altagur Posted December 10, 2013 Posted December 10, 2013 I need to post files to client. I am not find such event in unigui. I am catch event in procedure TIdCustomHTTPServer.DoCommandGet where TMethod(FOnCommandGet).Data is TUniExtServer How to get current TUniExtSession from TUniExtServer and while such requests localhost:8077/tmp/myfile.jpg?cmd=1&id=2 not translated by TUniExtServer to procedure TIdExtSession.HandleRequest()? Please help me. I need drop file from brauser to desctop in google chrome i altready write javascript and now need catch file request to generate file dinamically from database. For this i need MainDataModule from UniSession in TIdCustomHTTPServer.DoCommandGet or translation localhost:8077/tmp/myfile.jpg?cmd=1&id=2 to TIdExtSession.HandleRequest or event in unigui for user manual params and request handling Please help Quote
altagur Posted December 10, 2013 Author Posted December 10, 2013 for handling requests like localhost:8077?cmd=1&id=12375 define project define GUR if main database module named MainData from file dtHtmlMain In module ExtHTTPServer; in uses after implementation insert uses implementationuses{$IFDEF GUR} UniGUIApplication,dtHtmlMain,{$ENDIF} and change TIdExtSession.HandleRequest( procedure TIdExtSession.HandleRequest(ARequest: TIdHTTPRequestInfo; AResponse: TIdHTTPResponseInfo);(* added *){$WARNINGS OFF}(* added *) function CheckIfFileIsModified(FileName: string): Boolean; const FCompareDateFmt = 'yyyymmddhhnnss'; var FFileDateTime: TDateTime; begin Result := True; if (ARequest.RawHeaders.Values['if-Modified-Since'] <> '') then begin FFileDateTime := FileDateToDateTime(FileAge(FileName)); Result := not SameText(FormatDateTime(FCompareDateFmt, FFileDateTime), FormatDateTime(FCompareDateFmt, StrInternetToDateTime(ARequest.RawHeaders.Values['if-Modified-Since']))); end; end; function TryToServeFile: boolean; var FileName: string; FileDateTime: TDateTime; begin FileName := ExtractFilePath(ParamStr(0)); FileName := StringReplace(FileName, ExtractFileDrive(FileName), '', []); if (Length(ARequest.Document) > 1) and (ARequest.Document[1]in ['/', '\']) then FileName := FileName + Copy(ARequest.Document, 2, MaxInt) else FileName := FileName + ARequest.Document; FileName := ExpandFilename(FileName); if FileExists(FileName) then begin Result := True; if CheckIfFileIsModified(FileName) then begin AResponse.ContentStream := TFileStream.Create(FileName, fmOpenRead or fmShareDenyWrite); AResponse.FreeContentStream := True; AResponse.ContentLength := AResponse.ContentStream.Size; FileDateTime := FileDateToDateTime(FileAge(FileName)); AResponse.LastModified := FileDateTime; AResponse.ContentType := FileType2MimeType(FileName); end else AResponse.ResponseNo := 304; //Not Modified, use cache version end else begin(* added *) AResponse.ResponseNo := 404; //Not found(* added *) Result := false; end; end; function TryToServeDiskFile(FileName: String): boolean; var FileDateTime: TDateTime; begin if FileExists(FileName) then begin Result := True; if CheckIfFileIsModified(FileName) then begin AResponse.ContentStream := TFileStream.Create(FileName, fmOpenRead or fmShareDenyWrite); AResponse.FreeContentStream := True; AResponse.ContentLength := AResponse.ContentStream.Size; FileDateTime := FileDateToDateTime(FileAge(FileName)); AResponse.LastModified := FileDateTime; AResponse.ContentType := FileType2MimeType(FileName); end else AResponse.ResponseNo := 304; //Not Modified, use cache version end else begin(* added *) AResponse.ResponseNo := 404; //Not found(* added *) Result := false; end; end;(* added *){$WARNINGS ON}(* added *)type MethodCall = procedure of object;var PageMethod : TMethod; MethodCode : pointer;{$IFDEF GUR}var AID: variant; ACmd: Integer; AFileName: String;{$ENDIF}begin(* deleted *)//CurrentFCGIThread := Self;(* deleted *)(* added *) SetCurrentFCGIThread(Self);(* added *) FCurrentRequest := ARequest; FCurrentResponse := AResponse;// FCurrentResponse.CacheControl:='no-cache';(* deleted *){ if ARequest.Cookies.GetCookieIndex(0, 'FCGIThread') = -1 then with AResponse.Cookies.Add do begin CookieName := 'FCGIThread'; Value := SessionID; ARequest.Cookies.AddSrcCookie(CookieText); end; AResponse.ContentType := 'text/html'; // this changes charset in D2011 see #0000531}(* deleted *) if Length(ARequest.Params.Values['cmd'])>0 then begin Response := ''; end; Response := ''; FParams.DelimitedText := FCurrentRequest.UnParsedParams; if BeforeHandleRequest then if PathInfo = '' then begin{$IFDEF GUR} if Length(ARequest.Params.Values['cmd'])>0 then begin ACmd := StrToInt(ARequest.Params.Values['cmd']); case ACmd of 0: // file begin AID := StrToFloat(ARequest.Params.Values['id']); if TMainData(TUNIGUISession(Self).UniMainModule).PutToTmpFile(AID, AFileName) then //; if FileExists(FILE_ROOT + ARequestInfo.Document) then begin TryToServeDiskFile(AFileName); //AResponse.ServeFile(AContext, AFileName); end; end; end; end //; else{$ENDIF} Home; end else begin MethodCode := MethodAddress(PathInfo); if MethodCode <> nil then begin PageMethod.Code := MethodCode; PageMethod.Data := Self; try{$IFDEF GUR} if Length(ARequest.Params.Values['cmd'])>0 then begin ACmd := StrToInt(ARequest.Params.Values['cmd']); case ACmd of 0: // file begin AID := StrToFloat(ARequest.Params.Values['id']); if TMainData(TUNIGUISession(Self).UniMainModule).PutToTmpFile(AID, AFileName) then //; if FileExists(FILE_ROOT + ARequestInfo.Document) then begin TryToServeDiskFile(AFileName); //AResponse.ServeFile(AContext, AFileName); end; end; end; end //; else{$ENDIF} MethodCall(PageMethod); // Call published method except on E : Exception do OnError(E, E.Message, PathInfo, FCurrentRequest.UnParsedParams); end; end else begin if not TryToServeFile then OnNotFoundError; end; end; AfterHandleRequest; if not Assigned(AResponse.ContentStream) and (Response <> '') and (AResponse.ResponseNo <> 304) then FCurrentResponse.ContentText := Response;end; In tunihtmlframe you can define startdrag function <script type="text/javascript"> function dragStart(evt){ fID = MyForm.MyLabel.text; files = "application/octet-stream:"+fName+":"+document.location+"?cmd=0&id="+fID; event.dataTransfer.setData("DownloadURL",files); return true;} and register procedure var box = document.getElementById(; box.addEventListener("dragstart", dragStart, false);</script> Its way to dragdrop files from tunidbgrid in browser to desctop Work only in googlechrome. Possible unigui developers included event in MainModule on with done like function TUniguiSession.BeforeHandleRequest : boolean; override; begin if Assigned (MainDataModule.FOnBeforeHanle) then Result := MainDataModule.FOnBeforeHanle(CurrentRequest ,CurrentResponse) else inherited; ) end; Quote
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