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Report Builder x Local Host x Server ! Help please !!!

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Good afternoon John! All right?
Could you give me any tips?
This attached report gives no error in host, but when I run the server, it simply the message "The server is not available.". Fails to ask or subsidiaries or enter dates to run the report.
Other reports are giving the same problem, but the other registration screens and queries are running smoothly on the local host and server.
Shows no error or anything that would indicate a failure and I am more than 30 days trying everything.
I've changed the parameters for SesseionTimeOut 6000000 and AjaxTimeout 600000, or put another number "0" in these fields to increase their time, but simply takes longer to give the error.
I do not know if I have to change any other parameter ...?
Thank you,
Fernando Mattos.







Hi Farshad ! 


The log file is not created and it only shows the message "O servidor não está disponível no momento" (translating=The server is currently unavailable).


I use Delphi XE4 + MySQL and fmsoft_unigui_extjs_0.94.0.1020_setup with Report Builder 18.


I'm thinking of rewriting the reports with Fast Report, what do you think about ?


Thanks a lot.



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