KingOrmon Posted March 26, 2014 Posted March 26, 2014 Hello, I would like to load DFM files at runtime, for allows me modify uniforms without recompile. I am trying to load without succes via this function: procedure LoadComponentFromFile(Component: TComponent; const FileName: TFileName); var FileStream : TFileStream; MemStream : TMemoryStream; i: Integer; begin MemStream := nil; if not Assigned(Component) then raise Exception.Create('Component is not assigned'); if FileExists(FileName) then begin FileStream := TFileStream.Create(FileName,fmOpenRead); try for i := Component.ComponentCount - 1 downto 0 do begin if Component.Components[i] is TControl then TControl(Component.Components[i]).Parent := nil; Component.Components[i].Free; end; MemStream := TMemoryStream.Create; ObjectTextToBinary(FileStream, MemStream); MemStream.Position := 0; MemStream.ReadComponent(Component); Application.InsertComponent(Component); finally MemStream.Free; FileStream.Free; end; end; end; Quote
Sherzod Posted March 27, 2014 Posted March 27, 2014 Hi KingOrmon. can will help (you may have already have looked these links...) Quote
Luis German Posted March 20, 2023 Posted March 20, 2023 Hi: Following the links and writing a similar scenery on unigui, I got an Access violation message error when readcomponent function is called. I Attached the code, a text with saved form, and a picture where the function is called. Thanks for your help.- Luis. forma1.txt Quote
Luis German Posted March 20, 2023 Posted March 20, 2023 Please let me know if there is any suggest about it. Quote
izotope Posted June 29, 2023 Posted June 29, 2023 On 3/20/2023 at 3:21 AM, Luis German said: Hi: Following the links and writing a similar scenery on unigui, I got an Access violation message error when readcomponent function is called. I Attached the code, a text with saved form, and a picture where the function is called. Thanks for your help.- Luis. Basico.zipUnavailable forma1.txtUnavailable Your samples is unavailable. Please retry upload files again. Quote
Luciano França Posted June 29, 2023 Posted June 29, 2023 I did it in a different way I created a form changer I'm still going to adapt it to Unigui but I believe it's simple see the code below Procedure P_ObjListaLayoutCtrl(FormSelf: TForm_HostBase; SalvarLer: String; ListObjetos: TStrings; DiminuirScala: Boolean = True; Modified: Boolean = False); Var I: Integer; Var aHeightScala, aWidthScala: Double; Var Linha, aNameComp, aNameForm, aPropComp, aValorComp: String; Var aComp: TControl; Var ctx: TRttiContext; Var Prop: TRttiProperty; Var varPropInfo: PPropInfo; Function F_AnchorsToString(Tipo: TAnchorKind): String; Begin Result := 'False'; if akLeft = Tipo Then Begin if akLeft in aComp.Anchors Then Result := 'True' Else Result := 'False'; End; if akTop = Tipo Then Begin if akTop in aComp.Anchors Then Result := 'True' Else Result := 'False'; End; if akRight = Tipo Then Begin if akRight in aComp.Anchors Then Result := 'True' Else Result := 'False'; End; if akBottom = Tipo Then Begin if akBottom in aComp.Anchors Then Result := 'True' Else Result := 'False'; End; End; begin // Button1:Width=150 Try if SalvarLer = 'L' then Begin if Trim(ListObjetos.Text) = EmptyStr then Exit; For I := 0 To ListObjetos.Count - 1 do Begin Linha := ListObjetos.Strings[I]; if (Pos('[', Linha) > 0) And (Pos(']', Linha) > 0) then Begin aNameForm := Copy(Linha, 2, Pos(']', Linha) - 2); Break; End; End; if aNameForm <> FormSelf.ClassName Then Begin ShowDialog(FormSelf, 'Esse Arquivo de DFM "' + aNameForm + '" Não corresponde a esse Form "' + FormSelf.ClassName + '"'); Exit; End; For I := 0 To ListObjetos.Count - 1 do Begin Linha := ListObjetos.Strings[I]; aNameComp := Copy(Linha, 1, Pos(':', Linha) - 1); aPropComp := Copy(Linha, Pos(':', Linha) + 1, (Pos('=', Linha)) - Pos(':', Linha) - 1); aValorComp := Copy(Linha, Pos('=', Linha) + 1, 999); if Trim(aNameComp) <> EmptyStr then Begin aComp := TControl(FormSelf.FindComponent(aNameComp)); if Not Assigned(aComp) Then continue; if Modified Then Begin aComp.Tag := -3377; continue; End; if aPropComp = 'Align' Then aComp.Align := TAlign(StrtointDef(aValorComp, 0)); if aPropComp = 'Parent' Then Begin if (aValorComp = FormSelf.Name) Or (aValorComp = F_ClassNameForm(FormSelf)) then aComp.Parent := FormSelf Else aComp.Parent := {$IFDEF VCL} TWinControl {$ELSE} TUniControl {$ENDIF}(FormSelf.FindComponent(aValorComp)); if Not Assigned(aComp.Parent) Then aComp.Parent := F_GetPanelParentNil(FormSelf); End; if aPropComp = 'Left' Then aComp.Left := StrToInt(aValorComp); if aPropComp = 'Top' Then aComp.Top := StrToInt(aValorComp); if aPropComp = 'Height' Then aComp.Height := StrToInt(aValorComp); if aPropComp = 'Width' Then aComp.Width := StrToInt(aValorComp); if aComp is {$IFDEF VCL} TWinControl {$ELSE} TUniControl {$ENDIF} Then Begin if aPropComp = 'TabOrder' Then {$IFDEF VCL} TWinControl {$ELSE} TUniControl {$ENDIF}(aComp).TabOrder := StrtointDef(aValorComp, 0); if (aPropComp = 'TabStop') And (Trim(aValorComp) <> EmptyStr) Then Begin if aValorComp = 'True' Then {$IFDEF VCL} TWinControl {$ELSE} TUniControl {$ENDIF}(aComp).TabStop := True Else {$IFDEF VCL} TWinControl {$ELSE} TUniControl {$ENDIF}(aComp).TabStop := False; End; End; if (aPropComp = 'akLeft') And (Trim(aValorComp) <> EmptyStr) Then Begin if aValorComp = 'True' Then aComp.Anchors := aComp.Anchors + [akLeft] Else aComp.Anchors := aComp.Anchors - [akLeft]; End; if (aPropComp = 'akTop') And (Trim(aValorComp) <> EmptyStr) Then Begin if aValorComp = 'True' Then aComp.Anchors := aComp.Anchors + [akTop] Else aComp.Anchors := aComp.Anchors - [akTop]; End; if (aPropComp = 'akRight') And (Trim(aValorComp) <> EmptyStr) Then Begin if aValorComp = 'True' Then aComp.Anchors := aComp.Anchors + [akRight] Else aComp.Anchors := aComp.Anchors - [akRight]; End; if (aPropComp = 'akBottom') And (Trim(aValorComp) <> EmptyStr) Then Begin if aValorComp = 'True' Then aComp.Anchors := aComp.Anchors + [akBottom] Else aComp.Anchors := aComp.Anchors - [akBottom]; End; if (aPropComp = 'Caption') And (Trim(aValorComp) <> EmptyStr) Then Begin if aComp is TButton then TButton(aComp).Caption := aValorComp; if aComp is TLabel then TLabel(aComp).Caption := aValorComp; End; if aPropComp = 'PageIndex' Then Begin if (aComp is TTabSheet) And (StrtointDef(aValorComp, -1) > -1) then if (TPageControl(TTabSheet(aComp).Parent).PageCount - 1) >= (StrtointDef(aValorComp, 0)) Then TTabSheet(aComp).PageIndex := StrtointDef(aValorComp, 0); End; End; End; End; if SalvarLer = 'S' then Begin if FormSelf is TForm_HostDae then Begin {$IFDEF VCL} aHeightScala := TForm_HostDae(FormSelf).LfResizerVcl.HeightScala; aWidthScala := TForm_HostDae(FormSelf).LfResizerVcl.WidthScala; {$ELSE} {$ENDIF} End Else Begin aHeightScala := 1; aWidthScala := 1; End; ListObjetos.Clear; ListObjetos.Add('[' + FormSelf.ClassName + ']'); For I := 0 To FormSelf.ComponentCount - 1 do Begin if (FormSelf.Components[I] is TControl) And (TControl(FormSelf.Components[I]).Tag = -3377) then Begin aComp := {$IFDEF VCL} TWinControl {$ELSE} TUniControl {$ENDIF}(FormSelf.Components[I]); if Not Assigned(aComp) Then continue; if Assigned(aComp.Parent) Then ListObjetos.Add(aComp.Name + ':Parent=' + aComp.Parent.Name) Else ListObjetos.Add(aComp.Name + ':Parent=Nil'); if Assigned(aComp.Parent) Then Begin Prop := ctx.GetType(aComp.ClassType).GetProperty('Caption'); if (Assigned(Prop)) and (Prop.Visibility in [mvPublic, mvPublished]) then ListObjetos.Add(aComp.Name + ':Caption=' + Prop.GetValue(aComp).Asstring); End; ListObjetos.Add(aComp.Name + ':Align=' + IntToStr(Integer(aComp.Align))); ListObjetos.Add(aComp.Name + ':Left=' + Floattostr(F_GetTamOriginal(aComp.Left, aWidthScala, DiminuirScala))); ListObjetos.Add(aComp.Name + ':Top=' + Floattostr(F_GetTamOriginal(aComp.Top, aHeightScala, DiminuirScala))); ListObjetos.Add(aComp.Name + ':Height=' + Floattostr(F_GetTamOriginal(aComp.Height, aHeightScala, DiminuirScala))); ListObjetos.Add(aComp.Name + ':Width=' + Floattostr(F_GetTamOriginal(aComp.Width, aWidthScala, DiminuirScala))); ListObjetos.Add(aComp.Name + ':akLeft=' + F_AnchorsToString(akLeft)); ListObjetos.Add(aComp.Name + ':akTop=' + F_AnchorsToString(akTop)); ListObjetos.Add(aComp.Name + ':akRight=' + F_AnchorsToString(akRight)); ListObjetos.Add(aComp.Name + ':akBottom=' + F_AnchorsToString(akBottom)); if aComp is {$IFDEF VCL} TWinControl {$ELSE} TUniControl {$ENDIF} Then Begin ListObjetos.Add(aComp.Name + ':TabOrder=' + IntToStr({$IFDEF VCL} TWinControl {$ELSE} TUniControl {$ENDIF}(aComp).TabOrder)); if {$IFDEF VCL} TWinControl {$ELSE} TUniControl {$ENDIF}(aComp).TabStop Then ListObjetos.Add(aComp.Name + ':TabStop=True') Else ListObjetos.Add(aComp.Name + ':TabStop=False'); End; if aComp is TTabSheet Then ListObjetos.Add(aComp.Name + ':PageIndex=' + IntToStr(TTabSheet(aComp).PageIndex)); End; End; End; except on E: Exception do begin P_LogException(E); // Mudo end; end; End; Unit_LayoutControl.pas Unit_LayoutControl.dfm Quote
Luis German Posted June 29, 2023 Posted June 29, 2023 Hi Luciano: May you send an example project using these files? Thanks Luis. Quote
Luis German Posted June 29, 2023 Posted June 29, 2023 I attach the files again. Regards Luis. Quote
Luciano França Posted June 29, 2023 Posted June 29, 2023 3 hours ago, Luis German said: Hi Luciano: May you send an example project using these files? Thanks Luis. This code works in VCL and currently I'm porting this code to Unigui Once it's working I'll post a full demo for you 1 Quote
Luciano França Posted July 31, 2023 Posted July 31, 2023 On 7/5/2023 at 5:05 PM, asapltda said: +1 Guys sorry for the delay Very correct the migration from 500,000 to unigui is not easy no time to create a Demo. I'll explain better procedure TForm_CadastroTipoProduto.FormCreate(Sender: TObject); begin F_LayoutControl(Self, 'L'); end; procedure TForm_CadastroTipoProduto.FormClose(Sender: TObject; var Action: TCloseAction); begin F_LayoutControl(Self, 'S'); end; another reason for the delay is that it is still not working 100% in this way attached version 100% unigui Note these forms are the VCL standard as my system is Hybrid I transform from VCL to Unigui in the compilation, so colleagues will have to make the necessary changes. Unit_LayoutControl.pas Unit_LayoutControl.dfm VCL_UniGUI.Inc Funcoes.pas Quote
Dm_Ufa Posted July 31, 2023 Posted July 31, 2023 Hello! i use two functions: function LoadDFM(p :TComponent; dfm :TStringList) :string; var MemoryStream, FileStream :TMemoryStream; begin MemoryStream := TMemoryStream.Create(); FileStream := TMemoryStream.Create(); dfm.SaveToStream(FileStream); FileStream.Position := 0; ObjectTextToResource(FileStream, MemoryStream); MemoryStream.Position := 0; MemoryStream.ReadComponentRes(p); MemoryStream.Destroy(); FileStream.Destroy(); Result := p.Name; end; function SaveDFM(p :TComponent) :TStringList; var MemoryStream, FileStream :TMemoryStream; begin MemoryStream := TMemoryStream.Create; FileStream := TMemoryStream.Create; MemoryStream.WriteComponentRes('aaa', p); MemoryStream.Position := 0; ObjectResourceToText(MemoryStream, FileStream); FileStream.Position := 0; Result := TStringList.Create; Result.LoadFromStream(FileStream); MemoryStream.Destroy; FileStream.Destroy; end; Quote
风吹小机机 Posted August 1, 2023 Posted August 1, 2023 1 Quote
Luciano França Posted August 3, 2023 Posted August 3, 2023 On 8/1/2023 at 12:50 AM, 风吹小机机 said: 2.73 MB · 0 downloads Please make videos in English, it's much better to understand than Chinese. Grateful. Quote
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