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Anyone ever used Elevate Web Builder ?a good client side development tools.

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well, so many answers to your question, interesting B). So, there are very different concepts between UniGui and EWB. Ok, the great thing is you produce code which is not restricted to Windows Servers. If you look deeper in the concept of EWB there are some serious differencies to UniGui, which imo are negative. Here are only some:


1. It is only "Delphi Style", but you are not programming in the Delphi IDE. You can`t use your favorite report tool, your favorite DB tool, and so on.

2. The same as with UniGui: all the stuff seems to be programmed by a lonely cowboy. And at Elevatesoft the problem is not smaller as FMs problem: Tim is programming his EWB stuff, his DBIsam stuff, his ElevateDB stuff..... well, very much for this ranger. The products are not bad, but development seems to be so slooooooow. And look at the latest support conditions of ElevateSoft - one other thing I am looking for alternatives to one of my favorite DB tools, DBIsam. I think in the long run it was not the best decision of Tim to get payed for every support ticket, and it will cost him customers.


I think UniGui has more potential than EWB. Although waiting for 0.94 or even the first version with source ( :excl: ) is a bit frustrating.


Please correct me if something is wrong.

  • 2 weeks later...

Anyone ever used Elevate Web Builder ?it has delphi-style ide,can generate pure html&javascript&css codes,a good client side development tools.


...if you want to go the road with Intraweb, take a look at http://cgdevtools.com/

very promising, even some ideas and JQuery tools which may be implemented in UniGui B)

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