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i have a question:


Does someone use:

Delphi XE4


Firebird 2.5 SQL Engine

ZEOS 7.1 (for connection to the Database.fdb)

and Reportbuilder



.. i can not print something with this combination ..


If I store a ppDBPipeline and a PPReport on the MainModule - the UniGui-dll is not longer working :-(



OR another question to Delphi XE4 Users:


which kind of: 


Components for connection to the database

and which Reporting tool


does work with Delphi XE4 in combination with UniGui - WEBMODE on a Apache Webserver?




Hello Erich,


we use List & Label but i have also problems,

then i write a service application for printing.


If the user print in webapp we fire a trigger in

Firebird Database and the event alerter in the

printing service gereate the pdf.


So we have seperate the printing process from webapp.


We use this solution live and all is fine.




Hallo Gerhard,


danke :-)


Now i create pdf´s with Reportbuilder in a standard 32bit Delphi application - store this pdf´s in Webserver/htdocs/unigui_isapi/temp folder...



In unigui-isapi:

 ShellExecute(handle,'open', PChar(UniServerModule.TempFolderPath+'\vprint.exe'),nil, nil, sw_show);

 form_print.UniURLFrame1.URL:=UniServerModule.TempFolderURL + '/report.pdf';

Hello Erich, we use List & Label but i have also problems, then i write a service application for printing. If the user print in webapp we fire a trigger in Firebird Database and the event alerter in the printing service gereate the pdf. So we have seperate the printing process from webapp. We use this solution live and all is fine. Gerhard


last time I tried to report with L&L and UniGui was L&L version 15 I think. After some discussion with Combit there was no way to do 32-bit-printing due to windows restrictions with 64-bit-servers.Then I gave up because I did not wanted to do the step to 64 bit with UniGui/L&L. As soon as 0.94 is released, I will continue with L&L and then do the 64-bit-stuff.


Hi chefdackel,


we use List & Label in production, 32 Bit service application on 64 Bit Server,

no problems. I think only ISAPI isn't possible, i don't know that.


But you need a webserver license!


It is List and Label Version 16 what we use.


Hi chefdackel,


we use List & Label in production, 32 Bit service application on 64 Bit Server,

no problems. I think only ISAPI isn't possible, i don't know that.


But you need a webserver license!


It is List and Label Version 16 what we use.


Hi Gerhard,


yes, thats the problem. I wrote something about it here in Oct 2011 (uh! so long ago, thats nearly two years with this UniGui beta stuff :rolleyes:):




I am very sure that I will implement the report and also the db stuff in external servers, apart from the core system. As you did with the report system. At first glance it seems to be more work, but there are some advantages which I don`t want to miss. Just waiting for UniGui 0.94 before starting to program the real world apps.... until now I have the 5-user webserver license, if everything wents ok with L&L it might be I switch to the enterprise license (the yearly costs are heavy). But for porting my desktop apps with all the requirements to the web world in very short time there really are no alternatives which I can handle with my restricted human resources. 


Best Regards


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