erich.wanker Posted October 28, 2013 Posted October 28, 2013 [Webmode] Hello, i am trying to create a selfmade "databaseList" what i have since now works "normal" and fast .. but how should i handle "marked entries" ? i want to "select" a panel with single click .. (change the image which is in the panel) i want to "open" a record with doubleclick (i lose the doubleclick funktion with tests of "select" .. the first click will be stolen for the "select" funktion) not important but nice: i want to navigate with keyboard AND ... my javascript and css knowHow is very bad :-( Thanx for helping Erich ************************************************************************************ i create uniPanels at runtime .. the TAG value of my_uniPanel is the unique recordNr. of the current record while not unimainmodule.ZTabelname.Eof do begin my_uniPanel:=tuniPanel.Create(my_structure); i define Single AND DoubleClick on the panel my_uniPanel.OnDblClick:=my_panel_dbclick .... same for single click i define "hover effects" for the "rows" my_uniPanel.ClientEvents.ExtEvents.Add ('OnAfterrender=function OnAfterrender(sender)'+ ' { sender.setBodyStyle("background-color:#FFFFFF"); }'); my_uniPanel.ClientEvents.ExtEvents.Add ('OnMouseout=function Onmouseout(sender)'+ ' { sender.body.applyStyles("background-color:#FFFFFF"); }'); my_uniPanel.ClientEvents.ExtEvents.Add ('Onmouseover=function Onmouseover(sender)'+ ' {sender.body.applyStyles("background-color:#E8E8E8"); }'); i create a image in every unipanel.. my_uniimage:=TuniImage.Create(my_uniPanel); i create a uniLabel for the text ... my_uniLabel.caption is filled with database values ... my_uniLabel:=TuniLabel.Create(my_uniPanel); my_uniLabel.Parent:=my_uniPanel; i give the uniLables a css class.. my_script:='OnAfterCreate=function OnAfterCreate(sender) '+ '{ '+ ' sender.cls="x-dbtext100-user";'+ '} '; my_uniLabel.ClientEvents.UniEvents.Add(my_script); Quote
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