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I am using UniGUI version



I am designing an interface with a TuniDBgrid using ADO (DBGO)


In this interface, I will have a couple of fields (like usercode, bankID, etc). These lookup fields, are all integer fields and have a corresponding table with details (e.g. a user table having fields like Usercode, UserName, etc ; and a bank Table having fields like BankID, BankName, etc).


I used a couple of TUniDBlookupCombobox in my interface to lookup those fields and find the list fields that I specify (like Username and Bank Name)  to show the user. This all works when I am editing the record. As soon as I post the data, all the listfields are gone and only the key fields are shown!! 


Can someone please explain how I can sort out this issue?


Thanks heaps.





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