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Message from: "bettersoft"


var iLen, ii, image: integer;



iLen: = UniTreeView1.Items.Count;

for ii: = 1 to iLen do


EmrUniTreeView.Items [ii-1]. ImageIndex: = image;




The TreeView 5 layer nodes, a total of more than 2,000 nodes. All traverse a

node is very slow, to 10 minutes, I just change the node icon. Traversal

methods are no good? In Vcl in quickly.

And traversal, all nodes must be Expanded = True. Otherwise it will error.






Message from: "Farshad Mohajeri"


Tree with 2000 nodes? Seems lots of subnodes are there.


It is better to assign the ImageIndex just after you create the node.

I will test and try to improve the speed.


"bettersoft" wrote in message


> var iLen, ii, image: integer;

> begin

> image:=1;

> iLen: = UniTreeView1.Items.Count;

> for ii: = 1 to iLen do

> begin

> EmrUniTreeView.Items [ii-1]. ImageIndex: = image;

> end;

> end;


> The TreeView 5 layer nodes, a total of more than 2,000 nodes. All traverse

> a node is very slow, to 10 minutes, I just change the node icon. Traversal

> methods are no good? In Vcl in quickly.

> And traversal, all nodes must be Expanded = True. Otherwise it will error.







Message from: "bettersoft"


In the Vcl, delphi own TreeView, TreeView1.item.Count, should be the first

stage the number of nodes. However, the number of nodes

uniTreeview.items.Count all. So a traversal is very troublesome. If I want

to be first-level node traversal, we must traverse all the nodes, and then

look unitreeview.Level = 0 nodes.

If the traversal process, the need to modify the imageindex, very slow, and

the system sometimes error, can all nodes must be expanded = True? but when

expanded = Ture, modify imageindex sometimes error.





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