eelias Posted December 26, 2013 Posted December 26, 2013 Hi there. I am doing some components on delphi Xe2 descendant from UniGui ones. I have created a compound one that is inherited from TUniPanel and it has one TUniImage and TUniLabel that is created and have the TUniPanel as owner and parent. I am trying with it to create a windows 8 button (that round images with a label below) My component have 2 Picture properties, of type TPicture, one for the white image of the button and other for the black one. I have an attribute that permit switch between the 2 images, that I use the following code: if HCColor = clWhite then FImage.Picture.Assign(PictureWhite); if HCColor = clBlack then FImage.Picture.Assign(PictureBlack); Where the FImage is the TUniImage that was created when this component gets created. There are 2 problems: 1 - On design time I can change the property from white to black and vice versa and it does change the image correctly as expected. However the first time the image never shows up. I have made all kind of change and debug and simply the first time never works. 2 - When using on webmode the Image does appear corretly at first time, but if I try to change it it give me the message: EInvalidGraphic "Unknown picture file extension (.nnn)" I am assigning correctly, and the image is there. It is the same that worked on design mode. I see that the Picture is created as a file on the cache, but for some reason it is not getting loaded. I am using PNG image and the server application is set to use PNG image. I have made many components derived from the UniGUI ones, and all working correctly. THe only problem is this change of image. This is the complete component, there are some specific stuff that my classes, but it is the same that is working from other components the only difference on this one is that I am assigning an Image that INSIDE the component, the images are already there: unit NaharWebFlatButton; interface uses Nahar.Theme, NaharWebFrame, NaharWebThemeController, Vcl.ExtCtrls, Vcl.StdCtrls, System.SysUtils, System.Classes, Vcl.Controls, uniGUIBaseClasses, PngFunctions, uniGUIClasses, uniImage, UniPanel, Vcl.Graphics, UniGuiTypes, uniLabel; type TNaharWebFlatButton = class(TUniPanel) private FThemeColor : TNaharPalleteColor; FCaption: string; FPictureBlack: TPicture; FPictureWhite: TPicture; FShowCaption: boolean; FOnClick: TNotifyEvent; procedure OnObserver(Sender: TObject; AParam, AValue: Variant); procedure UpdateColor; procedure SetThemeColor(const Value: TNaharPalleteColor); function GetThemeManager: TNaharThemeManager; procedure SetCaption(const Value: string); procedure SetShowCaption(const Value: boolean); procedure OnPictureClick(Sender: TObject); procedure SetOnClick(const Value: TNotifyEvent); procedure SetPictureBlack(const Value: TPicture); procedure SetPictureWhite(const Value: TPicture); protected FThemeController: TNaharThemeController; FImage: TUniImage; FLabel: TUnilabel; public constructor Create(AOwner: TComponent); override; destructor Destroy; override; property ThemeManager: TNaharThemeManager read GetThemeManager; published property ThemeColor: TNaharPalleteColor read FThemeColor write SetThemeColor default npcMainColor; property PictureWhite: TPicture read FPictureWhite write SetPictureWhite; property PictureBlack: TPicture read FPictureBlack write SetPictureBlack; property Caption: string read FCaption write SetCaption; property ShowCaption: boolean read FShowCaption write SetShowCaption; property Width default 25; property Height default 25; property OnClick: TNotifyEvent read FOnClick write SetOnClick; end; procedure Register; implementation procedure Register; begin RegisterComponents('NaharWeb Standard', [TNaharWebFlatButton]); end; { TNaharWebFlatButton } constructor TNaharWebFlatButton.Create(AOwner: TComponent); begin inherited; FPictureBlack := TPicture.Create; FPictureWhite := TPicture.Create; Width := 25; Height := 25; BorderStyle := ubsNone; FImage := TUniImage.Create(self); FImage.Parent := self; FImage.Align := alClient; FImage.Center := true; FImage.Proportional := true; FImage.Transparent := true; FImage.Stretch := true; FImage.OnClick := OnPictureClick; FLabel := TUniLabel.Create(Self); FLabel.Parent := Self; FLabel.Align := alBottom; FLabel.Alignment := taCenter; FLabel.Visible := false; FLabel.Text := ''; Caption := ''; FThemeColor := npcMainColor; FThemeController := LocateThemeController(AOwner); ThemeManager.AddObserver(OnObserver); UpdateColor; end; destructor TNaharWebFlatButton.Destroy; begin ThemeManager.RemoveObserver(OnObserver); FPictureBlack.Free; FPictureWhite.Free; FImage.Free; FLabel.Free; inherited; end; function TNaharWebFlatButton.GetThemeManager: TNaharThemeManager; begin if Assigned(FThemeController) then result := FThemeController.ThemeManager else result := NaharThemeManager; end; procedure TNaharWebFlatButton.OnObserver(Sender: TObject; AParam, AValue: Variant); begin if AParam = 'currentpalletechanged' then UpdateColor; end; procedure TNaharWebFlatButton.OnPictureClick(Sender: TObject); begin if Assigned(FOnClick) then FOnClick(Self); end; procedure TNaharWebFlatButton.SetCaption(const Value: string); begin FCaption := Value; UpdateColor; end; procedure TNaharWebFlatButton.SetOnClick(const Value: TNotifyEvent); begin FOnClick := Value; end; procedure TNaharWebFlatButton.SetPictureBlack(const Value: TPicture); begin if Assigned(Value) then FPictureBlack.Assign(Value); UpdateColor; end; procedure TNaharWebFlatButton.SetPictureWhite(const Value: TPicture); begin if Assigned(Value) then FPictureWhite.Assign(Value); UpdateColor; end; procedure TNaharWebFlatButton.SetShowCaption(const Value: boolean); begin FShowCaption := Value; UpdateColor; end; procedure TNaharWebFlatButton.SetThemeColor(const Value: TNaharPalleteColor); begin FThemeColor := Value; UpdateColor; end; procedure TNaharWebFlatButton.UpdateColor; var HCColor : TColor; begin if ShowCaption then begin FLabel.Visible := true; FLabel.Align := alBottom; FLabel.Text := FCaption; FLabel.Alignment := taCenter; FLabel.Font.Size := Self.Font.Size; FLabel.Font.Name := Self.Font.Name; FLabel.Font.Style := Self.Font.Style; FLabel.Font.Color := Self.Font.Color; end else begin FLabel.Visible := false; FLabel.Text := ''; FLabel.Align := alNone; FImage.Align := alClient; end; if (FThemeColor = npcNone) or (FThemeColor = npcUnknown) then HCColor := ThemeManager.CurrentPallete.HighContrastColor(Color) else HCColor := ThemeManager.CurrentPallete.HighContrast(FThemeColor); if HCColor = clWhite then FImage.Picture.Assign(PictureWhite); if HCColor = clBlack then FImage.Picture.Assign(PictureBlack); if (FThemeColor = npcNone) or (FThemeColor = npcUnknown) then exit; Color := ThemeManager.CurrentPallete.Color[FThemeColor]; Font.Color := ThemeManager.CurrentPallete.HighContrast(FThemeColor); Font.Name := ThemeManager.CurrentPallete.BodyFont; if ShowCaption then begin FLabel.Font.Name := Self.Font.Name; FLabel.Font.Color := Self.Font.Color; end; end; end. Any Clue? Thank you 1 Quote
eelias Posted December 27, 2013 Author Posted December 27, 2013 It seems that when setting the image on TPicture UniGUI saves it as a file and pass that to the Image on the ExtJS framework. However for some reason, it is creating that cached image file, with extension .nnn but is having a bad time on attibuting it. Farshad, you are the only one that I believe could give me an idea why setting the TPicture it is not getting changed and I get this error. I have used the same PNG files for other things, I have TUniImage all over the place when I can set at runtime the image just fine. This is the only place with problem, is there any context problem? I am trying to define a PNG image, is it going to use the settings of servermodule for that? I have no other idea on correct this problem. Please! 1 Quote
eelias Posted December 29, 2013 Author Posted December 29, 2013 I am still getting this problem; I dont know what else can be done to fix it. Farshad can you give a help on this? Eduardo Quote
eelias Posted December 30, 2013 Author Posted December 30, 2013 I cannot resolve this issue, there is something on the Picture.Assign that is going wrong with UniGUI. I am looking for help, this is related to something internally. Anyone with experience on this? Quote
araujoadanr Posted March 17, 2017 Posted March 17, 2017 Quote
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