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After the user appends a record i do a OnBeforePost check to see if all fields are filled.


I use this code (like in all my Delphi projects) :


if length(dmPortal.Gast.FieldbyName('LastName').asString) =0 then begin


   MessageDlg('You have to fill the LASTNAME, mtInformation, [mbOK], MessageComponentFocus';





Then the MEssageComponentFocus:


Procedure TdmPortal.MessageComponentFocus(Sender: TComponnt; Res: Integer);


   if sSenderComponent='uniDBEdit_LastName' then begin







For some reason the append will be canceld...which my not be done by the

ABORT. This code works in Delphi application and should also work
in uniGui.


Sugguestions/tips please...i use latest version/build (0.97.1077)


Regards Peter




The database which is connected to the DB fields is also connected to

the dbgrid and should not be problem (compared to a Win32 application)


How looks you code Farshad...because the abort may not canceld

the append...it just has to 'abort' the action...this is normal behavior ?


I use the same principle as with win32 apps...and i know not all may

compaire...but i don't give a : dmPortal.Gast.CANCEL command

so...till then the append must be 'alive'


The abort is also cancelling the append what you normally do with dmPortal.gast.CANCEL

(like the above sample)

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