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  • 11 months later...

Nice app. Thank you for sharing.


BTW, you can also use a TUniLoginForm .

When I add a TUniLoginForm to my mobile project, the Login form does not get displayed.  Is there anything else I need to set to activate the login form for a mobile web app?



When I add a TUniLoginForm to my mobile project, the Login form does not get displayed.  Is there anything else I need to set to activate the login form for a mobile web app?


My mistake...I was adding in the Desktop version of a LoginForm to my mobile project, not the mobile version.

  • 2 months later...

Can not find the following files!

[dcc32 Fatal Error] uniGUI17Core.dpk(30): E2225 Never-build package 'rtl' must be recompiled
[dcc32 Fatal Error] mMsoftEdit.dpk(37): E2202 Required package 'uniGUI17Core' not found
  • 1 year later...
  • 6 months later...

Can not find the following files!


[dcc32 Fatal Error] uniGUI17Core.dpk(30): E2225 Never-build package 'rtl' must be recompiled

[dcc32 Fatal Error] mMsoftEdit.dpk(37): E2202 Required package 'uniGUI17Core' not found


Mohammad, I downloaded your code as I wanted to check out your components.


It will not compile with Tokyo 10.2 ?




rtl must be recompiled.


I changed all *17* references to *25* references.


It now says 'Cannot compile - unimNumberEdit missing' ?


I changed unimNumberEdit to unimEdit, uniDBEdit


It now compiles - please advise if my changes are acceptable.


ALSO I have asked for help elsewhere re Mobile Calendar (UniGUI Mobile does not have one ?) and I even supplied touch code from my research - would you be kind enough to help me make this happen ?


Mohammad, With your config.itemTpl, How can I read a float value (say hours.minutes) and paint field {1} accordingly as 1="01:00 am", 14.30 = "02:30 pm" etc. ?


                '<td style="padding-top:4px;padding-left:10px;" width="16px">'+
                 '<image src="images/list/clock.png" height="16" width="16"/></td>'+
                '<td style="font-size:15px;padding-top:3px;padding-left:8px;color:#535454;">{1}</td>'+
config.itemTpl= new Ext.XTemplate(
      displayDate: function(values) {
            return Ext.Date.format(values[3],'d-m-Y');                    

Not tested :-)


In harmony with the new layout, how can I make the ">" (<img src="images/list/file5.png" style="position:absolute;right:15px;top:55px;"/>) emulate a DiscloseButton Click ?


Mohammed, I am having trouble with the TUnimDBListGrid Refreshing (I change the data and issue a refresh but old data still shows), can you please advise - Thanks.


procedure TCalendarmForm.MyDateChangeValue(Sender: TObject);
  if ByPassFlag = True then Exit;
  DateTimeToString(DateStr, 'yyyy-mm-dd', MyDate.Date);
  BookingDateStr:= '(BookingDate = DATE '+Chr(39)+DateStr+Chr(39)+')';
  UniMainModule.tblCart.Filter:= BookingDateStr;
  UniMainModule.tblCart.Filtered:= True;
If I leave the form (via grid row Disclose Button) and then return via new form's Close Button - the new data shows up ?
I tried UniSession.Synchronize; after Refresh but it makes no difference.
Please advise.
  • 1 year later...

I can't install on version 1513

[dcc32 Fatal Error] uniGUI17m.dpk (29): E2225 Never build package 'rtl' must be recompiled
[dcc32 Fatal Error] mMsoftList.dpk (37): E2202 Required package 'uniGUI17m' not found

  • 6 months later...
On 3/27/2018 at 2:15 PM, mhmda said:

config.itemTpl= new Ext.XTemplate(
      displayDate: function(values) {
            return Ext.Date.format(values[3],'d-m-Y');                    

Not tested :-)

please, and how add button with click?

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