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As Example:


How can i do:

MainModule.Query_A.afterScroll - change size and caption of a unipanel which is situated in a frame


Temporary, i have a uniTimer in the Frame. the Timer reads the recordnumber of MainModule.Query_A

if recordnumber is changed - i start my funktions and procedures depending on the new Record


..but this is terrible ;-)


.. i use "InsertFrame-Procedure" of uniGui-MegaDemo to load frames when i need it




... now i use (to communicate with a frame in a frame)


 ((main.MainForm.FCurrentFrame1 as Tframe_vertragsverwaltung).FCurrentFrame1 as tframe_vertraege).my_component_name ...



Could you be more clearly give us an example of how the panel dimensions change depending on the data from the record, maybe we we suggest a better solution.



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