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A question - which i become everytime: WHERE ARE MY FILES STORED IN A WEBAPPLICATION

-> the answer: On the webserver :-)


But if somebody doesnt want to store files on a foreign server?


So i had a idea for THIS SPECIAL SITUATION


On a hosted machin (Amazon or what else) - the UniGui application is running, the database, css files and so on are all on this machin .. a working UniGui-Application called A


In the local network of the customer - a apache webserver will be installed (with a spezial unigui app called B)..

and every upload/download created with A  is in the local network  (1Gigabit network) - no chance for an upload/download from outward (if wanted - set firewall and portforewarding)


So all business - documents are "safe" and the company does not give the files out of the house ..


  • What are you thinking ?
  • How can i do this in case of UniFileUpload / unisession.SendFile ...

Thanx for suggestions




P.S.: i just want to watch over ONE UniGui Application ... i dont want to install the uniGui on a customer-server ... for updates and so on - i prefer one Server for a lot of customers ...


Hello Erich,

To simplify :

1. install a good machine (server 32 Go RAM) in your local network

2. Connect it to internet

3. Susribe a domaine A and affect it to your server IP

BY this way :

- You keep your data safe (in box)

- You made ​​of economies as you dont need VPS.

- You can work in intranet and extranet in realtime.




Best Regards


Hello Abaksoft,

ThanX for your note.


what you are explain is how to install a webserver in customers network... ?

- for this - i have a pre-configurated Apache 2.4 .. copy/past on a other machine and finish ! .. starts with all nessesary things :-)


but i don´t want to install the uniGui-Webapplication on different machines .. i want to handle just one machine - keep it safe, clean and upToDate .. also the UniGui-App: One App to udate, one Database to update .. one Report-Template-folder .. one css

-  i just want two machines in summary: one Beta-machin and one productivity Server


- but the Documents of the customer could be stored on the local Network of the customer:


2 advantages: 

1.) Security and "the feeling - what all documents are InHouse"

2.) minimum of 100MBit Performance of Up/Download in local networks for documents



So i search a way to redirect the UniFileUploader and the Sendfile to a second Server...


Nice greetings


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