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is it possible to make a wordwrap in uniDBGrid ?


I think, something like dynamical heigh of a row .. depending on the content of a cell ...


i have 2 fields ..


the first field is a Integer to identivie the right Image ... the image is drawn per:


procedure TUniMainModule.ZQuery3ID_PERSONGetText(Sender: TField;
  var Text: string; DisplayText: Boolean);
text:='<img width=16 height=16 src="'+uniservermodule.FilesFolderURL+'/'+image+'"/>';

the second field is a String with different lenght ..



AND the Grid is very small .. so i prefere a dynamic wordwrap of every row


Thanks for help



I usually use calculated fields...


procedure TUniMainModule.dtFamiliaCalcFields(DataSet: TDataSet);
  dtFamilianombre.AsString := '<p class="x-p-infofam">' + dtFamiliafamilia.AsString + '</p>';

and css...


.x-p-infofam {
word-wrap: break-word;
white-space: pre-line;
padding: 2 5 2 5;}


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  • 7 years later...


I've tried this code, but without success.

In my case the grid shows nothing in the string column (I use the mobile grid version TUnimDBGrid).

I've set "AllowHTML" to true.

What do I wrong?



2 hours ago, likemike said:


I've tried this code, but without success.

In my case the grid shows nothing in the string column (I use the mobile grid version TUnimDBGrid).

I've set "AllowHTML" to true.

What do I wrong?




 try something else:

1. uniDBGrid is render html in column data

2. if you make sql select with adding html then you will get what you want.

like this: 

Add ('Select Name from Mytable '), replace with this : Add ('Select ''<H1>'' + Name + ''</H1>'' from Mytable)

If You want to wordwrap, then just use: Add ('Select Replace (Name,'' '',''</br>'') as wwName from Mytable ');



Thank you for your answer, but this will not work for me, because I want to wrap a long string with a lot of words.

It should be wrapped, when the string reaches the end of the column.

This CSS operator should do this 

word-wrap: break-word;

but it won't work.

1 hour ago, likemike said:

Thank you for your answer, but this will not work for me, because I want to wrap a long string with a lot of words.

It should be wrapped, when the string reaches the end of the column.

This CSS operator should do this 

word-wrap: break-word;

but it won't work.

Did You try like this:

word-wrap: break-word !important;

I use this in my mssql script to manipulate text in column:

SELECT ('<H2 style="color:blue;text-align:center;">'+ Products."Name" + '</H2>' 
        +  CASE 
            WHEN CONVERT (varchar (250)
                , STUFF (
                        (SELECT CHAR (10) + '|||' + REPLACE (ParamName,'-','') + CHAR (10) + ParamValue
                        FROM OderDataArt
                        WHERE OderDataArt."ID_Art"=Products."ID"
                FOR XML Path ('')),1,1,'')) <> ''
            THEN '<h3>' 
                + REPLACE (CONVERT (varchar (250)
                , STUFF (    (SELECT  CHAR (10) + '|||' + REPLACE (ParamName,'-','') + CHAR (10) + ParamValue 
                        FROM OderDataArt
                        WHERE OderDataArt."ID_Art"=Products."ID"
                FOR XML Path ('')),1,1,''))
                + '</h3>'

            ELSE ''
        + '<ul><ul><h3 align="right">Price: '
        + CAST (ROUND (Products."Price",2) as varchar (20))
        + ', ' + lower (Products."Val") + '</h3></ul></ul>'

Maybe You can insert standart css format in column data


The error was made by me. 

Maybe it helps to prevent this for other users:

When you add a new calculated string field in a firebird database the length is set to 20 characters by default. Of course this wasn't enough to save my string + the html commands. So the solution is to set the length to 200 or more characters.

And it's necessary to set the CSS to "important" (otherwise it won't work):

word-wrap: break-word !important;
  • Like 1
9 hours ago, likemike said:

Of course this wasn't enough to save my string + the html commands. So the solution is to set the length to 200 or more characters.

just for information: In my example i use html manipulation in SQL query and not needed extend in database field.


1 hour ago, irigsoft said:

just for information: In my example i use html manipulation in SQL query and not needed extend in database field.


Yes I know, but firebird SQL isn't that powerful. There are not enough commands available to do what I want in SQL.

49 minutes ago, likemike said:

but firebird SQL isn't that powerful. There are not enough commands available to do what I want in SQL.


If I understand you correctly, then you can also use stored procedures.

1 hour ago, Sherzod said:


If I understand you correctly, then you can also use stored procedures.

This in another option, but the solution with calculated fields fit the best for me, because the database is used in common with other applications. So it's better not to change anything in the stored procedures of the database.

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