MarcoRu Posted October 11, 2013 Posted October 11, 2013 Hi all, I'm trying to get all visible columns at runtime (in web mode), but if I try to do it using the property Visible of a column, it doesn't work. If I click on the column title to hide or show a column, as shown in picture attached. the column is hidden, but the property Visible of that colum remain true. How can I retrieve all visible columns at a given time? The code I write is this, but with the property Visible doesn't work: procedure TmailsFrame.getVisibleColumns(var slColumns: TStringList);var iCount: Integer;begin try slColumns.Clear; for iCount := 0 to UniDBGrid1.Columns.Count - 1 do begin if (UniDBGrid1.Columns.Items[iCount].Visible = true) then slColumns.Add(UniDBGrid1.Columns.Items[iCount].Title.Caption); end; except on e: Exception do ShowMessage(e.Message); end;end; Quote
Sherzod Posted October 11, 2013 Posted October 11, 2013 Hi MarcoRu. Try this: uses ... UniGUIApplication ... procedure TMainForm.UniButton1Click(Sender: TObject); begin UniSession.AddJS('var strList = ""; Ext.each('+UniDBGrid1.JSName+'.columns, function(col, index) {if (!col.hidden){if (strList === ""){strList = col.text}{strList = strList + "," + col.text}}}); ajaxRequest ('+UniButton1.JSName+',''getVisibleList'', [''List=''+strList]);'); end; procedure TMainForm.UniButton1AjaxEvent(Sender: TComponent; EventName: string; Params: TStrings); begin if (EventName = 'getVisibleList') Then begin //Params.Values['List'] - Returns a string separated by commas ... ShowMessage(Params.Values['List']); end; end; Sincerely ... Quote
rullomare Posted October 11, 2013 Posted October 11, 2013 Hi, I had the same problem. I do not know if you can help : Sample Code .... Procedure TFXXX.XReadColumnsHidden; Var Xread : String ; begin Xread := 'Xreadvisible' ; unisession.addjs('var cols=new Array(' +inttostr( grid.Columns.Count)+ ');' + 'for (i=0;i<cols.length;i++){'+ 'cols=' + grid.Jsname +'.columns.hidden;}'+ 'var str=cols.toString();' + 'ajaxRequest(' + grid.jsname + ',' + '''' + Xread + '''' + ' , ["ofs="+str])'); end; procedure TFXXX.gridAjaxEvent(Sender: TComponent; EventName: string; Params: TStrings); StrVisible : String ; Ts : Tstrings ; begin if SameText(Eventname,'XreadVisble') then begin StrVisible := Params.Values['ofs']; // Code Sample Ts := Tstringlist.Create ; Ts.Delimiter := ',' ; Ts.DelimitedText := StrVisible ; Code Sample for I := 0 to grid.Columns.count - 1 do begin // Your code .................. end; ; // Code Sample end ; end; regards Quote
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