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There is a CellClick and DblClick event but it's not same as RowSelection, Cellclick needs a Column to work and DblClick is not how a selection made. when a user select a Row we should be able to catch it.






Sure you can use this action for some purpose but you will not know if it's a human based selection or a db locate function etc. I just try to make controls much more useful.



Sorry if I misunderstood the question..

There is also an event RowSelect


Sorry temporarily, I can not attach a file...


(UniDBGrid1 -> ClientEvents -> ExtEvents -> [Ext.selection.RowModel [rowModel]]) rowModel.select

function rowModel.select(sender, record, index, eOpts)

Best regards.



Sorry if I misunderstood the question..


There is also an event RowSelect


Sorry temporarily, I can not attach a file...


(UniDBGrid1 -> ClientEvents -> ExtEvents -> [Ext.selection.RowModel [rowModel]]) rowModel.select

function rowModel.select(sender, record, index, eOpts)

Best regards.


Thanks, but this is not a Question. It's a feature request. I know there is a client-side event and i can easily simulate this behavior with ajax callback events but if there is an event on control, we don't need to do extra coding. Like, we use to write a jscript code to use ClearButton, but now it's a property.



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