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The availability of mobile computing requires separate software all time if internet connection.
I wonder if efforts to improve unigui which is very valuable, should be directed to this computation where the user can manage their data and operate your software as disconnected or improving a framwork that today is good enough to create quality applications.


  • 4 weeks later...

uniGUI is server based. It means that the processing of each request on client side go to the server to be processed.


A disconected application is good and necessary, however you have to have the software running locally, and not server based. Even more difficult if you need to work part local and part server.


Using phonegap or other frameworks you can use sencha/extjs to create local applications. Than you preserve the fell and locking of uniGUI for those users that you need to be local only. Then when connected to internet you could jump to uniGUI back again. For the user you will have the same look and feel however you need to do that. I dont think is ever possible for uniGUI doing this.


my 2 cents.




  • 2 months later...


Using phonegap or other frameworks you can use sencha/extjs to create local applications. 


Hi is possible to explain the forum became one UNIGUI  to phonegap application 
Hola Podria explicar como conviritio una aplicacion UNIGUI a phonegap





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