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How to unset config property

For Example 

procedure TMyContainer.LoadCompleted;






But in generated  code  a see

O35=new Ext.MyContainer({width:undefined,width:200});


Where in my component I write JsCode('width:undefined');

Thank you




Why do you want to do something like that ?? you can't "unset" property, even if there is no with the browser will use its' default value for width.


**** Our main Problem as developers is: ****


We all (or most of us) came from windows programming background and we expect web programming same as windows and here we get ourselves into problems that we can't solve, so I suggest you (myself first) to refer to basic web programming (client/server), html (post,get,update,delte...), css styling, js and so on.

unigui can't resolve any problem that related to understanding how web app is working and we try to do something without even knowing the consequences of this.



Anyway this is a CSS property and when changing width/height... you can override extjs main class, or just create a new class and set any thing you want, for example if you want to change a label/container/panel... width you may use this code:


1. At servermodule-->customcss:

 width: 100px !important;//you have to use the !important otherwise it wont work
 width: 50% !important;//other way to use width

2. in label or any component-->extevents-->added (event):

function added(sender, container, pos, eOpts)
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