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Hello People I'm having a problem now I have a form where you can select more than one report to print but when I try to do it the user only can see the last pdf generated, the thing I want to do is open every pdf report in separate tab or windows because the procedure "SendFile" open in the same tab.








This is impossible, otherwise you would be getting 20 new tabs with ADs every time you click any link in internet.

You need to show several buttons/links for each report for user to click. Or create a single report with links inside to the others.


No it is not. That's why you will never have a button "Download all" for several email attachments, they will be packed into a single file at least.


if i understand what do you want to do, you cant not use sendfile.

i think that you can export all reports with diferent names to localcachepath, create  one unitabsheet and one unihtmlframe every pdf, and load it each pdf into each unihtmlframe.




I once managed to get this working with the jQuery multiDownload Plugin:




Different browsers handle multiple downloads differently. From what i remember, Chrome displays a warning that the website is trying to download multiple files, whereas Firefox displays a Save/Open dialog for each file. So it is arguably not the best user experience, but it is basically doable.


Another option you might like to consider is creating a zip file containing all the PDFs to be downloaded, so the browser only has to download one file.


I hope this helps,


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