and I'd like to use it with uniGUI apps.




for general info for all users interested in QR.


I've tested quickreport and it works.


- I put a QR in a unigui form, ignoring the warning.


- for every element I put in the report, raise the same warning, but I ignore them.


- I put a QRPDFFilter in the QR


- I run the report, connected a dataset, and insted of print or preview, I generate a pdf


  these are the lines of code:


   xreport := 'c:\test.pdf');


- after generate the pdf, I run the comand sendfile, for the user can download or view the report.


and everything works fine.


I don't know if there are more ways to get the report, but this vay is the best for me.


one more step in my interest for unigui.


now I only have to solve my expired trial period. I need more time to test (oned month more or less).


For not having a problem must be thread safe. For better understanding i copied a term from wikipedia


Thread safety is a computer programming concept applicable in the context of multi-threaded programs. A piece of code is thread-safe if it functions correctly during simultaneous execution by multiple threads. In particular, it must satisfy the need for multiple threads to access the same shared data, and the need for a shared piece of data to be accessed by only one thread at any given time.


So take a look at the specs of qr for thread safe


I've tried to find out on the web but no joy yet. I have emailed QuickReport support and will post their reply here. I too have used QuickReport for many years and would prefer to use this with UniGUI if possible.

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