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Dear, I consult them, I need to make my application unigui, talk to another remote php application, what should I do? I understand using a webservice / XML / JSON, another. 
I will appreciate your support and feedback as could do this task.



I am put TUNIURLFrame open were path  localhost:8080/sub?a=1 - weher me lissen another server like apache with php and lissen answers on ServerModule in new event OnHttpRequest(Reuest, Response). Possible in the future author do vis event in context current thread and DataModule.

I am already asked him about. Now in vois event no context of curren Datamodule.

Estimated Zilav, if I could show you a basic example would greatly appreciate it, since I have not much knowledge (I learn) to understand what you send me 
Thank you



no moe file uniExtUtils.pas now function GetEventUrl(

 in UniGUIJSUtils


How to send ajax to tuniurl frame wich i am not understand because no such

htmlframe..ExtControl is invalid!?


  MyDataUrl := GetEventUrl(unihtmlframe.ExtControl, 'MyData');
  UniSession.SendResponse(MyDataUrl, False);


How to send ajax to TUNIURLFRAME if it pointed on   url:='http://myadr:8080?blabla' ???

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Dear, I consult them, I need to make my application unigui, talk to another remote php application, what should I do? I understand using a webservice / XML / JSON, another. 
I will appreciate your support and feedback as could do this task.



It is a very broad topic. You must describe your project in detail.

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