eelias Posted January 15, 2014 Posted January 15, 2014 This is been a big problem for me. Unigui 0.93 I have tried may different ways and I dont know what to do anymore. I have an infraestructure that is hard to share a test case. I wonder if someone could point what is the problem. This component is a kind of button, but based on the TUniImage. I have 2 images, one black other white. According with the background color on my theme (not extjs theme) it calculates the highcontrast color and select the proper image to display. I have tried to use ONE TUniImage and load the PNG property, from black or white when needed. BUT IT DOES NOT WORK in webmode. It causes an exception of 'nnn' file extension not recognized. So I decided to use TUniPanel as the inherited class and create 2 TUniImages. One black and other white. THen I turn visible the one that I need. I have tried so many things that code is looking weird. However it ALWAYS work on VCL mode. In the WEB mode only the white picture shows up. The other one does not work. Above is the complete code of this component. It relies in other components and classes, but everything works, the only problem is when the TUniImage with the black image needs to show up. unit NaharWebFlatButton; interface uses Nahar.Theme, NaharWebFrame, NaharWebThemeController, Vcl.ExtCtrls, Vcl.StdCtrls, pngimage, System.SysUtils, System.Classes, Vcl.Controls, uniGUIBaseClasses, PngFunctions, uniGUIClasses, uniImage, UniPanel, Vcl.Graphics, UniGuiTypes, uniLabel; type TNaharWebFlatButton = class(TUniPanel) private FThemeColor : TNaharPalleteColor; FCaption: string; FPictureBlack: TPicture; FPictureWhite: TPicture; FShowCaption: boolean; FOnClick: TNotifyEvent; FThemeFont: TNaharPalleteFont; procedure OnObserver(Sender: TObject; AParam, AValue: Variant); procedure UpdateColor; procedure SetThemeColor(const Value: TNaharPalleteColor); function GetThemeManager: TNaharThemeManager; procedure SetCaption(const Value: string); procedure SetShowCaption(const Value: boolean); procedure OnPictureClick(Sender: TObject); procedure SetOnClick(const Value: TNotifyEvent); procedure SetPictureBlack(const Value: TPicture); procedure SetPictureWhite(const Value: TPicture); procedure SetThemeFont(const Value: TNaharPalleteFont); protected FThemeController: TNaharThemeController; FImageWhite: TUniImage; FImageBlack: TUniImage; FLabel: TUnilabel; procedure Loaded; override; public constructor Create(AOwner: TComponent); override; destructor Destroy; override; property ThemeManager: TNaharThemeManager read GetThemeManager; published property ThemeColor: TNaharPalleteColor read FThemeColor write SetThemeColor default npcMainColor; property ThemeFont: TNaharPalleteFont read FThemeFont write SetThemeFont default npfBody; property PictureWhite: TPicture read FPictureWhite write SetPictureWhite; property PictureBlack: TPicture read FPictureBlack write SetPictureBlack; property Caption: string read FCaption write SetCaption; property ShowCaption: boolean read FShowCaption write SetShowCaption; property Width default 25; property Height default 25; property OnClick: TNotifyEvent read FOnClick write SetOnClick; end; procedure Register; implementation procedure Register; begin RegisterComponents('NaharWeb Standard', [TNaharWebFlatButton]); end; { TNaharWebFlatButton } constructor TNaharWebFlatButton.Create(AOwner: TComponent); begin inherited; FPictureBlack := TPicture.Create; FPictureWhite := TPicture.Create; Width := 25; Height := 25; BorderStyle := ubsNone; FImageWhite := TUniImage.Create(self); FImageWhite.Parent := self; FImageWhite.Align := alNone; FImageWhite.Center := true; FImageWhite.Proportional := true; FImageWhite.Transparent := true; FImageWhite.Stretch := true; FImageWhite.OnClick := OnPictureClick; FImageWhite.Tag := -1; FImageBlack := TUniImage.Create(self); FImageBlack.Parent := self; FImageBlack.Align := alNone; FImageBlack.Center := true; FImageBlack.Proportional := true; FImageBlack.Transparent := true; FImageBlack.Stretch := true; FImageBlack.OnClick := OnPictureClick; FImageBlack.Tag := -1; FLabel := TUniLabel.Create(Self); FLabel.Parent := Self; FLabel.Visible := false; FLabel.Align := alBottom; FLabel.Alignment := taCenter; FLabel.Text := ''; Caption := ''; // FImage.Picture.RegisterFileFormat('nnn', '', TPngImage); FThemeColor := npcMainColor; FThemeFont := npfBody; FThemeController := LocateThemeController(AOwner); ThemeManager.AddObserver(OnObserver); UpdateColor; end; destructor TNaharWebFlatButton.Destroy; begin ThemeManager.RemoveObserver(OnObserver); FPictureBlack.Free; FPictureWhite.Free; FImageWhite.Free; FImageBlack.Free; FLabel.Free; inherited; end; function TNaharWebFlatButton.GetThemeManager: TNaharThemeManager; begin if Assigned(FThemeController) then result := FThemeController.ThemeManager else result := NaharThemeManager; end; procedure TNaharWebFlatButton.Loaded; begin inherited; if not PictureBlack.Graphic.Empty then FImageBlack.Picture.Assign(PictureBlack); if not PictureWhite.Graphic.Empty then FImageWhite.Picture.Assign(PictureWhite); UpdateColor; end; procedure TNaharWebFlatButton.OnObserver(Sender: TObject; AParam, AValue: Variant); begin if AParam = 'currentpalletechanged' then UpdateColor; end; procedure TNaharWebFlatButton.OnPictureClick(Sender: TObject); begin if Assigned(FOnClick) then FOnClick(Self); end; procedure TNaharWebFlatButton.SetCaption(const Value: string); begin FCaption := Value; UpdateColor; end; procedure TNaharWebFlatButton.SetOnClick(const Value: TNotifyEvent); begin FOnClick := Value; end; procedure TNaharWebFlatButton.SetPictureBlack(const Value: TPicture); begin if Assigned(Value) then begin FPictureBlack.Assign(Value); FImageBlack.Picture.Assign(PictureBlack); end; UpdateColor; end; procedure TNaharWebFlatButton.SetPictureWhite(const Value: TPicture); begin if Assigned(Value) then begin FPictureWhite.Assign(Value); FImageWhite.Picture.Assign(PictureWhite); end; UpdateColor; end; procedure TNaharWebFlatButton.SetShowCaption(const Value: boolean); begin FShowCaption := Value; UpdateColor; end; procedure TNaharWebFlatButton.SetThemeColor(const Value: TNaharPalleteColor); begin FThemeColor := Value; UpdateColor; end; procedure TNaharWebFlatButton.SetThemeFont(const Value: TNaharPalleteFont); begin FThemeFont := Value; UpdateColor; end; procedure TNaharWebFlatButton.UpdateColor; var HCColor : TColor; begin if ShowCaption then begin FLabel.Visible := true; FLabel.Align := alBottom; FLabel.Text := FCaption; FLabel.Alignment := taCenter; FLabel.Font.Size := Self.Font.Size; FLabel.Font.Name := Self.Font.Name; FLabel.Font.Style := Self.Font.Style; FLabel.Font.Color := Self.Font.Color; end else begin FLabel.Visible := false; FLabel.Text := ''; FLabel.Align := alNone; end; if (FThemeColor = npcNone) or (FThemeColor = npcUnknown) then HCColor := ThemeManager.CurrentPallete.HighContrastColor(Color) else HCColor := ThemeManager.CurrentPallete.HighContrast(FThemeColor); if HCColor = clWhite then begin FImageWhite.Align := alClient; FImageWhite.Visible := true; FImageWhite.BringToFront; FImageBlack.Align := alNone; FImageBlack.Visible := false; end; if HCColor = clBlack then begin FImageWhite.Align := alNone; FImageWhite.Visible := false; FImageBlack.Visible := true; FImageBlack.Align := alClient; FImageBlack.BringToFront; end; if (FThemeColor = npcNone) or (FThemeColor = npcUnknown) then exit; Color := ThemeManager.CurrentPallete.Color[FThemeColor]; Font.Color := ThemeManager.CurrentPallete.HighContrast(FThemeColor); Font.Name := ThemeManager.CurrentPallete.Font[FThemeFont].FontName; Font.Size := ThemeManager.CurrentPallete.Font[FThemeFont].Size; if ShowCaption then begin FLabel.Font.Name := Self.Font.Name; FLabel.Font.Color := Self.Font.Color; FLabel.Font.Size := Self.Font.Size; end; end; end. Please, if someone could point me what is the problem, why only one show up. Eduardo Quote
Administrators Farshad Mohajeri Posted January 15, 2014 Administrators Posted January 15, 2014 I don't have time to review your code but at first glance I can say that it is not compatible with uniGUI. ThemeManager.AddObserver(OnObserver); ThemeManager will not work in web mode. ThemeManager is not Thread safe. FImageWhite.BringToFront; BringToFront in web mode is not same as VCL! I think you are trying to achieve a simple visual affect by writing very complex code. Web programming needs to think simple and code in a simple way. Keep in mind that webmode is very different than VCL and calling Windows API functions has no meaning in web mode. Quote
eelias Posted January 15, 2014 Author Posted January 15, 2014 I don't have time to review your code but at first glance I can say that it is not compatible with uniGUI. ThemeManager.AddObserver(OnObserver); ThemeManager will not work in web mode. ThemeManager is not Thread safe. FImageWhite.BringToFront; BringToFront in web mode is not same as VCL! I think you are trying to achieve a simple visual affect by writing very complex code. Web programming needs to think simple and code in a simple way. Keep in mind that webmode is very different than VCL and calling Windows API functions has no meaning in web mode. Thanks on replying, "Keep in mind that webmode is very different than VCL and calling Windows API functions has no meaning in web mode." I am aware of that. And I understand the overall concept, that you use VCL components as an adapter to extpascal. However I can only experiment with no documentation. ThemeManager is a class (actually a component) of my infraestructure. It gives me the colors, font sizes etc. that my components based on UniGui uses to apply these properties. It is thread safe and besides the name there is no correlation with any other delphi or 3rd party vendor. It copies from the current theme the color, font, size, etc. Then all the panels, labels, buttons, etc, follow the same style. It is not the same as the ExTJS where themes are not only colors but rendering. THis is not the problem. The problem is that I have 2 TUniImage components that are created on the fly on tha TUniPanel. One shows up, other doesnt. The both TUniImage are of the same size. I use alignment to client. Then it follows the same size of the TUniPanel. It is a compound component. I used bringtofront and many other things trying to make one TUniImage disappear and the other shows up. I am trying to switch between then. If the background is black I need the TUniImage with the white image. And vice versa. All that logic works for me. However I dont know how to make the UniGUI understand that I need to switch between the TUniImages. Could you tell me how? Eduardo Quote
eelias Posted January 16, 2014 Author Posted January 16, 2014 I don't have time to review your code but at first glance I can say that it is not compatible with uniGUI. ThemeManager.AddObserver(OnObserver); ThemeManager will not work in web mode. ThemeManager is not Thread safe. FImageWhite.BringToFront; BringToFront in web mode is not same as VCL! I think you are trying to achieve a simple visual affect by writing very complex code. Web programming needs to think simple and code in a simple way. Keep in mind that webmode is very different than VCL and calling Windows API functions has no meaning in web mode. Farshad, After hundreds of tests I could find a potential problem on uniGUI. My component (above) is fully working. I have instead loaded a BLACK image, used something else. It it worked. The problem is that somehow BLACK images are not showing up. I have tried gray image and it shows, but difficult to see. I have tried every possible combination, with our without transparency, etc. It seems the problem is when I assign the PNG. HOWEVER if I open the Load Image dialog box, for my PictureBlack property, I see the black image is there, as a PNG image. Then I click COPY, CLEAR and PASTE. Since this dialog only copies to clipboard as BITMAP, it transformed my image to bitmap. Then it WORKS ! But this is not nice. Why is TUniImage accepting only images that are no black? THe image file is not corrupt, since in VCL mode it shows up on design time. The framework is set to work with PNG images. I am loaging a lot of other images to TUniImages. It only does not work if you use UniImage.Graphich.Assign(sourceimage) Any Ideas? Eduardo Quote
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