iyarar Posted December 24, 2013 Posted December 24, 2013 Hi, I am using the following code to export data to excel. But this code is working in vcl and standalone server mode, does not work in isapi mode. I need the code to work in ISAPI mode. Do you have any idea for help me ? var Excel, wSheet: Variant; i,j:integer; s,Fl:string; Begin If Myq_Report.RecordCount>0 Then Begin try Excel:= CreateOleObject('Excel.Application'); except Exit; end; Excel.Visible := False; Excel.Workbooks.Add; wSheet:= Excel.WorkBooks[1].WorkSheets[1]; wSheet.Cells[2,1] := 'Company'; wSheet.Cells[2,1].Columns.ColumnWidth:=20; wSheet.Cells[2,2] := 'Date'; wSheet.Cells[2,2].Columns.ColumnWidth:=10; wSheet.Cells[2,3] := 'Time'; wSheet.Cells[2,3].Columns.ColumnWidth:=5; wSheet.Cells[1,1]:='SERVICE LIST'; wSheet.Rows[1].RowHeight := 20; wSheet.Rows[1].Font.Size := 14; wSheet.Rows[1].Font.Color:=ClWhite; wSheet.Range['A1:R1'].Mergecells:=True; wSheet.Range['A1:R1'].Interior.ColorIndex:=16; wSheet.Range['A1:R1'].HorizontalAlignment := -4108; wSheet.Range['A1:R1'].VerticalAlignment := -4108; Fl:='servicelist_'+FormatDateTime('YYMMDDhhmmnnss',now)+'.xls'; wSheet.SaveAs(UniServerModule.LocalCachePath+Fl); s := UniServerModule.LocalCacheURL; s := StringReplace(s,'\','/',[rfReplaceAll]); UniURLFrame1.URL := s+fl; Excel.quit; End; End; Quote
Hayri ASLAN Posted December 24, 2013 Posted December 24, 2013 Dear İdris, please change UniServerModule.LocalCachePath to UniServerModule.StartPath or you can use that s:= UniServerModule.LocalCachePath; s := StringReplace(s,'\','/',[rfReplaceAll]); UniSession.SendFile(s+DosyaAdi,DosyaAdi); Quote
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