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i want to disable the borders of a TuniForm ..


At designtime i set:

borderStyle = bsNone

FormStyle = fsStayOnTop

BorderIcons = []


but i allways get borders ? ...



My target is:


i want to screenmask the Mainform (also a problem for me!)

then i want to show the TuniForm without borders

the tuniForm has a unipanel with align = alClient - thats more pretty :-)



i tryed the idee without a TuniForm - just with a uniPanel, but behind the uniPanel is a unipanel with collapsible= true and the collabsible toolbar is shine through the front unipanel - so i am using the UniForm where the controls behind are not shine through ...














i have no solution for the borderless-TuniForm ...



i found informations, how to hide the borders using extjs directly:


"Just put a Panel in a Window with no frame. Style it using regular methods as you like. Where's the mystery?
Like this, just paste the following code into Firebug and run it.:"

new Ext.Window({
title: 'Form Window',
height: 400, width: 600,
layout: 'fit',
items: {
xtype: 'form',
bodyCssClass: 'x-border-layout-ct',
bodyStyle: {
padding: '5px'
border: false,
items: {
xtype: 'textfield',
fieldLabel: 'A text field'
buttons: [{
text: 'Submit'

Can somehow tell me, how to use this information with delphi/uniGUI ?

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