rullomare Posted February 23, 2015 Posted February 23, 2015 Hi, New Tuniedit with new properties: fieldLabel, labelAlign, labelWidth, minLength, minLengthTex, TriggersButton. Using this component create alignment problems(if use fieldLabel) with the other components between Design Time and Run Time. For the rest seems to work properly. The alignment between the various components must be calibrated manually. I wrote it for long time ago, but i not posted it for the problem described above. modified 25/02/2015 Installation: 1) change your Delphi version. package BMUniTriggersButtonEdit; requires rtl, vcl, UniGUI18; // XE4 , change your delphi version. // XE2 UniGUI16; // XE3 UniGUI17; // XE4 UniGUI18; // XE5 UniGUI19; // XE6 UniGUI20; // XE7 UniGUI21; contains BmUniTriggersButtonEdit in 'BMUniTriggersButtonEdit.pas'; end. 2) Build and Install package. 3) compile and Run Triggersdemo.dpr Enjoy! Salvatore Marullo. 2 Quote
asapltda Posted February 23, 2015 Posted February 23, 2015 Installation: 1) change your Delphi version. package BMUniTriggersButtonEdit; 4) compile and Run Triggersdemo.dpr Enjoy! Salvatore Marullo. Hi mister Marullo, I tried to add this component internally call a form , but failed to add the form to use , generate compilation error , known way to do it?thx Quote
rullomare Posted February 23, 2015 Author Posted February 23, 2015 Hi logisticasoft , sorry, but I do not understand. you can post a sample. Regards Quote
asapltda Posted February 24, 2015 Posted February 24, 2015 Hi Salvatore I wanted to add functionality to this component which allows to call a form , which was a variable Ideally , you could support me to achieve this purpose ?Would serve to it was used in data searches in which you could use a single form for all inquiries.Thanks attention to this request , excuse the English , but write with google translator ----- He querido adicionar una funcionalidad a este componente el cual permita llamar una forma, la cual seria ideal fuera una variable, podrias darme soporte para lograr este proposito? Serviria para que se usara en busquedas de datos en el cual se pudiera usar una forma unica para todas las consultas. gracias la atencion a la presente solicitud, disculpa el ingles, pero escribo con traductor de google Quote
asapltda Posted February 24, 2015 Posted February 24, 2015 Hi Salvatore, Good work. hola bresler mi correo es seria bueno conversar sobre programacion con delphi Quote
rullomare Posted February 24, 2015 Author Posted February 24, 2015 Hi logisticasoft, let's see if I understand. you want to create dynamically (at run time) the component? Regards Quote
Laskdou Posted February 24, 2015 Posted February 24, 2015 Fine, but there is a remark. If there is no text in ToolTip, there is a marriage Quote
rullomare Posted February 24, 2015 Author Posted February 24, 2015 Hi ma4balaka, we try to avoid the marriage. Tomorrow we'll post the fix. regards Quote
rullomare Posted February 25, 2015 Author Posted February 25, 2015 Hi ma4balaka, I posted a new version: 1) download the new version 2) Build package. 3) compile and Run Your program . Reagrds Quote
Laskdou Posted February 25, 2015 Posted February 25, 2015 Hi ma4balaka, I posted a new version Thank you, everything works fine Quote
Bresler Posted February 25, 2015 Posted February 25, 2015 Hi Salvatore, (if I understood) logisticasoft wants to make a new functionality to the component, which would creating a new form at runtime (using the trigger event I guess). He is requesting your help. Tonight I will try something (if Elizabeth wants ). I´m not sure. Best regards my friend Quote
rullomare Posted February 26, 2015 Author Posted February 26, 2015 Hi Maikel, Thanks ! greetings Salvatore Quote
asapltda Posted February 28, 2015 Posted February 28, 2015 Hi Salvatore, (if I understood) logisticasoft wants to make a new functionality to the component, which would creating a new form at runtime (using the trigger event I guess). He is requesting your help. Tonight I will try something (if Elizabeth wants ). I´m not sure. Best regards my friend Hi, thanks for your support Is it correct their interpretation, the idea is that this component has some additional attributes (Table On request, Campos to Deploy, conditions) and can call another form (Seria Fabulous that a variable is used), when you fire the the trigger even. This way I only use a standard form would require to perform all basic tables and queries to update the value of the contents of the edit In delphi use this component, is functional, require improvements but as an example could help ********* unit MUEDIT; {MODIFICACIONES 20010101 -- INCIAL 20130630 -- SE AGREGA ATRIBUTO PGMCONSULTA PARA MANEJAR CONSULTA ESPECIALIZADA EN PANTALLAS MAS PEQUENAS 20140927 -- SE AGREGA PGMASOCIADO } interface uses WINDOWS, Messages, SysUtils, Classes, Controls , Dialogs,StdCtrls,Graphics,forms,dbclient,Provider ,Db, SDCommon, SDEngine ; type TMUEDIT = class(TEDIT) private Fvalide :boolean; FAceptaNulos :boolean; FUseUSRDFT :boolean; //20130308 FExisteMst :boolean; Ftexto :string; FField :string; FfieldsShow :string; FOrderBy :string; // ORDENADO POR 20080515 Fvalor :string; Finteger :integer; //20121204 FFloat :Double; //20121204 FDate :TDate; //20121204 Ftime :TTime; //20121204 FString :String; Ftable :string; // TABLA QUE SE USA PARA VALIDAR LOS DATOS Fkey1 :string; Fkey2 :string; FWHERE :string; FGET_DEFAULT :string; // 20110415 FPGM_VALIDACION:string; // 20111206 FPGM_VALIDACIONOK:Boolean ; // 20131022 Fmensaje :string; Fnumerico :Boolean ; // SI EL CAMPO ES NUMERICO PERMITE SOLO VALORES NUMERICOS Fdecimales :Integer; FtituloConsulta:string; FPGMCONSULTA :string; // 20130630 FPGMASOCIADO :string; //20140924 W_SQL :string; FDATASET : TDATASET; FQuery1 :TSDQuery; FClientDataSet1 :TClientDataSet; FDataSetProvider1:TDataSetProvider; procedure armar_sql; protected procedure doenter; override; procedure DOExit ; override; procedure DblClick ; override; procedure Click ; override; procedure consulte; procedure KeyPress(var Key: Char); override; procedure KeyUp(var Key: Word; Shift: TShiftState) ; override; public constructor create(Aowner:tcomponent);override; function Execute: Boolean; published property A_Valide :boolean read fvalide write fvalide ; property A_AceptaNulos :boolean read FAceptaNulos write FAceptaNulos ; property A_UseDefaultUser :Boolean read fUseUSRDFT write fUseUSRDFT ; //20130308 property A_Valor :string read fvalor write fvalor ; property A_TablaValidacion :string read Ftable write Ftable ; property A_CampoValidacion :string read fkey1 write fkey1 ; property A_WHERE :string read FWHERE write FWHERE ; property A_Campo :string read FField write FField ; property A_FieldsShow :string read FFieldsShow write FFieldsShow ; property A_FOrderBy :string read FOrderBy write FOrderBy ; property A_Texto :string read FTexto write FTexto ; property A_key2 :string read fkey2 write fkey2 ; property A_Mensaje :string read Fmensaje write Fmensaje ; property A_Numerico :boolean read Fnumerico write Fnumerico ; property A_Decimales :integer read FDecimales write FDecimales ; property A_tituloConsulta :string read FtituloConsulta write FtituloConsulta ; property A_GET_DEFAULT :string read FGET_DEFAULT write FGET_DEFAULT; property A_PGM_VALIDACION :string read FPGM_VALIDACION write FPGM_VALIDACION; // 20111206 property A_PGM_VALIDACIONOK :Boolean read FPGM_VALIDACIONOK write FPGM_VALIDACIONOK; // 20131022 property A_PGMCONSULTA :string read FPGMCONSULTA write FPGMCONSULTA; //20130630 property A_PGMASOCIADO :string read FPGMASOCIADO write FPGMASOCIADO; //20130630 // property A_SQL_WHERE :string read FWHERE write FWHERE ; property A_FClientDataSet1 :TClientDataSet read FClientDataSet1 ; property A_Existe_Maestro :boolean read FExisteMst write FExisteMst ; procedure A_FindMaster ; procedure FindMasterData; procedure A_VALIDAR_DATO() ; //20090110 procedure A_PGM_VALIDACION_EXE(); //20131022 end; procedure Register; implementation uses Global, MUConsulta, TABLAS, TABLASSYS ; procedure Register; begin RegisterComponents('MULTINET', [TMUEDIT]); end; function TMUEDIT.Execute: Boolean; VAR W_EXISTE:BOOLEAN; begin // ARMAR SQL W_SQL:= 'SELECT * FROM ' + Ftable + ' WHERE ' + Trim(Fkey1) + '=' + QuotedStr(text); armar_sql; W_EXISTE:= D.GET_DATOS_GRL(W_SQL,FClientDataSet1); FdataSet:= FClientDataSet1; result:= W_EXISTE; //2013-03-09 end; Constructor TMUEDIT.Create(Aowner:Tcomponent); Begin inherited create(Aowner); fvalide := true; FAceptaNulos:=False; fUseUSRDFT :=True; //20130308 fNumerico :=False; fdecimales := -1; text :=''; FWHERE :=''; charcase :=ecuppercase; ShowHint :=True; // IF (Ftable = 'RESMST') and (FField='RECURSO') then // 20140328 prueba // MaxLength := 20; Hint:= 'Consultar F4 / F6 PgmAsoc/Doble Click '; Hint := hint + 'F2,F6'; Fmensaje:= '<-Dato Reportado No Existe'; FClientDataSet1 :=TClientDataSet.Create(Self); // *********** CAMBIOS IF fvalide = true THEN begin FQuery1 :=TSDQuery.Create(Self); FQuery1.DatabaseName := 'd'; FDataSetProvider1:=TDataSetProvider.Create(Self); FDataSetProvider1.Options := [poAllowCommandText] ; FDataSetProvider1.DataSet := FQuery1 ; FClientDataSet1 :=TClientDataSet.Create(Self); FClientDataSet1.SetProvider(FDataSetProvider1); // FClientDataSet1.ProviderName := 'FDataSetProvider1'; FClientDataSet1.PacketRecords :=-1; END; End; procedure TMUEDIT.DoEnter; var w_flddefault:string; begin IF (Ftable = 'RESMST') and (FField='RECURSO') then // 20140328 prueba MaxLength := 20; inherited; if fUseUSRDFT=True then //20130308 w_flddefault := fkey1; color := g_ColorOnEnter; SelectAll; // SI REQUIERE USAR DEFAULT DEBE VENIR EL PARAMETRO EN BLANCO IF trim(TEXT)= '' Then begin //text:= D.GET_USRDFT(NAME); text:= D.GET_USRDFT(w_flddefault); end; end; procedure TMUEDIT.Click; begin inherited; end; procedure TMUEDIT.DblClick; begin inherited; consulte; A_FindMaster; // 2008-08-03 end; // VERIFICA SI REQUIERE CAMPOS NUMERICOS procedure TMUEDIT.KeyPress(var Key: Char); begin if Key = #27 then begin end; if Fnumerico = True then begin // backspace, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 - , , . cr, esc if (Key in [#8, #48, #49, #50, #51 ,#52, #53, #54, #55, #56, #57, #45, #44, #46, #13, #27 ] ) = False then //else begin key := #0; //null MessageBeep(0); end end; end; procedure TMUEDIT.KeyUp(var Key: Word; Shift: TShiftState) ; begin inherited; IF KEY= VK_F4 Then begin consulte; exit; end; IF (KEY= VK_F6) AND (FPGMASOCIADO > '') Then begin DSYS.EJECUTAR_PROGRAMA(FPGMASOCIADO, 'M') ; exit; end; IF KEY= VK_F5 Then begin end; end; // **************************************************************************** procedure TMUEDIT.DoExit; var // I : INTEGER; w_existe:boolean; begin inherited; // NO ACEPTA MOVER DATOS EN SALIR CAMPO DEBE SER POSTERIOR //StringReplace(MaskEdit1.Text, ‘.’, ”, [rfReplaceAll]); //StringReplace('1,250.25', '.', '', [rfReplaceAll]); A_FindMaster; // VALIDAR S/N if (fvalide = false) then begin color := clwindow; exit; end; // SI NO REPORTA DATO Y SE REQUIERE VALIDAR DESPLIEGUE SELECCION DE DATOS if (length(text)= 0) or (Copy(text,1,1)=' ') then begin consulte; SETFOCUS; exit; end; // VERIFICA SI EL DATO REPORTADO EXISTEA A_FindMaster; if FExisteMst = false then begin showmessage(TEXT + '<- ' + Fmensaje + ' en tabla:' + A_TablaValidacion ); //20130706 SETFOCUS; exit; end; color := clwindow; exit ; // ARMAR SQL armar_sql; // VALIDAR DATO w_existe:=true; FClientDataSet1.close; FClientDataSet1.SetProvider(FDataSetProvider1); // ????? fclientdataset1.CommandText:= W_SQL; FClientDataSet1.Open; // No existe registro reportado if FClientDataSet1.IsEmpty then begin w_existe:=false; FClientDataSet1.close; showmessage(TEXT + '<- ' + Fmensaje ); SETFOCUS; exit; end; color := clwindow; end; procedure TMUEDIT.armar_sql; begin IF FTABLE > ' ' then begin W_SQL:= 'SELECT * FROM ' + Ftable + ' WHERE ' + Trim(Fkey1) + '=' + QuotedStr(text); IF FWHERE > '' then W_SQL:= W_SQL + 'AND ' + FWHERE; if A_FOrderBy > '' then //20080514 W_SQL:= W_SQL + ' ORDER BY ' + FOrderBy; end; End; // GENERAR DATOS procedure TMUEDIT.consulte; begin // NO TIENE CONSULTA IF FTABLE = '' then exit; FMUCONSULTA:= TFMUCONSULTA.create(SELF); FMUCONSULTA.Caption := 'MUCONSULTA '+ FtituloConsulta; FMUCONSULTA.PANEL_TITULO.Caption := Ftable + ' ' + FtituloConsulta; if FtituloConsulta = '' then FMUCONSULTA.Caption := 'MUCONSULTA Consulta:' + Ftable; FMUCONSULTA.P_TABLE := Ftable; FMUCONSULTA.P_KEY1 := Fkey1; W_SQL:='SELECT * FROM ' + Ftable ; IF FfieldsShow > '' Then W_SQL:='SELECT ' + FfieldsShow + ' FROM ' + Ftable ; IF FWHERE > '' then begin W_SQL:= W_SQL + ' WHERE ' + FWHERE; FMUCONSULTA.P_SQL:= W_SQL; end; FMUCONSULTA.P_SQL:= W_SQL; Global.G_VALOR:= Text; // Valor Existente FMUCONSULTA.ShowModal; if Global.G_VALOR > '' then BEGIN Text:= global.g_VALOR; FindMasterData; end; end; procedure TMUEDIT.FindMasterData; var W_ISEMPTY:Boolean; begin // ARMAR SQL armar_sql; W_ISEMPTY:= D.GET_DATOS_GRL(W_SQL,FClientDataSet1); end; // RETORNA TRUE/FALSE SI EXISTE EL DATO procedure TMUEDIT.A_VALIDAR_DATO ; var W_ISEMPTY:Boolean; begin // ARMAR SQL armar_sql; W_ISEMPTY:= D.GET_DATOS_GRL(W_SQL,FClientDataSet1); end; procedure TMUEDIT.A_PGM_VALIDACION_EXE ; var W_ISEMPTY:Boolean; begin // ARMAR SQL // Fvalide := False ; end; procedure TMUEDIT.A_FindMaster; begin // ARMAR SQL armar_sql; // VALIDAR DATO FExisteMst :=true; if w_sql = '' then Begin FExisteMst:=false; exit; end; FClientDataSet1.close; FClientDataSet1.SetProvider(FDataSetProvider1); // ????? fclientdataset1.CommandText:= W_SQL; try FClientDataSet1.Open; if FClientDataSet1.IsEmpty then begin // No existe registro reportado FExisteMst:=false; end; except on E: Exception do begin //20140504 showmessage(e.Message ); //20140504 FExisteMst:=false; FClientDataSet1.close; end; end; end; end. Quote
asapltda Posted February 28, 2015 Posted February 28, 2015 Hi Salvatore, (Hola Bresler estas en Cuba, hablas español, mi skype es logisticasoft Saludes y Gracias) (if I understood) logisticasoft wants to make a new functionality to the component, which would creating a new form at runtime (using the trigger event I guess). He is requesting your help. Tonight I will try something (if Elizabeth wants ). I´m not sure. Best regards my friend Quote
herculanojs Posted April 7, 2016 Posted April 7, 2016 I can not make the component work when I create it at runtime. This only occurs with creation at runtime, does anyone have any ideas? If you also add some TriggersButtons at runtime, there is an ajax error Unexpected token, O62=new Ext.form.field.Trigger({id:"O62_id",cls:"",emptyText:"",fieldLabel:"",labelPad:5,labelAlign:"top",labelSeparator:"",labelStyle:"white-space:nowrap; font-family: Tahoma; font-weight:normal; color : rgb(0 ,0 ,0); padding-bottom:5px;",labelWidth:5,width:250,minLength:0,maxLength:0,trigger1Cls:"x-form-Search-trigger",itemId1:"myteste",onTrigger1Click:function() { var Button = this.itemId1; ajaxRequest(MainForm.,"Triggerclick",["Buttons="+Button]);},name:"O62",enableKeyEvents:true,tabIndex:12,width:250,x:408,y:344});O62.nm="O62";_cdo_("O62_C",O62,null,MainForm);O8.add(O62);O13.tabIndex=13;O13.addToTab(130);O17.tabIndex=14;O17.addToTab(140);O1B.tabIndex=15;O1B.addToTab(150);O1F.tabIndex=16;O1F.addToTab(160);O27.tabIndex=17;O27.addToTab(170);O2B.tabIndex=18;O2B.addToTab(180);O2F.tabIndex=19;O2F.addToTab(190);O33.tabIndex=20;O33.addToTab(200);O37.tabIndex=21;O37.addToTab(210);O47.tabIndex=22;O47.addToTab(220);O4B.tabIndex=23;O4B.addToTab(230);O62.addToTab(120); Quote
TuanHoang Posted September 21, 2017 Posted September 21, 2017 How to build on Delphi Tokyo 10.2 Thank you very much Quote
TuanHoang Posted September 29, 2017 Posted September 29, 2017 Hello If I use it in ContainerPanel or UniHiddenPanel, trigger event not fire. Here is log on web browser console Uncaught ReferenceError: GeneralContainerPanel is not defined at j.onTrigger1Click (eval at AjaxSuccess (ext-unicommon-min.js:8), <anonymous>:1:18307) at j.onTriggerWrapClick (trigger.js:460) at HTMLTableElement.eval (eval at cacheableFunctionFactory (ext-all.js:18), <anonymous>:6:13) at HTMLTableElement.n (ext-all.js:18) Uncaught ReferenceError: UniHiddenPanel1 is not defined at j.onTrigger1Click (eval at AjaxSuccess (ext-unicommon-min.js:8), <anonymous>:1:11337) at j.onTriggerWrapClick (trigger.js:460) at HTMLTableElement.eval (eval at cacheableFunctionFactory (ext-all.js:18), <anonymous>:6:13) at HTMLTableElement.n (ext-all.js:18) Quote
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